Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advantages of Breastfeeding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Advantages of Breastfeeding - Research Paper Example The World Health Organization, health care unions, and government health organizations confirm the logical confirmation of the obvious advantage of human milk as well as the risks associated with artificial milk products. The WHO along with the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that mothers exclusively breastfeed their newborns al least for the initial six months, and carry on for at least two and a half years. Human milk gives best advantages for babies, together with premature, as well as sick infants. Human milk is only one of its kinds. Advanced nutrients as well as useful substances are present in human milk that cannot be replaced. â€Å"Breastfeeding offers best physical condition, nutritional, immunologic and developmental benefits to newborns as well as protection from postpartum complications and future disease for mothers† (Sears, p. 190). Breast milk is the most comprehensive type of nourishment for newborns. Experts have indicated, â€Å"It has just the exa ct amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein that is needed for a baby's growth and development† (American Academy of Pediatrics, p. 301). Most newborns find it convenient to digest breast milk as compared to formula-feed. As a result, breastfed babies grow precisely the way they are supposed to. They are likely to gain less extra weight and to be leaner. This may result in staying away from being overweight during the teenage years or even after that. Breast milk has antibodies in it to help defend newborns from germs and viruses. Latest researches on this topic revel that children who are not exclusively breastfed for at least six months are more expected to develop a wide range of contagious diseases together with ear infections, diarrhea, and respiratory illnesses (American Academy of Pediatrics, p. 301) and have additional hospitalizations. In addition, babies who are not breastfed have a 19 percent higher post neonatal newborn death rate in the United States. A number of studies imply that babies who are not breastfed have increasing rates of ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ (SIDS) (Newman, p. 320-23) during the initial year of life, and higher rates of â€Å"type 1 and type 2 diabetes, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, overweight and obesity, high cholesterol and asthma† (Newman, p. 323). For children, breastfeeding sustains best growth and defends against severe and chronic sickness. For mothers, breastfeeding assists with improvement from pregnancy as well as from childbirth and gives lifetime health benefits. For society, breastfeeding offers a variety of financial as well as environmental rewards. Breast milk is a remarkable substance that cannot be replaced by some artificial means. Matchless in its composition and function, breast milk has a perfect balance of nutrition that the newborn can digest without difficulty. It changes eventually, and even d the course of a day, to meet the varying requirements of the growing b aby. It has substances vital for best development of the infant’s intellect, with effects on both cognitive as well as visual function. It provides growth factors that ‘join to mature the infant gut’. It gives the newborn with immune factors made to fight allergens as well as diseases particular to the mother’s and newborn’s atmosphere (Hausman, p. 192). Advantages for Children In particular, experts have identified that breastfeeding provides benefits for children no other alternative of feeding can duplicate. The advantages of breastfeeding start from the initial moments following childbirth and last for a number of years once breastfeeding stops. In comparison

Monday, October 28, 2019

Female Drill Sergeant Essay Example for Free

Female Drill Sergeant Essay Drill sergeant (DS) refers to the term that is used in United States military by the army, marine corps and air force. Becoming a drill sergeant can be through volunteering or by selection. The minimum status for attaining this state can only be at the rank of staff sergeant. Once a selected candidate, he/she should attend the Drill Sergeant School where he/she undergoes training on various aspects of the drill sergeant position. The historical start up of drill sergeant was in 1962. This followed a directive by the secretary of the army to his secretary who was Stephen Ailes to prompt a survey conduct of the recruiting process of the army corps. This survey took some long time and included surveys from the Air Force, Marine and the Navy training techniques. Various faults were found in the recruitment process and thus led to the position of the drill sergeant. The basic distinguishing feature for the drill sergeants was their hats. (http://www. jackson. army. mil/DSS/headgear. htm) However, since its inception in 1962, the position was not held by a female until 1972 where female drill sergeants were pronounced recruited and even given different hats than those held by their male counterparts. The design of their hat was done by Mildered C. Bailey who was a brigadier general. Beige was the first female drill sergeant hat though it was later replaced with one of dark green in 1983. Between 1984 and 1985, a proposal was made for an official switch by the female drill sergeants in having the same hat to what was owned by the male drill sergeants. On the same point, a larger group of female drill sergeants who were at TRAining and DOctrine Command (TRADOC) unit leveraged great opposition to the proposal. It was reciprocated by the Army Chief of Staff that the female drill sergeants were to continue in wearing the same female drill sergeant hats that they used to wear. The female drill sergeant started in the late of 1971 when the continental army commandant received an official approval as permission from the army chief of staff to propagate inclusion of females in the drill sergeant state program. Starting in the February of 1972, the program saw promotion of six female non-commissioned officers in the program. They underwent thorough training after which they were given the mandate of their positions as female drill sergeants. In the United States, the female drill sergeant refers to a non-commissioned officer within the armed forces. She has the duty of participating in the initiation of the recruitment process of new recruits who enters the military. In the recruitment process the sergeant is supposed to follow the legal provisions and jurisdictions of the practices and customs of the military forces. The inclusion of the female drill sergeants in the army since 1971 was a significance factor that helped in shaping the nature of the army. Equality was signified after breaking the traditions that ignored females in the position of drill sergeants. (http://www. armystudyguide. com/content/Drill_Sergeant_Resources/drill_sergeant_information/female-campaign-hat. shtml) Like the male drill sergeants, a female drill sergeant is usually held responsible in the behavior, military education and warfare of the army recruits assigned to her. She is therefore supposed to provide full support during the initial period of the training process. They are paused with various responsibilities of ensuring physical training, weapons training and the military discipline. Their service delivery and the protocols to follow while at their service delivery is guided by the drill sergeant creed which they should follow. Generally, this is a guiding formula towards their capacities. The three levels of the army, that is the marine, air force and army have different sets of such a creed though their intention is made to serve and secure almost the same set of guidelines for the female drill sergeants. Conceptually, female drill sergeants at the three levels of the military army are also subject to different duties and different training requirements. Due to the different requirements of these military professional levels the training needs and the roles of the female drill sergeant has been different. However, the general role across the board for all levels for these female drill sergeants has been to monitor the training process of the new recruits and guiding of such training needs. (http://www. wood. army. mil/mncoa/dss/history. htm) Since the provision of female drill sergeants in 1971, the position of female drill sergeants have been legally constituted and especially with the growing demand for army professionals. However, the position has always been competitively bided and requires both physical and academic competencies. The number of the current female drill sergeants has been seen to increasingly expand and giving more opportunity for the female participation in the position. The currently changing social structures and need for human security has endorsed a credited place for the female drill sergeant. The current military environment has even mandated her with supervisory and command powers at her capacity for those she is training. Therefore, historical provision that allowed only male drill sergeants was disregarded in 1971 after visualizing the productive capacity that women could play in the military. Elsewhere, the growing demand of equal employment opportunity was significant for this change. Currently, female drill sergeants continue to enjoy equal opportunities like their male colleagues in their position. Reference History of Drill Sergeant. Retrieved on 25th August 2008 from http://www. wood. army. mil/mncoa/dss/history. htm Female Drill Sergeant Campaign Hat. Retrieved on 25th August 2008 from http://www. armystudyguide. com/content/Drill_Sergeant_Resources/drill_sergeant_information/female-campaign-hat. shtml Drill Sergeant School. Retrieved on 25th August 2008 from http://www. jackson. army. mil/DSS/headgear. htm

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Women Priests Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If one was to take a step back and look at our society as a whole one would see that women’s rights have changed dramatically over the last century. Women are no longer expected to get married, have children, and stay at home to take care of their family. Women have left the home and entered the work force. There have been many laws passed to prevent the discrimination of women and to make sure that they are treated equally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Certainly, one can say that there is still a struggle between the sexes over the organization of modern society. Society has indeed embraced a gender war of sorts through the ages which has culminated in a outcome that declares the male the victor. One example of this is that women are not allowed to be ordained as priests in the Catholic Church.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a child, I attended Catholic schools until high school. I was instructed by mostly nuns. I can remember that when the priest came into the room we would have to stand up as a sign of respect towards our faith. As I got older, I began to think that nuns are part of the religious life but we don’t have to treat them with this same respect. During my catholic education, I was taught that God created us in his image and likeness. If this is true, and as Christians we believe that Christ is the fullest manifestation of God, how can they say that only men image God? Are women incapable of revealing God?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A hundred years ago, women had little standing in the Catholic Church, like in society in general. Women were not allowed to: receive communion during their monthly periods and after giving birth to a child they needed to be purified before re-entering a church building. Women were strictly forbidden to touch sacred items such as the chalice, the paten, or the alter linen. They certainly could not distribute holy communion. While in church, women need to have their heads veiled at all times. Women were also barred from entering the sanctuary except for cleaning purposes, reading Sacred Scripture from the pulpit, preaching, singing in a church choir, being alter servers, becoming full members of confraternities and organizations of the laity, and most importantly women were barred from receiving Holy Orders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In our time today with the new awarenes... were to walk into a Catholic Church this Sunday you would most likely see a women on the alter. However this women would not be weary the fancy vestments standing behind the alter. Women have come a long way, but until a women is able to be ordained as a priest, Catholic Churches will continue to play on gender roles.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although I am not and never will be interested in becoming a priest myself, I feel that excluding women from the priesthood because of their sex is discriminatory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bibliography Bartusch, D., Matsueda, R. â€Å"Gender, reflected appraisals, and labeling a cross-group test of an interactionst theory of delinquency.† Social Forces (1996). Greeley, A. (1984). Angry Catholic Women. Illinois: The Thomas More Press. Ruether, R. (1985). Women-Church, Theology and Practice. New York: Harper & Row Publishers. Sweeney, T. (1992). A Church Divided. NewYork: Prometheus Books. Swidler, L. (1977). Women Priest; A Catholic Commentary on the Vatican Declaration. New York: Paulist Press.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Resources Challenges Essay -- Business Management

