Friday, May 31, 2019

Dubious Heros in Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays

Questionable Heros in Julius Caesar Julius Caesar, a play written by William Shakespeare, had many another(prenominal) characters who could have been questioned in terms of their motives and will. Some may have had good intentions, but others were not motivated by their concern for the well-being of the Romans. The aim of this piece of music is to share a look at why the main people in this tragedy did what they did. Julius Caesar, the center of the big ordeal, is the first logical someone to take a look at. When he first arrives, he is hailed as a great man and offered the crown numerous times, refusing it each time. He is clearly the torpedo of the people for that time. The question of his heroism comes when his previous actions are looked upon. He has just returned from killing Pompey and Pompeys sons. He did this to gain complete control of Rome instead of gummy with the triumvirate that had currently ruled. He was ambitious, or so it was said, and he wante d only power. This alone shows that his motives were not as pure as was first thought. The next person to be looked upon in Mark Antony, apparently Julius Caesars right-hand man. He plays the part of the hero as he takes Caesars side after death and rallies the people against the conspirators. As he speaks to Octavius, though, he shows that he is mainly after the power also in saying that the third person of their new triumvirate, Lepidus, is not a good adversary and is only good enough to carry messages. Antony goes on to say that they should have him (Lepidus) killed, along with all the other people they were making a add up of. He was going to have them eliminated just because they might stand in their way to gaining complete power. He also ordered to have figured a way to cut some of the money out of the will to the people and keep it for himself. His intentions werent so good after all. Cassius, the apparent originator of the conspiracy in the first place, is a t first hard to figure out if he would take action in good will or in voracity

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Media Combativness :: essays research papers

The hu serviceman race has become more combative in the last 30 years (maybe people have forgotten how wars, and feuds start). The stuff we see on the television, in the papers, and magazines has chanced vastly since the Vietnam War. Prior to that conflict you did not see the underhanded side of human nature. I feel that as time has went on we have come to expect the tactics that are used during election years. I see it more and more at a young age we are learning to be arugmentive, for example a toddler will argue that he/she doesnt want to go to render and parents argue with them to get them to do what they want them to do, or will give in to their demands. Maybe this has accelerated the combativeness in our nature. We learn at a young age that we need to argue to get our way or to have that feeling of self importance. Now I am not verbalise that we should all become submissive, if we feel strongly about an issue that is great we can communicate this in a way that is not combati ve. On the early(a) hand we need to learn to see the others persons thought for what they are, not that we are right and they are wrong. Ok a prime example of the media using their fruit to encourage this trend is the infamous presidential blow job. Now the way I see it that should have been a depend handle between the man and his wife, not on the nightly news. I still feel that Mr. Clintons actions, while not the best course of action for his marriage on his part, but it was not a matter that affected the way he ran the country or performed his duty to the people he represented. Did the media make that much of a stink everyplace J.F.KS roll in the hay with Miss Monroe? No, why because it was a matter to be handle between the man and his wife, and the times were different then. Things went bring down hill when the government allowed the media to cover the Vietnam war without the same rules and guide lines that were in place during the previous wars. Since then we have had Water gate, which yes was an illegal act, but was it a matter to be handle in the press?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing Essays -- Standardized Testing E

The United States recognizes that standardized testing is a central part of the educational system in our country. What many people do non know though is the history of where it came from. Beginning in the mid-1800s prestigious universities decided they wanted to give more students across the country a fall apart chance at going into spiriteder education, nevertheless at the time in that location was not a way to measure the capabilities of students in both high class and low class families. This is how standardized testing came into play. If a student could do well on these tests regardless of their financial position than their scores would hopefully speak for themselves. Now standardized testing performs many more roles compared to its simple origins.In todays society standardized tests not only indicates the capabilities of the students, but they also show how much they have learned, and the results can even decide how much funding a school will receive. Due to these factors , a grand amount of pressure is put upon both students and teachers. For students the pressure is mainly to do well, and for teachers the pressure is primarily to teach your students well enough to perform their best. These requirements have stimulate an integral part of what shapes the classroom mold. The goal of schooling is no longer to just teach, but is now also to prepare students for taking exams. One wrinkle that has become prevalent is the debate of whether or not standardized testing should be used at all. Ultimately this is a personal decision there is no right or wrong answer considering that an argument could be made for either side. One thing that is for certain though is that there has to be some standard for determining a students abilities in school. Th... ...Tests. Headlines. N.p., 1 Nov. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. Tennant, Victoria. educate of Education at Johns Hopkins University-The Powerful Impact of Stress. School of Education at Johns Hopkins Un iversity. John Hopkinds School of Education, Sept. 2005. Web. 01 Dec. 2014. The Human Brain - Stress. The Human Brain - Stress. The Franklin Institute, 2004. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. Tung, Stephen. News. Stanford University. Stanford, 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. Where Did The Test Come From? PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

