Friday, October 18, 2019

Poetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Poetics - Essay Example While he stresses the importance of action in tragedy, he claims that it is the plot which is the most important thing in the genre. One of the implications of Aristotle's Poetics is that for a tragedy to achieve its full impact, it must employ powerful rhetorical composition. In effect it requires an embellishment of language in order to deliver the intensity of emotion it has beforehand planned on exhibiting to achieve its purpose. Aristotle differentiates between the four kinds of Tragedy according to motive - Complex, Pathetic, Ethical and Simple - categorizing Prometheus Bound as Simple. Attributed to Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound is worthy of imitation by society because of the relevance of its content to Western history and civilization. Literature and history reveal that both Aeschylus and Aristotle highlight the importance of justice in political thinking. This emphasis on justice is undoubtedly evident in Prometheus Bound. Aeschylus' play is a prolonged metaphor epitomizing the complexities in a society, describing the struggle of a common citizen against a restrictive environment. Written circa 430 B.C.E., the Greek tragedy is based on the myth of a titan who was punished by Zeus for conferring to mortals the gift of fire. Bound to a rock by his friend Hephaestus, Prometheus calls on nature to witness his suffering. The Chorus of Oceanid comes down on winged chariots to hear his story and expresses sympathy. Oceanus alights to ask Prometheus to stop provoking the ire of Zeus but Prometheus continues to openly criticize Zeus despite her warning. Such audacity is admirable. In one instance, Hermes threatens Prometheus of a storm that will send him away if he does not reveal the identity of Zeus' son's mother who he predicts to topple Zeus. Despite everyone's advice for him to yield, Prometheus remains firm about keeping the information to himself. An allegory of humanity's conflict with the way of nature, the story emphasizes rebellion against an authority possessing an all-encompassing power and injustice. More than being a depiction of nature and society, it is also tackles agreement and diplomacy. Here, Prometheus is said to possess foresight through which he predicts the overthrow of Zeus by the latter's own son. He makes known to everyone his sacrifice in order to tell the truth about Zeus. He speaks of an offspring who will take away Zeus' throne and will be many times mightier than Zeus himself. His perception of self is that of a hero who is punished for speaking the unspeakable but speaks, nonetheless, what he believes is the truth. Aeschylus presents his character Prometheus as someone who is obsessed with humanity and helping people and society develop. In the play, he teaches mortals agriculture, language, mathematics, raising animals, medicine and even divination. Prometheus is aware of his role and influence in human civilization and thus demonstrates pride, triggering objection from humanity. Aeschylus' creation of Prometheus as a rebel does not happen suddenly but instead, in gradual progression. At first, Prometheus is open to reconciliation with Zeus. This is manifested by his utterance of prophecies that Zeus will set him free and befriend him because of his ability to predict occurrences. However, when Io comes into the picture and Prometheus sees the injustice done to her by Zeus, he becomes more enraged. The sight of Io turns Prometheus into a fearless rebel. Toward the end, Prometheus rema

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