Introduction Some of the challenges that organizations' human resource department face are, operations, policies and procedures and selecting highly qualified candidates. Management depends on human resource department to select candidates through recruitment, interviewing and application screening. I will discuss a few methods that human resources departments use to select potential candidates through credit reports and social media. Credit Reports Organizations have been using traditional recruitment methods, placing help wanted ads in newspapers to look for potential candidates. Human resource department application selection process requires candidates to go through an interview, background check and credit investigation. The reason organizations do a credit investigation is to make sure candidates are creditable and trustworthy. By conducting a credit investigation human resource department can compare information on a candidate’s profile to make sure it coincides with information on their credit report. A good credit report would consist of no judgments, bankruptcy; pass due payments or any repossession. Base on the application process, this would be the ideal candidate for the job. Organizations will not hire candidates if their credit report, reported any negative blemishes. Organizations would be afraid if candidates had a lot of blemishes on their report, it would cause issue for the company, especially i f their job required a candidate to handle money transactions. Organizations view candidates as if they were having trouble handling their personal money affairs, they could not be trust to handle the organizations reasonability’s. Human resource department would not hire a highly qualified candidate wit... ...ponsibilities within an organization, the challenges they are face with is recruiting the right candidate for the position. It requires application screening, interviewing, background, and possible credit investigations. However there are many recruitment tools human resource departments can use to recruit candidates, social media, been the most popular. With so many challenges human resources face it is important to make sure they hire highly qualified candidates. Works Cited Fairley, J.. (2010, November). EMPLOYERS FACE CHALLENGES IN SCREENING CANDIDATES. Workforce Management, 89(11), 7. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID: 2188682971). Sheehan, P.. (2010, October). Social recruiting targets job candidates. Long-Term Living, 59(10), 31. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID: 2176149381).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Responsibility of the Teacher in Lifelong Learning Sector Essay

What is the role and responsibility of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector? The roles and responsibilities of a teacher in the field of lifelong learning sector that covers all publicly funded post-16 education outside universities are extremely varied and diverse. When examined closely the diverse roles of a teacher, trainer, assessor or tutor, seem to be associated a multitude/body of expectations. Ideally the teacher should have the ability to combine roles and responsibilities in a way, which firstly benefit the pupil, the education system but also the community and ultimately the state and its economy. Teachers in (LLLS) must provide significant assistance in training people, either after completion of compulsory schooling or as first contact with the education system, and thereby contribute to the national effort to remain competitive in the world economy, and thus maintain indirectly the basis of a welfare state. Professionalism is an important and essential feature of the teacher in the field of lifelong learning. This includes responsibilities for example keeping knowledge up to date, CPD, but also diligence and enthusiasm in one’s work as well as probity. Basically one could say that the teacher of lifelong learning supports the efforts not only of those of with post degree levels but also of people who only have come in contact with basic education, to learn, even in old age, to write, to read, to be able to express themselves, think in a structured manner, with the ultimate aim to involve the individual learners in all aspects of economic and social life. In this way it is possible to integrate diverse social elements and structures. This can include understanding about different needs of the Elderly, ethnically diverse groups, various nationalities or religious identities which until recently lived completely separate. This in turn helps individuals to understand and acknowledge differences and thereby ensure the peaceful coexistence of all these people living in the UK. The teacher of lifelong learning supports the expansion of knowledge, not only of people who are aiming for specialized university education, but also of those aiming to further/advance their general and specialist knowledge. In this context it is important to note that currently more students are in Further Education than at university. One in five adults now is studying in FE, 3/4 of the students are 19 years or older. The teacher lifelong learning contributes to the transformation/â€Å"creation† of students aiming for them to become active citizens. As a result this will expend the number of people who work socially and ethically responsible towards those in authority but also amongst individuals. This contributes to the creation of social cohesion. This process also encourages students to actively participate in community issues and thus engages them critically on a wider base on a national level. The students for lifelong learning, with the help of their teachers, become aware of how to effectively engage in public life, acquire appropriate knowledge, develop specific skills, acquiring values, upon which they can build their lives. It is important that teachers of lifelong learning keep up to date within their professional field through continuing professional development, aiming to evolve and develop their own teaching skills. A teacher’s duties involve a multitude of responsibilities. Amongst others, monitoring and reporting their pupils achievements in order to document student’s progress. The tutor is obliged to treat all students in a fair and equal manner, give the opportunity to all students to participate on an equal footing with equal expectation of success, to try to meet the needs of each student, to remain updated with subject development. Tutors must be well prepared, return the control to work at reasonable times Teachers must be aware of both their professional commitments and their personal limits and boundaries, knowing when and whom to recommend students for further support. There are some significant difference between roles and responsibilities amongst teachers for lifelong learning (after compulsory education) and those working at state or public schools. Particularly in light of recent changes that have taken place in the field of lifelong learning which have led an increase in numbers of students who now study at FE colleges, and access to funding (loans to finance their higher education) and resulting increased demand for professional teachers in schools etc. In conclusion, the role and responsibilities of teachers for lifelong learning are summarized as follows: 1. Teachers must be committed to their students and their learning. 2. The teachers know the subject they teach and how to teach this subject to students. 3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. 4. Teachers think systematically on their practice and learn from experience. 5.The teachers are members of learning communities.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Infamous Professor Ramos Blog

Infamous Generally, monsters are unreal and are made up to exploit the fears of the people, but in the rare cases that they are real is when the terror sets in. Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate did not have eight arms, stand at a height of forty feet, have some sort of superpower or invulnerability like some monsters that we know today. Yet, they were still capable of brutally massacring eleven people including a two-year-old child. At nineteen years old Starkweather would be executed by way of the electric chair, and Fugate would be the youngest person to be tried for first-degree murder at the age of fourteen. Monsters are supposed to be things of myth and legend, things supposed to scare people, but at the end of the day are not real. Unfortunately, real monsters do exist and are often much scarier than those shown on the big screen. The pair’s actions have led to multiple films being based on them like Natural Born Killers (1994), Badlands (1973) and books and even a song. The violence portrayed in these movies, especially Natural Born Killers (1994), has spurred multiple copycat crimes and received heavy criticism at the time of its release. The actions of the duo Starkweather and Fugate would cause repercussions many years later after the fact and in this day and age can still be referred to as monsters. Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate would carry out their killing spree in Lincoln, Nebraska, starting in 1957 all the way to their capture in 1958. Charles came from a poor working-class family both of his parents were hard workers that managed to provide for their family with the basic necessities (Murder Mystery). Often it is equated to a child’s upbringing that causes the inability to conform and function in society, but in this case, Charles had a seemingly normal home life being the third born of seven. In complete contrast of that, Charles was bullied terribly at school, mocked for being bowlegged and considered mentally slow by his peers (Murder Mystery). So, to compensate for that Starkweather would begin to fight just about anyone and develop the mentality that he needed to prove something. Tying into monster theory four, the monster dwells at the gate of difference because he was different from the rest of the kids he was alienated and picked on severely by the kids, effectively creating a monster in the waiting (Cohen 7). On the other hand, Fugate was a typical all-American girl that was introduced to Starkweather by a friend eventually becoming inseparable from the older bad boy Starkweather (Murder Mystery). After meeting it would not be long until Starkweather would then commit his first murder. Starkweather was a time bomb waiting to explode and when he would break is when the chaos would begin. The precipitating cause or tipping point for Starkweather was when he went to buy a gift for Fugate at a local gas station and lacking the funds held up the store at gunpoint and kidnapped the twenty-one-year-old shopkeeper and then executed him a few miles down the road making out clean with almost a hundred dollars. A month later Starkweather would then kill the family of Caril Ann Fugate which include her stepfather, mother, and two-year-old half-sister. Brutally murdering them all by shooting the father multiple times as well as stabbing, then beating down the mother with the back of a rifle and as well as gunshots and the most gruesome of them all, stabbing and beating the two-year-old to death (Murder Mystery). According to Starkweather’s version of the story, Fugate knew and helped dispose of the bodies of her family, whereas in Fugate’s version Starkweather said that her family was being held hostage and needed to comply with him for their release. After spending a week at the house of Fugate, the pair living like newlyweds, they had to move as suspicions began to grow suspicious from the lack of contact from the now deceased family. Starkweather would then escape to an elderly family friends’ home but would shoot the seventy-two-year-old man dead (Kingsbury). After fleeing from the house in search of a car, the two would come across â€Å"another teenage couple, Carol King and Robert Jensen† who would offer them a ride being good people of the 50’s only to be brutally murdered for it (Kingsbury). Another inconsistency arises here as according to Starkweather he only killed Jensen and Fugate murders King, on the contrary, Fugate denies taking part in the killing of either of them (Mayo 339). At this point, the authorities are out in full force and multiple militias are gathering to look for the murderous pair. On the run they almost randomly break into a house and kill three more, a married couple and their maid, shooting the and stabbing all three of them in brutal ways. The last person they would kill would be a traveling salesman after trying to change cars to avoid their pursuers, but this is also what would allow them to be caught. Fugate would run to authorities when held up at the salesmen’s car, and Starkweather would lead authorities on a chase with both of their inevitable arrests. How the press and the authorities would handle the case is what would cause repercussions that can still be seen to this day. Fugate would be interviewed on TV and radio in attempts to sway the public (Pangea). Starkweather would be allowed to dress up and become the James Dean wannabe that he aimed to be. Adding to their infamy was the mass of reporters and townspeople that would come out to see the young pair that had terrorized their city (Murder Mystery). Influencing movies such as Natural Born Killers (1994) in which the pair of killers would be made into celebrities, romanticizing the killers into something grand. This, in turn, would create many other copycat crimes one of the major ones being the shooting at the Columbine High School. The shootings and copycat crimes would then inspire the idea that that violent videogames and movies desensitize the people and create killers. The shooters of Columbine were very big fans of NBK (1994) even citing them in their manual and referencing the videogame DOOM (Block). Which also applies to monster theory that states the monster is a type of desire because all the copycats wanted to be like the killers in the movie Natural Born Killers (1994) which is based on the two young killers Starkweather and Fugate (Cohen). The idolization of killers and the infamy that comes with it can arguably be sourced to the small town of Lincoln, Nebraska, involving the story of a nineteen-year-old boy and his fourteen-year-old girlfriend.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The effect of the two killers Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate would cause repercussions because of not only what they did but because of their infamy that they received from it. Inciting other killers in real life to act because it inspired the thinking that if one was to murder, they would receive infamy and become something bigger than life. While not always the case as there is a multitude of reasons as to why someone may commit murder, the young couple were some of the first to inspire such thinking. In a time where people did not lock their doors, the pair surely gave the community validation to start doing so. Work Cited Block, Jerald D. â€Å"Lessons from Columbine: Virtual and Real Rage.† American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 2007. Boyle, Karen. â€Å"What’s Natural About Killing? Gender, Copycat Violence and Natural Born Killers.† Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 10, no. 3, Nov. 2001, pp. 311–321. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/09589230120086511. Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. â€Å"Monster Culture(Seven Theses).†. Gothic Horror: A Guide for Students and readers (2007):198-217. Kingsbury, Alex. â€Å"Misfits, Lovers, and Murderers.† U.S. News World Report, vol. 143, no. 5, Aug. 2007, pp. 59–60. EBSCOhost, Mayo, Mike. â€Å"Starkweather, Charles.† American Murder, Feb. 2008, pp. 338–341. EBSCOhost, Murder Mystery. â€Å"Born to Kill Charles Starkweather.† YouTube, YouTube, 13 Oct. 2018, PANGEA. â€Å"Charles Starkweather | Great Crimes Trials.† YouTube, YouTube, 27 June 2018, Wischmann , Lesley. â€Å"The Killing Spree That Transfixed a Nation: Charles Starkweather and Caril Fugate, 1958.†, 8 Nov. 2014,