Science Run Amuck in Brave New World :: essays papers

Science Run Amuck in Brave New human raceBrave New World is a novel set hundreds of years into our own future. On Earth, the Nine Years War tore the planet apart in the year A.F 178. Eerily, splenic fever bombs dropped from the sky killed scores of people, what we in the post 9/11 world fear the most. When the dust settled, military man banded together to create a stark naked world called the World State. Their motto is Community, Identity, Stability, and it is all too much present as you will see. This future is a severely different place. To stabilize the populace, mankind has dead ringerd each other by the thousands. Babies are conditioned by a caste system, and everyone grows up to do a specific job. Cold and sterile skill replaces religion, individuality, and risk. Everyone is encouraged to pleasure themselves (through promiscuity, recreation and drugs... soma,) but not to have a bad day. This is reminiscent of the Roaring 20s and the free love attempt of the 1960s. In thi s future, to be monogamous, bond, or soul-search would single you out as a loner. Here, everyone belongs to everyone else.The years once noted by A.D (Anno Domini, or afterwards Christ) are replaced by A.F (After Ford.) Fords philosophy became a religion, wiping out over two thousand years of Christianity from world history. Now there is no history, except that which existed After Ford, it was outlawed. As we all know, Henry Ford introduced the assembly line into modern society. In A.D, The assembly line was a more proficient way to crap the automobile. In the brave new world, however, the assembly line mass-produced human beings themselves. The brave new scientists discovered a way to progress the cloning mold. They clone up to 96 embryos from a female ovum by Bokanovskys process. Embryos were then bottled and put on an assembly line that moved 33 centimeters a day. On the line, the fetuses were tampered with and they received early conditioning to be part of one of the five cas tes. Alpha was the highest class (think rocket scientist,) and Elipson was the lowest class (think gas stake attendant.) These babies are not born of a mothers womb, but decanted (unbottled.) They receive more conditioning and undergo hypnopaedia a sleep teaching process where beliefs are inserted into their thoughts. Young children as young as seven years old are encouraged to be promiscuous and experiment with sex.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

In the name of religion :: essays research papers

The issue of warf ar itself has been debated, published and broadcast on prime time news, but the current field crisis are multifaceted and have m whatsoever dimensions that are neither explored at lenght , nor adequately ananlyzed by the vast majority of those who support the political arena that profits them.Are the actions of our government ethically justifiable? Can it be said that we as a nation, have engaged in a "just war". The war in Iraq as well as The War on Terrorism, have undeniable religious undertones and subsequent implications. If we are to fight this war with any true intent of winning it, these issues can simply not be overlooked. We owe it to ourselves, as well as each other, to understand what it is that we fight for and against, and to be clear in those convictions.The concept of violence in the quote of religion, seems to be a difficult pill for most to swallow. Without a doubt, war in the name of God, is an incomprehensible contradiction of terms. Y et, this is exactly the motive backing those who oppose us today. The horrific attacks on the World Trade towers and on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, repudiate little room for arguement regarding the jusfiable reason for action on the part of US military forces. Of course the concept of war is not a new one, nor are the ethical dilemias that it brings. Our current situation is unique though, in the sense that it has raised some new concerns. Deep to the issues of political agenda and the facades that they create, are the ethical issues at the heart of religious philosphy, which may have provoked the attacks in the first place.There have been on rare occassions, excluding the christian crusades of course, in which religion has played such a centralized role in the conficts of nations. It may not be transparent upon first exam, but deeply embedded in the core of the beliefs held by those who oppose us, is an extemists veiw of religion.Religious ideology is typically not the sa lesman for violent behavior. Historically speaking , it has been abundantly clear that man is quite capable of inventing various ideologies to disembarrass their injustices aganst mankind, without finding the need to do so in the name of God. However, when religion is an underlying factor, the conflict takes on a particularly violent tone.

