Thursday, May 30, 2019

Media Combativness :: essays research papers

The hu serviceman race has become more combative in the last 30 years (maybe people have forgotten how wars, and feuds start). The stuff we see on the television, in the papers, and magazines has chanced vastly since the Vietnam War. Prior to that conflict you did not see the underhanded side of human nature. I feel that as time has went on we have come to expect the tactics that are used during election years. I see it more and more at a young age we are learning to be arugmentive, for example a toddler will argue that he/she doesnt want to go to render and parents argue with them to get them to do what they want them to do, or will give in to their demands. Maybe this has accelerated the combativeness in our nature. We learn at a young age that we need to argue to get our way or to have that feeling of self importance. Now I am not verbalise that we should all become submissive, if we feel strongly about an issue that is great we can communicate this in a way that is not combati ve. On the early(a) hand we need to learn to see the others persons thought for what they are, not that we are right and they are wrong. Ok a prime example of the media using their fruit to encourage this trend is the infamous presidential blow job. Now the way I see it that should have been a depend handle between the man and his wife, not on the nightly news. I still feel that Mr. Clintons actions, while not the best course of action for his marriage on his part, but it was not a matter that affected the way he ran the country or performed his duty to the people he represented. Did the media make that much of a stink everyplace J.F.KS roll in the hay with Miss Monroe? No, why because it was a matter to be handle between the man and his wife, and the times were different then. Things went bring down hill when the government allowed the media to cover the Vietnam war without the same rules and guide lines that were in place during the previous wars. Since then we have had Water gate, which yes was an illegal act, but was it a matter to be handle in the press?

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