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Achieve Happiness Essay Example

How to Achieve Happiness Essay Example How to Achieve Happiness Essay How to Achieve Happiness Essay There is a saying that states that â€Å"Money doesn’t buy happiness,† and most of the time, the response to that is: â€Å"Yeah right, whatever, keep on dreaming† or â€Å"Yes sure, but you have to admit that it helps when you have some†. Indeed, when we think about money, we either start daydreaming about the projects we will realize once we have it in our hands or we end up having nightmares about what we will be losing once it has vanished. So for sure, the common answer would be that money is definitively necessary to be happy. However, recent studies, as author Richard O’Connor (2008) claims, show that Americans with higher wages still show no sign of being happier or even worse become sadder then what they were before. If money was supposed to be the source of happiness, why do we still not stay happy when we have some? It is probably because money just represents a small part of happiness and if this is the case then that must mean that other factors are much more important in making us truly happy. As said before, money is a source of happiness for many people or at least that is what they think. It is true that when you lack money, you usually cannot take proper care of yourself. So in this particular moment, you feel like money is a major need. Indeed, like author R. O’Connor (2008) said there are two situations where money is a definite source of happiness: firstly when it â€Å"lifts you out of poverty† and secondly when it â€Å"satisfies a basic need† (p. 42). In both of these cases, money is playing a role in people’s happiness because it helps them take care of themselves. In other words, as author Michael Argyle (2008) states by the use of â€Å"Marlow’s Theory (1954),†- showed in the pyramidal graph below stating that once our basic needs were completed, we move on to higher needs that need to be accomplished in order to gain â€Å"social acceptance, self-esteem and finally self-actualization† (P. 142). Put simply, once we have taken care and paid with our money the food, water and other primary needs we needed, we can now use the rest of our time to satisfy higher-hand needs rather than to impress our neighbors by buying the new car that we always wanted but then we end up thinking about the new plasma television that we can’t afford anymore or the last telephone bill that showed up in the mail. As a matter of fact, we obtain what we want, feel happy for a while, and then go right back to the state of being unhappy again. So, we can probably say that since we have not gained all of the things we wanted, we still haven’t reached the happiness state that we think of. We still need to work more to make sure that we can get money for our children’s college fees or we have to get that promotion in order to get a trip to Hawaii. As M. Argyle (2008) mentions: â€Å"People think that what money can buy will make them happier because spending it produces short-term positive feelings or because it will increase their control over events. † (p. 144) In fact, we are deeply conditioned to believe that money is the key source of our happiness. Indeed, when thinking about our careers we are not focused on the success or the joy of obtaining something but rather on the fact that we need to have more of things that makes us feel happy for one second, namely, material possessions. However, the research contradicts this ideology. When Dan Seligman (2010) shows a survey done by Diener et al. , where they asked random people on how happy they are, the results that came out were quite a shock, since more than one-third of the people categorized as super-rich were actually less happy than the people categorized as average. You would not expect that people considered as rich would be less happy, but they are. In fact, they just prove how much we are stuck in the belief that money equals automatically happiness when it actually has no direct connection to it. So then what explains our false beliefs about money? For Dan Gilbert (2004), this is called an â€Å"Impact Bias†, where one has a tendency to â€Å"exaggerate the outcomes of the situation,† where we actually end up thinking too much and getting lost in our personal obsessions and where we end up putting importance on the wrong things. To prove this matter, Gilbert (2004) did a research based on which kind of future would be a happy one. He gave two choices: winning at the lottery or ending up being paraplegic. On a first basis, a common sense person would have made up their mind really fast and would have said that winning the lottery would definitively make someone happier. However, the results showed something completely different since both types of choices lead exactly to the same degree of happiness. In fact, both types of futures end up at the same level in happiness after a period of time, not one being higher than the other. With this research, we are proven for sure that we have a really hard belief concerning money and happiness. Indeed, we think that if we have money we will be able to take control of events or achieve better comfort or a greater materialistic security. However, we forget that, by doing so, we end up focusing on getting rich than actually on life itself and as R. O’Connor explained we end up losing track of what really makes us happy. Also, we lose precious time of our life because in the end we still end up with the same amount of happiness. Nevertheless, if money isn’t the source of happiness, what is then? Well, probably anything that we use money for and probably everything that we forget while we try to gain some. In the case of author Ruth Brown (2010), family and social interactions are far more likely to have a better effect on happiness than a wealthy financial state. In her research, she has discovered that people who are considered as â€Å"successful† obtain certain advantages such as power and prestige, yet they are still unhappy since they have to spend countless stressful time working and spend less and less time with their family or relationships. As Brown (2010) mentions â€Å"humans are social animals† and therefore it is only normal that we become less happy when we are cut away from our connections even if we still gain something out of it. In other words, we would be far better if we appreciated small things in life, even if we can’t obtain everything we could want. In the opinion of the author O’Connor (2008) we should â€Å"save money for what it is really good for† (p. 266) and use it for security, freedom and time to enjoy life, in order to appreciate little things in life. We shouldn’t stand on the materialistic view of society, but just appreciate everyday life to its fullest. He also thinks that having fewer choices would be helpful. Dan Gilbert (2004) also mentions about the fact of having less choice. He presented a survey on two different groups of Harvard students who were told to choose between two pictures, keep the picture they really liked and get rid of the other, with a few changes concerning the disposal of the picture: the first group was told that they would have to get rid of the picture they least like immediately whereas the second group was given a few days to decide on which picture to surrender. His results showed that the students, who had the choice and time to get rid of the picture, were less happy than the ones who got rid of it immediately. This result shows that we just stay in our own belief system when we can simply adapt to the situations and become happy. In fact, like Gilbert stated, we choose to be unhappy like his experience showed with 66% of the students who decided to have a choice if they were decided to get rid of the picture. The more we wonder, the more we end up depressed or obsessed about it, just like money issues. Another way to be happy according to authors Paula Moyer (2007) and Martin Seligman (2004), we should apply a process of â€Å"Positive Happiness,† meaning that we should just focus on the major meanings of life and be grateful for the small things we can accomplish with our own strength. Their research was based on different groups of students that were put on a constant work pressure. The only exception between was that some of the groups were being pushed to their limits and were given no encouragements on any types of grades they would obtain whereas some of the other groups would be encouraged and taught to be grateful and happy about each effort they made without paying attention to whether the grade was acceptable or not. The results showed that the groups who actually improved the most and where happy, even if they had failed the class, were the ones that were submitted to a positive environment and who were taught to appreciate any efforts they were able to make. With these researches, we have proof that adopting a positive attitude helps a lot in reaching a constant state of happiness, since as we have saw, the happiest groups of students were the ones that were following this psychological process. They were happy because of their will to accomplish something, not because of the fact that they were going to get a grade out of it. Like Seligman (2004) explains, if we decided to be grateful for the small things we could obtain in life, we would probably be much happier. As a conclusion, when we state that â€Å"Money is the key to happiness†, we can answer that this sentence is not true in itself. We can indeed be happy on a short-term period after spending some but we can also become depressed for a long-period of time if we think too much about it. Also, with or belief system that money is the key to happiness, we actually are not focusing clearly on what really matters to us: security, relationships, time to simply enjoy life and feel grateful about positive little events that occur every day.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Oil Gas Management The WritePass Journal