In the name of religion :: essays research papers

The issue of war itself has been debated, published and broadcast on prime time news, but the current national crisis ar multifaceted and have many dimensions that are neither explored at lenght , nor adequately ananlyzed by the vast majority of those who support the political arena that wage them.argon the actions of our government estimablely justifiable? Can it be said that we as a nation, have engaged in a "just war". The war in Iraq as well as The War on Terrorism, have undeniable religious undertones and subsequent implications. If we are to fight this war with any rightful(a) intent of winning it, these issues can simply not be overlooked. We owe it to ourselves, as well as each other, to understand what it is that we fight for and against, and to be actualise in those convictions.The concept of violence in the name of religion, seems to be a difficult pill for most to swallow. Without a doubt, war in the name of God, is an paradoxical contradiction of terms. Ye t, this is exactly the motive backing those who agitate us today. The horrific attacks on the World Trade towers and on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, leave flyspeck room for arguement regarding the jusfiable reason for action on the part of US military forces. Of course the concept of war is not a new one, nor are the ethical dilemias that it brings. Our current situation is unique though, in the sense that it has raised some new concerns. Deep to the issues of political agenda and the facades that they create, are the ethical issues at the spirit of religious philosphy, which may have provoked the attacks in the first place.There have been on rare occassions, excluding the christian crusades of course, in which religion has played such a centralized role in the conficts of nations. It may not be transparent upon first exam, but deeply embedded in the core of the beliefs held by those who oppose us, is an extemists veiw of religion.Religious ideology is typically not the sa lesman for violent behavior. Historically speaking , it has been abundantly clear that man is quite capable of inventing various ideologies to justify their injustices aganst mankind, without decision the need to do so in the name of God. However, when religion is an underlying factor, the conflict takes on a particularly violent tone.

Monday, May 27, 2019

How Can We Control Corruption?

CAN WE EVER REMOVE CORRUPTION? Corruption This word subversive activity is something disreputable which we always come across in our day to day life whether it reveals in politics or is seen in our regular jobs. Corruption exists in almost completely the countries of the world. The rich andpowerful masses be the rattling beneficiaries of corruption and they are never part of movement to eradicate the corruption. All of them need to be made center of attraction to begin with the society and media for their act of corruption.The question is that, we alwayscome acrossthis word, but is there any way out we canget discharge ofthese termites which are eating up a nations future and making it unhealthy ?. We need to be helpful to the weaker section of the society who are the real victims of corruption. Do we really think that exclusively going against the politicians andpassing billsby the parliamentary committee of a democratic farming or electing a settle ruler/ leader would lea d its country and score corruption from its root permanently?.As per my view, only electing a good leader/ruler would not use up corruption as a whole from its root because they can show us theright pathand in a big country which fox its own huge and special problems, we cannot expect from the leaders heading the Govt. to reach both individual and keep a watch on the measures taken to remove the termite called Corruption from its Country, City, State or the World. But it is agreed by all that politicians and greedy business tycoons are the backbone of corruption world over. A country and its responsibilities do not only fall on the shoulders of the political leaders of that country because the country not only belongs to them but it is similarly a accountability of all of us. We should not only blame one person or a body of state butshould understandthat if the corruption has become a part of high level and a country is getting effected its present future, everything is in danger, then they are not solely responsible for all these things.If we want to remove the corruption from its root, we will have towork hardtogether towards this and first of all remove corruption from its root which is lying in our day to day life and within us. It is not possible for a single person to remove corruption Removing corruption has become so difficult because we all have adopted this as a habit in our daily life. Forsome reasonsor the other, we adopt this method to achieve our desires, dream and also to get id of problems in a shortcut way. I can just make my friends countfew examplesat a go O When caught in a traffic jam and and we are asked to show our driving license, we prefer most of the time to wages the traffic officer orget rid ofspending more time in arguing or settling up with him. O When werequire to get some work donefrom a person and we know that there is a difficulty in it, we prefer bribing such person(s)to get ourwork donevery easily.O We even in t he put forward of donation do not stop bribing schools and some of them also entertain this practice in the name of donation when its time for admissions of our children. In a short, we bribe or follow corruption every where in our day to day life, so how can we say that the leaders or thepolitical bodiesare only responsible for corruption in a country ? Giving chance toeligible peopleatwork placeand only following people whom we like is also a part of corruption.Wherever we go, every second of our life we practice corruption, so going against only a particular group of people, doing lust strikes wont help us until we become real enemies of corruption and each and every one of us starts thinking that we are the leaders of the country and our aim is to set an examples forevery other person. Being a part of corruption or not raising voice against it, is equal in every sense. As it is always said that Charity begins at home, we should alwaysunderstandthat the fight against corruptio n can only be fought with vigor and vitality to violent death it from its root which is possible only when we all start a revolution and stop evensupportingthis kind of practice and activities at a very lower to higher level. Rules and Regulations disciplines and laws should be equal for all,supporting terrorin any ways,selfish thinking should be stopped and voice against wrong issues are the few initial travel which can be taken up by any of us, every individual,peopleand all of our country men towards ahealthy future.At the end, the way to eradicate corruption is possible only when the society andyoung youthsof today promise to themselves to contain it and bring a clean environment for the growth of country and its people. If we all are unite and theyoung generationis determined to prioritize the eradication of corruption from the country, it will benefit acommon manand would lead the country to a new teetotum as well.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Covert intervention as a moral problem Essay

