Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Essay

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Articles - Essay Example This paper illustrates that researchers of all levels wrestle with the problem of developing an appropriate methodology for their studies. A research methodology is not the only critical component of academic development but a robust research practice that gives direction to every research done in any given field of study. To be certain, it is indeed a critical aspect of social sciences, more specifically in business and management that requires specific approaches in order to achieve implementable target objectives. This essay endeavors to analyze and compare the main research methodological approaches, which include quantitative, qualitative and multiple methods, applied in academic journal articles. First, these approaches are going to be discussed with regards to their underlying philosophies and paradigms, explaining their relationship between theory and research in terms of deductive and inductive approaches, focusing on research design and data collection. Secondly, the resear ch will analyze the application of quantitative and qualitative research approaches in academic journal articles, illustrating their main strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Finally, the essay will summarize by pointing out the finding of the entire research undertaken. An important feature of any academic research in itself, mapping out the literature involves articulate analysis of previous studies, subsequently using the same as a basis of pointing the knowledge gap in the given fields of study. Broadly, a literature search is but ‘a systemic process that aims at identifying and collating the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic’. The aim of a literature review, as Lings and Lee indicate, is to show acquaintance with existing work in the given field and provide insights into the work under study. Among other things, an effective literature review critically analyses the materials under study, synthesizes them with respect to relevance, into providi ng the reader with the useful insights.

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