Oil Gas Management Abstract Oil Gas Management ; however, the Macando well unexpectedly took a longer period. By the 20th April, the day that there was the blowout, which killed eleven individuals, the rig was already late by 43 days, and this would have led to an extra cost of 21 million dollars in lease fees only. There is a danger that those who are responsible for making decisions to stop operations could feel economic pressure not to do so if was possible. Catastrophic BOP’s failure The last defense line against the Macondo incident was a device known as the ‘blind shear ram’, which is part of the BOP found on top of the wellhead, and more than a mile below the ocean floors’ surface. If the oil’s upward pressure and the gas that is in the reservoir became more than the heavy drilling fluid’s downward pressure, and all the other resources for controlling the well failed to operate, the two blades of the blind shear ram, were expected to slice through the pipe of the drill and then help in sealing the well. If the BOP had worded as expected, the whole incident would not have occurred and all the lives would not have been lost. Taking into account the single blind-shear ram’s failure to run the blowout preventer of the Deepwater Horizon, which appeared to be one of the major causes of the blowout of the well of Macondo, it was recommended that the Safety and Health Executive particularly review the case for prescription that the United Kingdom Continental Shelf’s blowout preventers are well equipped with the two blind shear ram. Whereas the flexibility of the safety regulation regime of the United Kingdom seemed to have performed properly, it was also been seen that for fail-safe devices like blowout preventer, the administration or the government has adopted minimum, strict standards of safety or show that these would not actually be an economical, last-resort against catastrophes. Importance of simple checks An appraisal of the two pods of control on the BOP of the Deep-water Horizon as a result of the incident showed that there was an error in a vital valve in one of the pods of control, and that the other pod of control did not have adequate charge on the batteries; it is believed that these faults were there during the time that the accident happened. There was at least a single working control pod needed to run the automatic mode function that would have helped in closing up the BOP. The automatic mode function should have taken place in an automatic manner, without being aided, when the hydraulic line together with the electric cables were destroyed in the explosion. The automatic mode function is a very important system of backup. It is of great concern that the simple failures of various systems were not identified during the process of inspection. As a consequence, a programme has been implemented across the global drilling operation to make sure that the equipment operates the way it is designed to do. Another thing that has been done to ensure that such preventable incidences do not repeat include fundamentally improving the testing procedures of the blowout preventers, which consists of making sure that the systems of backup work and are properly tested in the process of drilling a well. This is another instance of the industry giving a response to an accident instead of anticipating a possible problem, even though the new regime is highly welcome. It is believed that the authorities have to make sure that the offshore inspection regime of the United Kingdom could not be susceptible to simple faults like having a battery that does not have sufficient charge, to go without being noticed. Need to protect the whistle-blowers Owing to the immense economic pressure of keeping a drilling rig functional, it is of great concern to various stakeholders that the workers who attempt to talk about safety matters might be or even feel like they are intimidated by their seniors. The whistle-blowers are not in a position of calling a halt or bringing to a stop some things and the managers and clearly attempting to make money for the organization. Their primary responsibility is not protecting the environment. Some contradicting reports were found from the HSE regarding harassment and aggravation on the rigs as well as the industry’s assurances that honest whistleblowers will be given a hearing and protection. The government has also ensured that there are discussions with the unions and industry about the further actions that are required for the prevention of representatives of safety from feeling or being intimidated by their seniors such that they do not report a danger. Conclusion Following the fatal incidence that occurred in the Mexican Gulf, it is important that there is clarity on the hierarchy and identity of the liable stakeholders to make sure that the government, and thus the taxpayers, doe not need to pay for the outcomes of the offshore accidents. Any lack of hierarchy and clarity on the liability will hamper the compensation payment to those that are affected by the incident of the offshore. It is recommended that it needs to be a requirement of the process of licensing that it proves their capability to pay for the outcomes of any incident that could happen. It is recognized that these measures could actually be added to the cost of investment in the new United Kingdom gas and oil production and encourage the Treasury to consider this during incentives to investments as such. Bibliography A. Hopkins, ‘Risk-management and rule compliance: Decision-making in hazardous industries. Safety Science,’ (49, 110-120, 2011). B.P. Deepwater Horizon accident and response. Retrieved on 21/1/2014 from G. S. Braut, P. Lindà ¸e, ‘Risk Regulation in the North Sea: A common law perspective on Norwegian legislation.’ (Paper presented at the WorkingonSafety, 2009). G. S. Braut, P.H. Lindà ¸e, ‘Risk Regulation in the North Sea: A Common Law Perspecitve on Norwegian Legislation.’ (Safety Science Monitor, 14(1, Article 2), 2010). Great Britain. UK deepwater drilling: Implications of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. (London: The Stationery Office, 2011) J. Kringen, Culture and control. Regulation of risk in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry, (University of Oslo, 2011). J. Vinnem, ‘Risk indicators for major hazards on offshore installations.’ (Safety Science, 48, 770-787, 2010). M. Baram, Self Regulation and Safety Management. (WoS, Rà ¸ros, 2011). O. E. Olsen, P.H. Lindà ¸e, ‘Risk on the ramble: The interntional transfer of risk and vulnerability.’ (Safety Science, 47, 743-755, 2009). Ocean Portal Team. Gulf Oil Spill. Retreieved on 21 Jan 2014 from P. Lindà ¸e, O.E. Olsen, ‘Conflicting Goals and mixed Roles in Risk Regulation: a case study of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.’ (Journal of Risk Research, (12(3-4), 1-15, 2009). R. Steizor, Lessons from the North Sea: Should Safety Cases Come to America. (School of Law, University of Maryland, Paper no. 2011-3, 2011). P. Lindà ¸e, O. A. Engen, O.E. Olsen, ‘Reponses to accidents in different industrial sectors.’ (Safety Science, 49, 90-97, 2011).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Travel Development and Construction Rail Terminals Essay

Travel Development and Construction Rail Terminals - Essay Example Accordingly, a plan is needed to direct all the activities, and this plan is directed to people to make them react according to the company’s desired result, and done through a combination of marketing tools. Responses of people in this marketing effort may be direct or indirect, delayed or instant. The extent to which the marketing concept that should be applied in the High Speed Railway will now depend on the information gathered by the network. The marketing program should be enough to stimulate attention, interest, desire and action among its target customers. High speed railways were first built in Japan in the 1960s, and now span countries across Europe and Asia. The pace of development shows no sign of slowing, and China, France and Spain, amongst other countries, are all pressing ahead with ambitious plans. Britain cannot afford to be left behind. Our current railway system dates back to the Victorian era and will not be sufficient to keep Britain competitive in the twenty-first century. A new high speed rail network would transform the UK’s economic geography. It would bring our key cities closer together, enable businesses to operate more productively, support employment growth and regeneration, provide a genuine alternative to domestic aviation, and create a platform for delivering long-term and sustainable economic growth and prosperity. A Y-shaped national high speed rail network linking London to Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds, and including stops in the East Midlands and South Yorkshire, as well as direct links to the HS1 line and into Heathrow Airport, would cost  £32 billion to construct, and would generate benefits of around  £44 billion, as well as revenues totaling a further  £27 billion. This network would slash journey times between cities, deliver a huge increase in rail capacity to meet rising demand for long-distance rail travel, and ease