The CIA has been greatly tangled in the collection of erudition as well as being engaged in concealed carry through for the benefit of the United States. According to the 1991 Intelligence Authorization Act disguised action is simply described as a particular activity of the government of the United states that is meant to influence, economical, political, or military situations in the world, in that the role of the United States provide not be acknowledged by many or publicly. Under covert action, the exact intentions or the reasons behind the actions atomic number 18 not known by the outside(prenominal) countries hence secrecy is the main component of covert actions.Covert actions and the role of the CIACovert actions simply involves activities that include supporting political parties, covert propaganda, cloistered groups, economic operations and even individuals through advice or subsidization with an aim of supporting or overthrowing the existing regime in a foreign cou ntry. thither is a difference between covert actions and clandestine collection efforts whereby the covert actions ar mainly designed for influencing conditions in foreign countries while the clandestine efforts argon aimed at providing the cognition community of the United States with information that can be used in designing the covert actions.The CIA is the dust that is responsible for the purpose of obtaining intuition and providing policymakers with relevant information for the purpose of designing covert actions on foreign countries. Apart from being the provider of the intelligence information to policymakers, the CIA is also the same body that is engaged in carrying out the covert actions as well as advising policymakers with regard to the intelligence they have gathered. The CIA as an intelligence body that is also involved in carrying out the covert action in foreign countries always strives to build and maintain its reputation both in the eyes of the United States cit izens and foreign countries.To be able to maintain its reputation and put itself as an position that is committed to serving the country and its citizens while at the same time promoting internationalistic relations, the CIA has to reach a agree. The defend the American citizens and the country at large as well as providing information for other foreign countries requires transparency. Under the covert actions and operations, there is a lot of secrecy and the only time information gets to reach the public is when operations have gone sour. This means that the CIA has an interest of protect itself from critics within the public and avoids blame by the public while at the same time carrying out its operations.The CIA is also closely involved with administration officials and policymakers whereby the intelligence from the CIA is questioned and analyzed by the policymakers when making decisions. However, over the years, the CIA has been faced with the challenge of lack of commitment on the part of the policymakers to take time and read the intelligence provided by the agency. Instead, most policymakers have been keen on intelligence that is related to current risks.The unwillingness or the inability of policymakers to spend a lot of time in analyzing longer-range issues has been a source of frustration. The CIA have the duty to provide intelligence as they receive it and also take part in covert actions as they are assigned hence the need to have a balance between the two. The CIA has to ensure that it provides relevant information to policymakers because in the long run, it is the agency that is always darned when covert actions to not go as planned. Therefore, the CIA has great interest in the intelligence and the covert actions that they take part in since the agency has to prove its expenditure and demonstrate that it performs its duties.Being the provider of intelligence and at the same time the user of the intelligence requires a lot of integrity to en sure that there is no biasness whereby the CIA provide information that it is aware will work in its favor. As a way of ensuring that the covert actions that the carry out and get involved in are successful to build their image in the eyes of the public, the CIA may tend to manipulate the information and intelligence they provide to policymakers. It is quite difficult to be certain with the conformation of intelligence that the CIA provides to the policymakers as not being biased due to the reason that they are the same users of the information that they have gathered.The CIA as an intelligence agency and one that is held in high reputation would not want the public image that they have built get ruined by the kind of intelligence and covert actions they undertake. Therefore, based on the reason that the CIA is the provider and user of the intelligence they gather as well as the aim of protecting the agency from bad public image and reputation, it can be said that there is a confli ct of interest.Furthermore, based on the issue that the intelligence the CIA gathers is provided to policy makers and in most occasions the policymakers do not take their time in reading and analyzing intelligence that is set for longer-use, the CIA has to ensure that the information they provide to the policymakers would not via media the agency. Therefore, it can also be said that there is conflict of interest whereby the CIA, the provider and user of intelligence, has to ensure that policymakers to not make wrong decisions that will compromise the agency.The CIA also has the mandate of promoting democracy both topically and internationally but this is not the case with the intelligence gathered as well as the covert actions they undertake. There is a lot of secrecy whereby the public is left out on covert actions issues and intelligence hence it can be said that the CIA is practicing multiply standards. Democracy requires people to be well informed, something that is not the ca se with regard to the covert actions and intelligence gathered by CIA.ConclusionThe CIA has greater duty of protecting the public, the United States government and its interest while at the same time maintaining a reputable public image both locally and internationally. There are times when the CIA has to provide some intelligence in certain situations while at times it has to avoid letting the public know of what is going on based on the reason that the image of the agency may be destroyed in case the covert actions do not go as planned and no positive results achieved. Therefore, the CIA, apart from being an intelligence agency that provides intelligence and gets involved in covert actions, has the duty of protecting itself from the public, both locally and internationally. This could result in biasness in the kind of intelligence that it provides to policymakers as well as how it carries out the covert actions, hence conflict of interest.ReferencesBeitz, Charles R. Covert interve ntion as a moral problem. Ethics & International Affairs 3, no. 1 (1989) 45-60.Berger III, Joseph B. Covert Action Title 10, Title 50, and the Chain of Command. JFQ Joint Force quarterly no. 67 (2012 4th Quarter 2012) 32-39.By Bill Gertz, The Washington Times. Military, CIA shun 9/11 panel on covert operations. Washington Times, The (DC) (September 9, 2011) 1. regional Business NewsJeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. Covert Action in the Cold War US Policy, Intelligence, and CIA Operations. Journal of American History 97, no. 4 (2011) 1173-1174.Little, Douglas. Mission unworkable The CIA and the Cult of Covert Action in the Middle East. Diplomatic History 28, no. 5 (November 2004) 663-701Meyer, Joel T. Supervising The Pentagon Covert Action And Traditional Military Activities In The War On Terror. Administrative Law Review 59, no. 2 (Spring2007 2007) 463-478.Prouty, L. Fletcher. The secret team the CIA and its allies in control of the United States and the world. Skyhorse Publishing Inc., 201 1. tooth root document

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Describe the Limitations and Constraints of Marketing

P2-describe the limitations and constraints of marketing Limitations and constraints include Sales of Goods Act 1979 Trade Descriptions Act 1968 Consumer Credit Act 2006 info Protection Act 1968 Voluntary constraints sharpen Marketing Association (DMA) Pressure groups and consumerism Acceptable language Sales of erects cloak 1979 The sales of goods act needs sellers to trade goods that are as they advertised and described. The good or service has to be of satisfactory quality.Effectively meaning that for an organisation like micro-soft, the goods and services must be described precisely when promoted because the company needs to be able to prove that the product can do what they say. Trading Regulations 2008 This act enables clients to equal treatment from businesses they deal with. Within this act, businesses cant use precaution to sell their products. Businesses cant lie to promote products for example closing down sale when they are going to stay open after them sale. So blac kberry cant advertise their products with features that they dont have.The latest Blackberry boasts the best resolution screen of its kind, which then had to be verified and researched by an independent organisation to see it the statement, was true. Consumer Credit Acts 2006 These acts apply to businesses that offer goods or services on credit or companies that lend money to consumers. To be in this category, businesses must be licensed by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), this would handle and include the method of calculating APR and the form and content of the agreement.The consumer credit act 2002 defends consumers rights when they purchase things on credit. When lending money, companies much have interest rates clearly identified and these cant be changing them after. The Data Protection 1968 This Act means that any information taken by a salespersons can only be used for the reasoned mentioned when taken , it has to be precise and up to date, it cant be taken for a longer per iod of time than the time mentioned when it was taken , and can only be taken properly and lawfully.It must be kept up to date because if someone dies it is put on the up date. Furthermore your information is protected from unlicensed use, and cannot be given on to other companies without your permission. Voluntary codes This is when businesses volunteers that they will never do something or they will always do something. This might include sign language a code of practice mentioning specific behaviours and rules ethically, even though it cant be legally enforced.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Acute Ankle Inversion Sprain Health And Social Care Essay