Friday, October 18, 2019

Poetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Poetics - Essay Example While he stresses the importance of action in tragedy, he claims that it is the plot which is the most important thing in the genre. One of the implications of Aristotle's Poetics is that for a tragedy to achieve its full impact, it must employ powerful rhetorical composition. In effect it requires an embellishment of language in order to deliver the intensity of emotion it has beforehand planned on exhibiting to achieve its purpose. Aristotle differentiates between the four kinds of Tragedy according to motive - Complex, Pathetic, Ethical and Simple - categorizing Prometheus Bound as Simple. Attributed to Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound is worthy of imitation by society because of the relevance of its content to Western history and civilization. Literature and history reveal that both Aeschylus and Aristotle highlight the importance of justice in political thinking. This emphasis on justice is undoubtedly evident in Prometheus Bound. Aeschylus' play is a prolonged metaphor epitomizing the complexities in a society, describing the struggle of a common citizen against a restrictive environment. Written circa 430 B.C.E., the Greek tragedy is based on the myth of a titan who was punished by Zeus for conferring to mortals the gift of fire. Bound to a rock by his friend Hephaestus, Prometheus calls on nature to witness his suffering. The Chorus of Oceanid comes down on winged chariots to hear his story and expresses sympathy. Oceanus alights to ask Prometheus to stop provoking the ire of Zeus but Prometheus continues to openly criticize Zeus despite her warning. Such audacity is admirable. In one instance, Hermes threatens Prometheus of a storm that will send him away if he does not reveal the identity of Zeus' son's mother who he predicts to topple Zeus. Despite everyone's advice for him to yield, Prometheus remains firm about keeping the information to himself. An allegory of humanity's conflict with the way of nature, the story emphasizes rebellion against an authority possessing an all-encompassing power and injustice. More than being a depiction of nature and society, it is also tackles agreement and diplomacy. Here, Prometheus is said to possess foresight through which he predicts the overthrow of Zeus by the latter's own son. He makes known to everyone his sacrifice in order to tell the truth about Zeus. He speaks of an offspring who will take away Zeus' throne and will be many times mightier than Zeus himself. His perception of self is that of a hero who is punished for speaking the unspeakable but speaks, nonetheless, what he believes is the truth. Aeschylus presents his character Prometheus as someone who is obsessed with humanity and helping people and society develop. In the play, he teaches mortals agriculture, language, mathematics, raising animals, medicine and even divination. Prometheus is aware of his role and influence in human civilization and thus demonstrates pride, triggering objection from humanity. Aeschylus' creation of Prometheus as a rebel does not happen suddenly but instead, in gradual progression. At first, Prometheus is open to reconciliation with Zeus. This is manifested by his utterance of prophecies that Zeus will set him free and befriend him because of his ability to predict occurrences. However, when Io comes into the picture and Prometheus sees the injustice done to her by Zeus, he becomes more enraged. The sight of Io turns Prometheus into a fearless rebel. Toward the end, Prometheus rema

Market research assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Market research - Assignment Example This study analyzes three different scenarios for the formulation of the best research strategy to be used din the data collection and analysis phases of the study. The target respondents for this scenario are residents of the Lochiel Park as they are the ones affected because they live there and benefit from the sustainable technologies offered at the Park. Sampling will be done through systematic Sampling that relies on arranging the study population according to some ordering scheme and then selecting at regular intervals through that ordered list, starting with the first project then proceeded with the selection of every 4th projects in the project list (Association for Qualitative Research, 2002). Qualitative research approach is the most appropriate research type for this scenario with the use of phenomenological research that aims at identifying the experience of the residents in the area (Hennink, 2011). The main reason or the choice of qualitative research in the study is that the research deals with the opinions, views, and feelings of the residents on living at the park. The choice is also pegged on the fact that the aim of the resea rch is to explore a given phenomena, which is the experience of the residents living at the Lochiel Park and not testing a hypothesis (Gehlbach, 2012). The appropriate data collection method for the use in the study is in-depth interviews and questionnaires for the study the research to get the views of the researchers on the research topic. The sample size has to be a small sample, preferably 40 to allow for the in-depth interviews and questionnaires to be filled by a sample of the residents at Lochiel Park due to high time requirements for the data collection method and to allow the researcher to get all the information for the formation or a required valid conclusion. This will also allow the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Essay

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Articles - Essay Example This paper illustrates that researchers of all levels wrestle with the problem of developing an appropriate methodology for their studies. A research methodology is not the only critical component of academic development but a robust research practice that gives direction to every research done in any given field of study. To be certain, it is indeed a critical aspect of social sciences, more specifically in business and management that requires specific approaches in order to achieve implementable target objectives. This essay endeavors to analyze and compare the main research methodological approaches, which include quantitative, qualitative and multiple methods, applied in academic journal articles. First, these approaches are going to be discussed with regards to their underlying philosophies and paradigms, explaining their relationship between theory and research in terms of deductive and inductive approaches, focusing on research design and data collection. Secondly, the resear ch will analyze the application of quantitative and qualitative research approaches in academic journal articles, illustrating their main strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Finally, the essay will summarize by pointing out the finding of the entire research undertaken. An important feature of any academic research in itself, mapping out the literature involves articulate analysis of previous studies, subsequently using the same as a basis of pointing the knowledge gap in the given fields of study. Broadly, a literature search is but ‘a systemic process that aims at identifying and collating the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic’. The aim of a literature review, as Lings and Lee indicate, is to show acquaintance with existing work in the given field and provide insights into the work under study. Among other things, an effective literature review critically analyses the materials under study, synthesizes them with respect to relevance, into providi ng the reader with the useful insights.

Is Hazard Transfer an Inevitable Consequence of Globalization Essay

Is Hazard Transfer an Inevitable Consequence of Globalization - Essay Example Thesis: globalization refers to the modern markets, of both developed and developing countries, which are exposed to external changes, innovations in technologies, implementation of various cultural and social changes etc. Globalization is a background of the modern development in the society in different spheres. Globalization and political economy There is no doubt that there are advantages and disadvantages of the global processes, but in the context of the modern world, globalization sets the pace of political, economic and social development. The modern citizens do not have another choice, but only keeping pace with these changing and challenging triggers of modern life development. In the process of globalization, international governments struggle for a control over the international economy, basing on their needs for wealth, which are an integral part of their current struggle for power (Gilpin, 2001). Unlike previous years, modern world accepts geopolitical hegemony (as in c ase of the United States) and not the priority of autonomous market (as in case of the United States too) (Waltz, 2000, p. 47). ...   A process of integration of national economies into a global one is a sequential process of gradual adaptation and changes of national powers into a complete successful process increasing profits of different countries (Schumacher, 1973). A shift of accents from ‘globalization as an interdependence’ to ‘globalization as a gradual balancing of international and domestic politics’ was initiated in the 40s of the twentieth century (Kapstein, Mastanduno, 1999, p. 163). With the course of time, globalization turned from a forcible process of states’ oppression into liberating trades, financial markets, and investments. A distribution of consequences of a process of globalization was the following: from â€Å"pressure for the reduction the welfare state in developed countries and for the liberalization of the economy in developing ones† (Langley, 2000, p. 462). It is more pleasant to consider a process of globalization in political economy in the following way: â€Å"the rush to free trade and capital market liberalization, the reforms of many welfare states, and the creation of independent central banks globally† (Wangoola, Youngman, 2006, p. 22). From this perspective, a process of globalization is considered to be favorable for political economy. A meaningfulness of every state is supported by the relevance of its potential assistance and cooperation with other states. It is a kind of interaction between players in the international arena. In such a way, it is relevant to support and develop a process of globalization on the international level for the countries’ benefits (Croteau, Hoynes, 2003).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Essay

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Articles - Essay Example This paper illustrates that researchers of all levels wrestle with the problem of developing an appropriate methodology for their studies. A research methodology is not the only critical component of academic development but a robust research practice that gives direction to every research done in any given field of study. To be certain, it is indeed a critical aspect of social sciences, more specifically in business and management that requires specific approaches in order to achieve implementable target objectives. This essay endeavors to analyze and compare the main research methodological approaches, which include quantitative, qualitative and multiple methods, applied in academic journal articles. First, these approaches are going to be discussed with regards to their underlying philosophies and paradigms, explaining their relationship between theory and research in terms of deductive and inductive approaches, focusing on research design and data collection. Secondly, the resear ch will analyze the application of quantitative and qualitative research approaches in academic journal articles, illustrating their main strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Finally, the essay will summarize by pointing out the finding of the entire research undertaken. An important feature of any academic research in itself, mapping out the literature involves articulate analysis of previous studies, subsequently using the same as a basis of pointing the knowledge gap in the given fields of study. Broadly, a literature search is but ‘a systemic process that aims at identifying and collating the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic’. The aim of a literature review, as Lings and Lee indicate, is to show acquaintance with existing work in the given field and provide insights into the work under study. Among other things, an effective literature review critically analyses the materials under study, synthesizes them with respect to relevance, into providi ng the reader with the useful insights.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week9 - Assignment Example In Communist Russia, with the new policy of Dictator Stalin to abolish religion in state, people faced a similar scenario when all of their religious landmarks and praying centres were destroyed. Similarly, in terms of political aspects, there are divisions found in societies because of a difference of opinion and support over a matter of support of political party and even on formats of governance. Social aspects such as the difference of interactions and sharing of opinions also cause cornering of families and selected people among societies (Rees, 2004). Economic statures also have had impact on social gatherings of societies, as a rift is created among individuals of societies who belong to a separate economic standard. Lastly, cultural aspects also create hostile situations, as people of different backgrounds interact with only each other and are subject to racial stereotypes, which cause aggressive behaviour at an individual level. With these aspects, societies are subject to hostile rifts that result in dangerous outcomes at times, which must be controlled by government policy