Ankle is a complex stick which is categorized as a flexible sound out articulation. It is one of the of import constituent for ambulation in worlds. Ankle turns are one of the commonest hurts in dramatic plays. It accounts for 20 % of all athleticss hurts ( Bergfeld J 2004 ) .In India, incidence prise of mortice sum wind histories for 0.31 % of the population and the opportunities of re-injury is seen every bit high as 78-80 % despite the continued research in this field ( Statistics for articulatio talocruralis sprain 2003 ) .The pathomechanics for ankle roast joint eversion hurt is sexual inversion and plantar flexure of the ankle articulation. There is loss of dorsiflexion and inversion celestial orbit of gesture which is attributed to trouble and swelling ( Denegar CR et Al 2002 ) , ( collins et Al 2004 ) .According to Denegar C et Al ( 2002 ) the loss of dorsiflexion scope of gesture is due to conditionation of posterior talar semivowel. This suggests that in an stabbing cut joint inversion sprain the loss of dorsiflexion scope of gesture could be due to mechanical disfunction in talocrural articulation.The conventional hinderance for cracking mortice joint sprain is strain ( remainder, ice, compaction, lift ) .The chief purpose of conventional intervention ( RICE ) is chiefly to cut down smart and redness ( Starkey JA 1976 ) , ( Slatyer MA et Al 1997 ) . The conventional intervention ( RICE ) with early action is found to be more effectual for cut downing hurting, swelling and bettering mobility ( Dettori et al 1994 ) . Because of the ineffectualness of conventional intervention for intervention the positional disfunction caused due to stabbing ankle inversion hurt the joint becomes more susceptible to injury ( Hertel J et Al, 1999 ) .Manual Therapy focuses on settle of hurting and rectification of the postural and deed disfunction due to ankle sprain. Harmonizing to Maitland classs of mobilization class I and II militar ization is used in needlelike status and class II militarisation is seem effectual in cut downing hurting and bettering dorsiflexion scope of gesture in acute musculoskeletal conditions. Maitland classs of mobilisation improves the ankle dorsiflexion in acute ankle inversion sprain ( Green et Al 2001 ) and reduces pain by transition of nervous tissue ( Vincenzino B et Al 1998 ) . Harmonizing to Maitland GD ( 1986 ) , inactive articulation mobilisation improves the scope of motion by soft oscillating motion of the articular surfaces that creates motion of the nomadic sections by a means separate than the musculuss.According to Collins et Al ( 2004 ) , Mulligan s mobilisation with motion proficiency is effectual in cut downing hurting and improves dorsiflexion of ankle articulation. A individual instance critique done by O Brien, B.Vincenzino ( 1998 ) showed that Mulligan Mobilization with motion technique on acute mortise joint sprain improved the scope of motion ( dorsiflexion and inversion ) , functional result and reduced the hurting. Harmonizing to pilot survey conducted by John-Mark Chesney, Erin Morris, Mulligan s mobilisation with motion technique and tape had important consequence on temporal and spacial parametric quantities of pace. present(prenominal) lessening in hurting and an early reappearance to map are claimed to be consequence of Mulligan s mobilisation with motion Mulligan 1995 Vincenzino Wright 1995 Hetherington 1996 ) . However, the deficiency of equal grounds in literature for the effectivity of Mulligan s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel with motion technique in acute ankle inversion sprain failed to turn out its clinical and statistical significance in research methods. The above literature besides shows deficiency of surveies done to compare the effects of Maitland and Mulligan mobilisation technique in intervention of acute ankle inversion sprain.Hence, the purpose of the survey is to obtain the immediate consequence of Mulligan s anterior-to-posterior talar mobilisation with motion technique in acute ankle inversion sprain with RICE and compare the consequences with that of Maitland anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel mobilisation with RICE for intervention of acute ankle inversion sprain.REVIEW OF LITERATUREAnkle articulation is a complex articulation due to its articular, ligamentous and sinewy anatomy. The anterior talofibular ligament restricts anterior interlingual rendition and internal synchronous converter motion of talus inside the mortice. The conjugate gesture during plantar flexure happens as internal rotary motion and anterior interlingual rendition of scree aided by deltoid ligament. The calcaneofibular ligament restricts inversion of the talocrural and subtalar articulation. The posterior talofibular ligament restricts inversion and internal rotary motion after calcaneofibular ligament and anterior talofibular ligament sustain hurt.Harmonizing to Konradsen and Voight ( 2002 ) an inversion torsion was produced on lading a cadaverous leg, when the unloaded pes was positioned in 30 degree inversion, near plantar flexure and 10 degree internal tibial rotary motion. The hit with 20 grade upside-down pes in swing distributor point follow through forced the pes into full bound of inversion, plantar flexure and internal tibial rotary motion.Harmonizing to Denegar CR et Al ( 2002 ) in usual biomechanics the instantaneous axis of rotary motion of talocrural articulation translates posteriorly during dorsiflexion, but in anterior malaligned scree or with restricted posterior talar semivowel the axis of rotary motion is shifted anteriorly taking to joint disfunction.Harmonizing to Baumhauer JF et Al ( 1995 ) old history of sprain, limited scope of gesture and decreased dorsiflexor and plantar flexor strength ratio, elevated railway eversion to inversion ratio fill been attributed to predisposing to inversion hurt.Harmonizing to Eren OT et Al ( 2003 ) high mall eolar index ( posteriorly positioned calf mug up ) is attributed to predisposing factor to twist. Average malleolar index was +11.5 grade in topics with ankle sprain and +5.85 degree in normal controls.Green T in 2001 used a Modified Lidcombe Template to mensurate the hurting excess dorsiflexion scope of gesture happening in talocrural articulation. The templet consisted of 2 boards joined by an adjust able flexible joint. One board served as a footplate and other was set(p) under the topic s calf. The adjustable flexible joint served as the axis of rotary motion of templet in perpendicular rag and the board placed under the topic s calf allowed for accommodation in horizontal plane. The measuring was standardized by mensurating both force utilize and the angle of dorsiflexion at which the topic foremost experienced the hurting ( Matyas T, Bach T 1985 ) . The force applied was standardized throughout the trail by get down shape balance and the way of force was standardized by spirit degree attached to the spring. The device showed high intrarater and interrater dependability of which 29 % were in exact apprehension and 84.5 % were within 2 grades, ICC=0.94.The conventional direction of mortise joint sprain is RICE in acute phase of hurt. The functional intervention processs with early stimulus generalization of weight bearing as tolerated, early mobilisation, proprioceptive preparation, balance preparation has been advocated to supply early functional rehabilitation to topics.Harmonizing to Bahr R ( 2004 ) and Bruce Beynnon B, ( 2004 ) the direction of sprain refined ores on inactive and dynamic stableness, deriving normal ankle scope of gesture, optimum strength of peroneal, dorsiflexors, plantar flexors, and invertor musculuss of mortise joint and retraining ankle scheme.Harmonizing to Kerkhoffs et Al ( 2002 ) functional intervention is superior to immobilisation and surgical intercession in countries of hurting on activity, quality of public prese ntation on beget to sport/work, objectives instability on x-ray positions and patient satisfaction.Manual therapy in ankle inversion sprainMaitland s MobilizationGreen et Al ( 2001 ) conducted a disarrange controlled test of inactive accoutrement joint mobilisation on acute ankle inversion sprain. The survey included 38 topics with acute ankle inversion sprain ( & lt 72hours ) and were indiscriminately assigned to command root ( RICE ) and experimental throng ( anterior-to-posterior mobilisation and RICE ) . preaching was given every 2days for maximal 2weeks.The intervention technique used in this survey was Maitland s class 3 front tooth to posterior talar semivowel of scree. Consequences showed that dorsiflexion improved earlier in experimental group as compared to the control group.Elizabeth L et Al ( 2008 ) conducted a survey in which 10 topics were taken with immobilized mortise joint for at least 14 yearss and presented with at least 5 grade of dorsiflexion shortage compa red to contralateral mortise joint. A crossing everywhere design was employed and topics received Maitland s class 3 mobilisation in one group and control intercession ( no intervention ) in other group. Consequences showed that joint mobilisation led to a decrease in hurting and betterments in unpainful dorsiflexion.Mulligan mobilisation with motion techniqueCollins et Al ( 2004 ) conducted a double-blinded randomized controlled test with a crossing over design