Purpose of Schools Essay Example for Free

Purpose of Schools Essay School is an institutional mechanism that tries to share knowledge and/or be an agent for social action. Looking back to the ancient history of schools, some schools of ancient Israel for example feel that the main purpose of education was to ‘produce faithful members of a nation – a son who would bring pride to his family and his people and glory to God. ’ In ancient Greece, the school was to produce a productive citizen, wise and mature and Rome followed the example of Greece. However, there are some schools which are just for education, where basic knowledge is shared based on the age through a planned curriculum. There are schools which apart from providing knowledge through planned curricula do bring in social change through actions. I believe that a school has got to play the role of both i. e. sharing knowledge and also be an agency for social action. An example that can be cited following both is the ancient Hindu school called ‘gurukul’ , where apart from knowledge through planned curricula, there are learning sessions on various social norms and values that are normally practiced in the society. The purpose of a school is thus to orient students to socialize by understanding the background, culture and values of that area which would further add to their individual growth and understanding for nurturing good citizens. Apart from this, there is a need for the schools to see to it that students are able to gain proper knowledge which should further help them to able to attain further education and employment. Thus, we can say that the main purpose of schools is to provide education which would enhance the knowledge, skills and attributes of students and make them responsible citizens of the country. Even though schools as educational institutions have their own limitations of access to knowledge, funds to provide the services to students etc. based on the need and following the goal that the educational institution wants to achieve, teachers have to redesign their teaching strategies/pedagogy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Significance Of Social Work Social Work Essay

The Significance Of Social Work Social Work Essay The purpose of this essay clarifies ethics and values and how fundamental they are within social work practice. How relevant they are in modern day practice in addition raises concerns regards to professionals and personal values and ethics. Highlights serious case reviews and how they link into legislation and policies, and the difficulties with anti- oppression and anti- discrimination in relation to welfare benefit cuts and the economic climate. This assay highlights the BASW and HPCC code of ethics Macmillan (2010) what are ethics? Ethics are somebodies beliefs, principles and morals that are important to them and propose a set of standards and values Oko 2010)) values are the theory and how you value what is good and influence our decision Ethics are the principle in which way we act. Theory behind Professional ethics are led by set of guidelines and processes that adhere to standards of code and ethics are implemented. Maynard A Becket (2005) believes Values are used in many forms, for example it could be financially personal or cultural in relation to faith and other religions. Values determined what we view as high priority and remain significant to your beliefs G. Reamer (2006) suggest Social work values and ethics have developed significantly over the past few decades, acknowledging the importance of professional and personal values and ethics in relation to practice. During the 1960 values and ethic became core values of social work with growing interest towards diverse and complex issues. The National Association of Social Workers implementing a code of ethics.1970 saw a dramatic change in other professions such as nurses health and criminal justice on applying ethics to practice. Joyce E (2009) attitudes towards contemporary psychoanalysts practice and social work have changed in relation to ethics and value, an appreciation of cultural heritage are taken on board and therapy has been brought into the 21st century. Improvements in working together with social work have been accomplished. Banks S ( also believes ethics and values have developed considerably and gain greater recognition with a global interest from various countries adopting the idea with new countries accepting social work has a profession however some countries are a little slower in moving forward but nevertheless taking on board and introducing ethics and values to practice. There is more opportunity than before to access literature and books in regards to ethics and values which makes it more obtainable, however equally feels there doesnt appear to be a great deal of information regarding ethics in relation to politics and anti-oppressive social work even though they are very much attached. .Domineli L(2002).Anti-oppression can be seen in many forms and links into social work practice and values and ethics. Policies and legislation usually play a big part in welfare reforms for example cutting down on benefits and welfare system; this clearly impacts on the poor marginalizing social exclusion. Individuals can often feel that they are a burden on society, especially people who are in receipt of benefits. The government can use destructive language aimed at the unemployed as well as influential through the media or public speeches their portrayed as scroungers and unworthy to society. This form of oppression needs to be addressed and challenged. Social workers are expected to stand up for human rights and promote equality.Gray.M,at et l (2012) believes Social workers are led by legislation and political dilemmas . Legislation and welfare reforms have impacted on public spending cuts which are taking place by the coalition government. Inequality happens when the government makes cuts to the youth services, and various other organizations and local communities, it divides the poor from rich and wealthy, this could be seen as injustice, grounds for oppression between individuals and social groups. Social worker will need the skill and knowledge to underpin the vital importance of identifying their personal values from professional values in order to avoid poor practice and mistreatment. Forming opinions and concluding judgments based on your own assumptions and personal beliefs subsequently understanding values and ethics is imperative. According to Benchin, A., Brown,(2000) Values are encompassed in our daily life and a set of beliefs that originate from different background with expectations and ideas formed from the persons perspective, this can impact on the way we react or behave to various situation therefore, recognizing personal beliefs and remaining open minded and respecting people as individuals will help develop your practice and achieve a better outcome for the service user. However Macmillan (2010) believes in relation to practicality social workers struggle over moral dilemmas all the time and are led by regulation, making decision can be exceptionally difficult Maynard, A Beckett.,(2005) believes Indeed at times it may be difficult not to be subjective and base your own beliefs and values on decision making, as this is what makes us what we are. As a professional you may have suffered a similar problem to the service user, this could influence your decision in deciding what is best for the service user therefore affect your practice blurring the boundaries. In this particular case the social worker may fail to overlook the service users needs. There is no room for judgmental practice in social work. Social workers should be professional and remain impartial to determine whats ethically right. It is important to disregard your own values and beliefs to enable social worker to practice appropriately nonetheless when it comes to the service user needs other factors should to be taken on board in the terms of their ethnicity as the service user may have afro hair or religious beliefs therefore the social worker has to respect the individual. Human Right Committee January (2012) BASW believe British Association of social work is fundamental document that highlights the code of practice and strongly advises how social workers should practice. It refers to ethics and values as the main topic and hugely emphasizes the necessities for social work to represent the codes of practice. Due to the nature of the social work role it raises concerns regarding ethical issues that may well occur for a social worker, the code of ethics and values clearly states the importance of implementing ethics and values as a fundamental part of social work in order to promote and empower service users nevertheless social workers have a duty of care and in some circumstances have no choice but to restrict someones freedom. Social workers are also faced with inadequate resources which impact on their duties .Higman, P (2006) it may be argued that the BASW is a set of standards in relation to confidentiality nevertheless conflicting as remaining comp letely confidential can be difficult for instance there is easy access through the internet and admission to statuary meetings. It is almost impossible to remain confidential due the nature of working in partnership and multiagency teams. Information sharing is important when legal obligations are in place in the terms of safe guarding issues nonetheless service user should to be informed at all times. According to Health Care Professionals council (2012) HCPC is very prescriptive generic document in which it regulates Social workers and health profession; it has the same guidelines as BASW regards to ethics and values in addition it provides guidance on how social worker should behave appropriately and questions professional conduct outside of work which suggests integrity as large part to play in all aspect of a social works life. Macmillan p (2010) believes Social workers struggle with moral dilemmas all the time with in their career, making decisions that are led by regulations and putting it into practice can be extremely difficult. Pattison,Roisin pill.(2004) states social worker should be accountable for their actions in many cases social workers have overacted and placed children in care without any evidence unfortunately failed to this in the Victoria cimbers case. Victoria died a tragic death in the hands of her great aunt Marie Kouao and partner Carl manning this, was damming report led by Lord Lamming. Victoria was let down by the police, several local authorities and health professionals. Ethics and values are apparent throughout Victoria case, assumptions were made towards Victorias ethnicity and cultural heritage highlights the dangers of overriding personal views and religious beliefs. The department of Health Lord lamming Report p116 within the report concluded a catalogue of errors. Social workers complained of lack of supervision and during supervision the social worker alleged the manager discussed her own personal problems and talk about god unfolding her religious beliefs which irritated the soc ial worker therefore found it incredibly difficult to discuss important and difficult cases often failing to complete supervision consequently prioritizing personal and religious beliefs. supervision is imperative to social work. . .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An Abortion at 28 Days Would Be Harmless! :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

An Abortion at 28 Days Would Be Harmless! Let's examine the fetal development on a daily basis for the first 28 days of life - and then decide whether such an early abortion would be "harmless" or not. Day 1: Fertilization: One little boy begins the first day of his life within his mother's body. At this point, his father's sperm and his mother's egg combine to form a new human being who carries with him as much information as 50 sets of a 33-volume encyclopedia. This genetic information (DNA) will determine all of this little person's physical characteristics and much of his intelligence and personality. (Moore 25, Davis 39, Sadler 3, Gasser 19, Arey 55, Patten 43, Rugh 2-7, Flanagan 41) Day 2: Our little friend is now three cells big. His cells will continue to divide as he starts down his mother's Fallopian tube towards her uterus (womb), where he will get the food and shelter he needs to grow and develop. Day 6-7: Implantation into his mother's uterus begins and all the while he continues to grow. As his cells multiply, they differentiate to perform specific functions-circulatory, muscular, neural and skeletal. Day 14: Implantation is completed around this time and his mother misses her first menstrual period. Day 20: His heart, brain, spinal column, and nervous system are almost complete and his eyes begin to form. Day 22: His heart begins to beat. Day 28: This little boy is now approximately 1/4 inch long - 10,000 times larger than he was only three weeks ago! The blood flowing in his veins is completely different than his mother's. Whoops!! The fetal development stops at this point because the expectant mother has elected to have an abortion after 28 days. Has a human life been destroyed? Abortion actually terminates a human life. Physicians, biologists and scientists testified before Congress that human life begins at conception (fertilization). In Report, Subcommittee on Separation of Powers to Senate Judiciary Committee S-158, it states that "There is overwhelming agreement on this point in countless medical, biological and scientific writings." Every abortion involves, either surgicallly or chemically, the destruction of a human zygote or a human fetus, and the subsequent removal of same from his mother's womb. Therefore, every abortion ends a human life. ("US Congress") WORKS CITED Arey, Leslie B.   Developmental Anatomy. , Philadelphia: W.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Mystery of Pearl in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay -- Scarle

The Mystery of Pearl in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter Among many nuances present in the novel, The Scarlet Letter, is the mystery of Pearl. This mystery is never actually in the real person of Pearl, but in the child she appears to be. At times, the townspeople and even Pearl’s mother, herself, call Pearl the demon-child, a fiend, and a torturer. Hester feels Pearl’s purpose on earth is to torture her but at the same time to be her joy. In reality, Pearl is a normal child, except for the fact that she is somewhat sealed off from the rest of the world. In the novel, Hawthorne makes it appear that Pearl is possibly an abnormal child. Chapter six is where he first discusses the child. In the sixth paragraph of that chapter, Hawthorne writes, "Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world. An imp of evil, emblem and product of sin, she had no right among christened infants." Early on we see this powerful statement, which is supported by the rest of the novel. In chapter seven when Hester and Pearl are visiting the governor’s mansion, Hawthorne writes, "Pearl, in utter scorn of her mother’s attempt to quiet her, gave an eldritch scream, †¦ because the quick and mobile curiosity of her disposition was excited by the appearance of those new personages." This action of Pearl’s can hardly be seen as normal. Few children scream when meeting people, although many are a bit shy and stay close to their parents. One explanation, though, for this is that Pearl is not used to being around people. She had been shut off from the rest of the world because of her mother’s sin and doesn’t know that screaming around strangers isn’t normal. Pearl’s strange actions in various situations, such as at the governor’s mansion, is not the only t... ...rthy to have been left there, to be the plaything of the angels, after the world’s first parents were driven out. The child had a native grace which does not invariably coexist with faultless beauty; its attire, however simple, always impressed the beholder as if it were the very garb that precisely became it best." Although Pearl appears to be a demon-child, she cannot actually be a demon-child and be worthy of coming forth from Eden at the same time. Pearl can either be a normal child, or an abnormal one, not both. The mystery of Pearl is never in what she actually is because the people in the story are so caught up with Hester’s sin that they attribute the normal actions of a child to a devilish spirit. Had Hester been married to Arthur and given birth to the child, Pearl would have been seen by the people as the beautiful, innocent, and curious girl she was.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Why Did the Japanese Take over Manchuria?

There are a few reasons why the Japanese chose to take over Manchuria. One reason is that the Japanese had owed a rail line and had claimed that the Chinese had sabotaged the railway; this was called the Mukden incident. The Japanese then sent in their own troops to Manchuria and claimed that they had acted in self defence and were just resolving that issue.Another reason is that the Japanese had suffered from the great depression and was seeking a way to overcome the depression by expanding its empire, the Japanese was at the time being run by the military and therefore was building up its army and therefore the Japanese invaded Manchuria to show how powerful their military was.Finally, Japan felt they needed to take over Manchuria was because Manchuria had much raw materials and by making Manchuria part of Japan they would have an unlimited supply of resources that there country was in need of and they will be able to expand their economy and therefore Japan wouldn’t be in s uch an economical crisis. The League of Nations had responded by sending over some officers to asses which country was the aggressor although it was thought from beginning that Japan was the aggressive country.The league took a long time to respond and we see that the league wasn’t as powerful as before, as when they did impose economical sanctions Japan had not listened. Japan carried on with their invasion and the League was powerless to stop them as they had no army to stop them with. Another reason the League didn’t stop them was as they were a powerful country and we see that the league only sorted out successful disputes when dealing with countries that didn’t have much power.As well as that, Britain and France were also suffering from the great depression and focused on restoring their countries problems rather than sorting out disputes. Japan was also far away from Europe so the league didn’t feel as responsible to deal with the affairs that were not in Europe. One main reason the league was unsuccessful was because the Japanese had left the League of Nations when the League instructed them to leave and the League was then left powerless against them.The Leagues response indicated that they were weak in forcing a strong country to listen to them and as well the League was falling apart as all the major countries involved in the League were more interested to restore their country after the great depression than actually invest in the League and force its sanctions. The League was also powerless as when they had imposed economical sanctions it didn’t really destroy the country’s economy as Russia and the USA were not part of the league and as they were powerful countries their not being part of the League reflected on the Leagues ability to enforce these sanctions.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Evaluate a Range of Ways to Embed Elements of Functional Skills in Your Specialist Area.

Evaluate a range of ways to embed elements of Functional Skills in your specialist area. Functional skills are new qualifications developed to allow people to conduct themselves in a confident and independent manner in life. They are practical skills in literacy, numeracy and information communication technology that provide essential knowledge and understanding. The language courses – in my case Italian – are aimed at widening the knowledge of different people cultures and their ways of expression within community groups and as such embedding functional skills helps to develop intelligence, attitude and behavior in each individual. These skills allow individuals to make a positive contribution to the community in which they live and work by laying the foundations for development in any further education or training. The language courses incorporate literacy skills through the introduction of the grammar. The learners need to understand grammar well enough to pick out the right words when they are required to do a translation. According to my experience it is a very proficient exercise to pick an article from a magazine or a newspaper and ask each learner to read it out loud and have it translated into the target language. In this way the principles of knowledge, comprehension and application are put into practice. Another useful exercise can be done by asking the learner to change the verbs in the article from simple present to simple past or to future tense and have them translated into the target language. The language courses also embed some mathematical concepts. An example could be by teaching numbers with dice and make the learners say the sums once the dice are thrown or write on the whiteboard some arithmetical expressions including addition, subtraction, division, multiplication (e. g. 0 + 2 : 6 x 5 ) and ask the learner to make the calculation. Learners are expected to do some homework on the subjects taught and discussed in class. The homework form containing questions, quizzes, and sentences with gaps to be filled is emailed to each of them. This will be completed in computerised format and in this way the functional skill of information and communication technology is incorporated. Anothe r way to embed ICT skills in the session is encouraging the learner to do a research using the internet about a cultural event or a geographic area of the country of interest. Things that could develop my skills in embedding Functional Skills in my teaching are the use of some websites – such as BBC Languages and Linguascope in my case – which could provide some new learning activities that can be introduced in class; use of DVDs to record some TV programs like news, cultural events and documentaries in the target language which could provide new subjects for communicaton and listening in class ; set activities that require students to check for their own and each other’s learning errors and check for these myself . This can be fulfilled with active learning methods and enjoyable tasks like cards, role play, dice that create more participation , concentration and more cognitive engagement. Functional Skills – an Introduction to Functional Skills – 20 August 2008 (online) http://www. qca. org. uk/qca_6062. aspx G. Petty (2004) Teaching today. Nelson Thornes Ltd, Cheltenham

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Testing Usaability of Web Page Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Testing Usaability of Web Page - Essay Example There is interaction between the user of a computer and computer as a machine that transmits information across when it is used by the user. It's a kind of communion that takes place between the user and the computer with varying results. For instance the user uses the input devices to get message through in the form of what he has typed -email, chat or other stratagems at his disposal. Machine works to get the message across through variety of forms chosen by the user. Usability then refers to a system of teeming reality in which human and machine inter connect and communicate through in put and out put devices of the system which has been used . User interface is a way through which machine and human communicate a system. The appropriate criterion of assessing usability is in the significance of the system that is used by all. For users usability is meaning full because it enables them to find out about how they performed tasks fruitfully or had problems in completing them. For a developer usability is the success or failure of the system... For management productivity of work force holds eminence because failure of a system means no profit. Interface Designers learn designer guidelines and designer principles to get feedback about the system they have constructed from the people who use it. Users Designers, developers and management have standards by which usability can be assessed, and they have the right to pass verdict about what is proper and usable for them. . They have to make sure what are the standards by which a design has to satisfy public appeal and familiarity... For constructing a web page goals have to be set that will determine specific strategies to assess usability in terms of success of a web page by its users. Length of site's design construction, evaluation periods Specific quantitative and qualitative measures of success are the foundations on which usability can germinate public appeal. Another way to assess it is to know what the audience wants to read on the site that will be successful by giving them the information they want. A well defined system can be constructed keeping in view needs and ideas of the users. Data base of existing, needed content will take into consideration content resources for making an out line for one's needs for a web page design. Information can be organized for assessment. Horton, Lynch (2002) (Web style guide 2nd edition) The content of the web page should meet the needs of the users to be assessed. Communication with the users of the webpage will be useful for fulfilling their demands of giving them proper service and things they want. Effective web page design contains both graphic images and text which makes the site enjoyable for the users. Web site organization, graphic design, and typography are useful for the users because they feel they are getting accurate information from the site. Logs for the web site can be analyzed for development of quantitative data for the site's

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Health Care slp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Care slp - Essay Example Routine medical services, preventive care, urgent care, palliative care, diagnostic services, ambulances and drugs, all has been planned to ensure quality. My health plan shows zero tolerance to low class health services. 3. As for the cost, my health plan makes day-to-day visits to the physicians and getting the prescription very much accessible and cost-effective at the same time. As it is a scheduled health insurance rather than a comprehensive one, it will be very much cheaper as the services relate to day-to-day problems and not to a big calamitous event. 4. My health plan rates medium in terms of continuity of care because it protects the patient’s right of refusal of treatment at any phase of the medical procedure. Although, it is highly recommended that beneficial treatment be continued, still the patient’s will is most respected and he is always given treatment alternatives like referring to another physician or switching on to a different medication. This hinders a little with the continuity of care although my health plan strongly recommends

Monday, October 7, 2019

Phoenix one supersonic airplane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Phoenix one supersonic airplane - Essay Example It can be done by reducing the direct operation costs, extension of the operating range and at the same time conserve the existing investments in crew training and maintenance procedures. To the manufacturers, it would allow for its production a minimum capital cost. The design of the airplane is model B. Selecting this model would be beneficial to both the society and the company as it reduces air pollution hence conserving the environment. If the board approved commencement of the project, following would take place. There would be a reduction of harmful acoustic effect on the airport environment, increase in the operating range, reduction of the fuel consumption, and aerodynamic improvements (Concorde technical specs, 2014). Aerospatiale prepared a report through the chair and managing director Jacques Mitterrand to the Frenched secretary of state to transport Mr. Cavaille. The report was about a proposal investigation of an improved version of Concorde by the name of Concorde B. The report further explained on the quality of work done and the knowledge possessed by the Aerospatiale Company. The report also gave the go-ahead to an exploratory study that was already being done to upgrade the capability of current Concorde design. As an investment project, the Concorde B model will reduce the monopolistic market, which is only dominated by Anglo-French project. The project will also ensure the company participates in the second-generation supersonic aircraft (Concorde technical specs, 2014). The project approval will confirm an economic interest for the company, which led to the improvement of the Concorde. The project is also favorable to the manufacturer as it allows the company to perform these improvements at a minimum capital cost. The investment project will be environmental friendly as business operations are expected to be ethical. The model will reduce the harmful acoustic effect on the airport environment.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Function of Ethics and Financial Services Essay

The Function of Ethics and Financial Services - Essay Example The company was involved in a fraud scheme whereby Gottlieb and Drabinsky received $7, 000, 000 directly or through the company owned by Gottlieb. $ 4, 000, 000 of the total amount was capitalized as the pre-production costs. Gottlieb and Drabinsky operated a kickback scheme with Livent vendors and took the mentioned amount from the company and took into their own pocket. To fully convince the company of the transaction, Gottlieb instructed the two vendors to present an invoice that could not expose their deal. Gottlieb and Drabinsky received the payment for bogus services. In the mid-1990s, it became difficult for the company to attain its financial goals. Gottlieb and Drabinsky enjoyed their financial gain, and in turn, the company had to bear the loss. It became difficult for the company to raise additional capital to sustain its operation. Gottlieb and Drabinsky manipulated the company by directing Livent’s accounting staff to obscure the company’s financial crisis. Some of the manipulations included erasing the accounting records that recorded the liabilities and expenses of the company at the end of each year. The Livent’s accounting staff engaged into an accounting scam of transferring the preproduction costs of existing show to shows that were in production. This transfer manipulated the company to comprehend the cost of the major items used in production. To reduce the costs of preproduction, Livent’s accounting team transferred the costs to fixed asset accounts.... The Livent’s accounting staff engaged into an accounting scam of transferring the preproduction costs of existing show to shows that was in production. This transfer manipulated the company to comprehend the cost of the major items used in production. To reduce the costs of preproduction, Livent’s accounting team transferred the costs to fixed asset accounts. Eventually, the company started debiting salary expenses and operating expenses to long-term fixed assets accounts. Livent transferred the cost of the shows that were currently running to shows that never existed (Knapp & Knapp n.d, p10). In 1996, Gottlieb and Drabinsky conducted a scheme referred as the fraudulent revenue-generating. This fraud involved various multimillion-dollar transactions organized by Gottlieb and Drabinsky. Most transactions involved the rights to produce Show and Ragtime Boat in different U.S. theatres to Texas companies. The contract or agreement of this transaction obligated the need to h ave a non refundable fee. Specifically, the $11.2 million fee paid by the Texas company to Livent was non refundable. However, the Livent’s executives arranged a secret side agreement that guaranteed Texas Company a reasonable rate of return on every large investment they made. Despite the actual growth and earnings that the company achieved, the accounting staff benefited more while the company deteriorated at a high rate. The final Livent Fraud occurred in the late 1997, when Livent opened Ragtime in the Los Angeles Theatre. The company got into an agreement with the theatre of closing the show if the weekly sales fell less than $500, 000. During that period, Livent entered into various transactions purporting to present

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Visual Analysis Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Visual Analysis Assessment - Assignment Example She is standing sideways with her hands akimbo. There is a telephone to the left of Mr. Clark and next to the telephone is a sculpture in the shape of a flower. . There is a table in front of Mrs. Clark with a yellow book and a vase full of lilies sitting on it. Green shutters frame the door through which a balcony is visible from behind Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. Beyond the balcony is a house and the top branches of trees are visible creating the idea that the couple were painted on the first or second floor (Hockney, 2001). There is a painting on the wall behind Mrs. Clark. The details of the painting are not very clear but one can see buildings with water on the foreground. The three-dimensional aspect of the painting creates a perspective that creates space. The painting is divided into three sections: foreground, middle and background. The foreground consists of the table, the vase, white lily flowers and the yellow book. The cat (named Percy), Mr. and Mrs. Clark, the telephone and the Indian art are placed in the middle. The background entails the outside world as seen through the open door, the paintings on the wall behind Mrs. Clark and the rest of the wall. The carpet joins the foreground with the middle ground seamlessly. Colors were creatively used to enhance perspective in the painting. The background between the couple consists of light colors that create an illusion of light from the outside coming in the room and illuminating the entire room. Darker colors have been used on Mr. Clark’s side while lighter colors have been used on Mrs. Clark’s side. There is a unique interplay of light and dark colors to Mr. Clark’s shadow, which appear lighter than the shadow created by both the telephone and the Indian sculpture. Besides, the painting can be divided into two based on the interplay between the dark and the light colors. Mr. Clark’s side of the painting is darker and is progressively lighter towards Mrs. Clark’s

Friday, October 4, 2019

Edgar Allan Poes The Tell Tale Heart Essay Example for Free

Edgar Allan Poes The Tell Tale Heart Essay Edgar Allan Poes The Tell Tale Heart relates the story of one mans obsession at the seemingly trifle and otherwise common place prospect of the gaze of anothers eyes. So consumed is this person of his obsession with the eyes belonging to his tenent or landlord that one night he decides to gouge it off, kill its owner, and bury the eyeball in question under the floorboard. Needless to say, Edgar Allan Poe succeeds in exacting yet another dose of terror, dread and trepidation from his readers. The stated sentiments exist partly because of the plot, but largely because of Poes use of visual imagery, characterized by words which harp on the senses as people perceive it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These perceptions, the heightened sensations that the narrator, who is in fact, also the murderer in the story, feels    in the extent of the short story is given structure by the way which he proceeds to talk of his victim. He writes first of being alluded to the eye, not being particularly attached to it initially, but describing it with an endearment out of place, and with a distinction which one would not normally employ when referring to something as ordinary as one of the five senses, except perhaps if people were talking about their lovers (which the narrator is not). His interest shifts and evolves as the story progresses. Talk of the eye in question becomes irrational to the point of alarming, and readers know at this point that something ominous is about to ensue. The narrator begins to talk distinctly of the eye as it were a separate entity, separate from that of its owner, the landlord, who he admits of being nothing but kind, and not having mistreated him in any way. His loving and long winded descriptions regarding, and romancing the eye in question, and the person to whom it belongs to culminates in a course of action which brings him to the landlords bedroom in the middle of the night. While in the victims sleep, he decides to take the eye for himself, and he describes it with such loving and final triumph as though it were a destiny and an important task that had long been awaiting fruition, and the time has come for it to bear fruit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   More than what has already been narrated and told in the plot, the story tells of one mans obsessive longing, his ascension to insanity (or a closely related version of it) because of the pursuit of that longing, and the consummation of the same longing and madness by means of taking matters into his own hands, and literally plucking out from the face of the earth what had been bothering him for so long. Although not the most pleasant of activities, and certainly not the one people would resort to as a matter of routine or principle. But for the narrator, for the person who needed to put an end to this longing, this itch, this gap which need to be filled, it meant the world and more. It meant a sense of triumph. It indulged his senses and satisfied his itch for an irrational but complex need to fill up a gap in his inner being and sanctum. Despite the questionable ethical as well as moral tendency with which he proceeded in committing the crime, to him it was a necessary road to ease and fulfillment. A Poem As It Regards to the Tell Tale Heart True, people are kind and truer still, people are beautiful but beauty exists in fewer instances these days. In smaller and smaller and smaller packages. So come dearest, let us you and me die