attack. In this survey 14 topics with grade 2 mortise joint sprain were taken. The dorsiflexion in weight-bearing and thermic hurting threshold were calculated. All the topics undergo 3 intervention conditions-Mulligan s mobilisation with motion technique for dorsiflexion, placebo group and control group ( no intervention ) .Results showed that the talar anterior-to-posterior semivowel improved the recovery rate in intervention with Mulligan s mobilisation with motion technique.The survey conducted by Collins N was done on topics with sub acute mortise joint sprain.T OBrien, B.Vincenzino ( 1998 ) conducted a individual instance survey to look into the effects of Mulligan s with motion technique mobilisation for acute sideway mortise joint sprain. The technique used in this survey was posterior semivowel to distal fibular while patient actively inverted the mortise joint. In the survey 2 topics with acute mortise joint sprain were used to command for natural declaration of mortise joint sprain. Capable I underwent ABAC communications protocol while capable II BABAC protocol where A was no intervention stage B was intervention stage and C was post intervention return to feature stage. The result steps Modified Kaikkonen test functional result, VAS for hurting and scope of dorsiflexion and inversion were measured pre and station of each intercession session. Consequences showed quick betterment of scope of gesture ( inversion and dorsiflexion ) and immediate lessening in hurting.Therefore from the ab ove surveies we can deduce that anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel technique in both Maitland and Mulligan mobilisation is effectual in handling ankle inversion sprain than the RICE protocol entirely. The above surveies besides infer that Maitland s classs of mobilisation is significantly effectual in bettering dorsiflexion scope in acute mortise joint sprain. However, Mulligan s mobilisation had shown effectual consequences in handling mortise joint sprain in subacute status. The survey done by T OBrien, B.Vincenzino ( 1998 ) shows the effectivity of Mulligan s mobilisation with motion technique in bettering dorsiflexion scope of gesture in acute mortise joint sprain but the survey design leads to restriction of generalisation of its findings. However, it does supply the cognition to course on a random clinical trail in public-service corporation of Mulligan s mobilisation with motion technique in the intervention of acute ankle inversion sprain and to compare the consequences with Maitland s classs of mobilisation to happen the best effectual intervention method for bettering the recovery rate in ague mortise joint inversion sprain.IDENTIFICATION OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL QUESTIONDoes Mulligan s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel is effectual in bettering dorsiflexion in topics with acute ankle inversion sprain than Maitland s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel mobilisation.ALTERNATE HYPOTHESISMulligan s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel is effectual than Maitland s classs of mobilisation in bettering dorsiflexion scope of gesture in topics with acute ankle inversion sprain.NULL HYPOTHESISMulligan s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel is non effectual than Maitland s classs of mobilisation in bettering dorsiflexion scope of gesture in topics with acute ankle inversion sprain.MethodologyDesignAn Experimental, Comparative, randomised Controlled Trail design. The survey go away be individual blinded to avoid any possible prejudice. The topics exit be allocated to 3 group of interventions-Mulligan s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel with motion technique with RICE, Maitland s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel mobilisation with RICE, and 3rd group RICE entirely.Outcome step go away mensurate the grade of dorsiflexion pre and station to each session which provide be measured by the assessor blinded to the allotment of topics to the groups.SubjectsThe survey volition be conducted by enrolling 90 samples through convenience sampling by giving advertizements and notices to orthopedic and physiotherapy section in MS Ramaiah story infirmary and the infirmaries nearby its environing countries. The topics recruited will be diagnosed for acute ankle inversion sprain and referred by radiologist through X-Ray imagination. To keep the homogeneousness of the groups all the topics will be recruited based on Inclusion and exclusion standards. Inclusion criteria-All topics of age group 20-30years of age, score of ankle inversion hurt with hurting over sidelong facet of mortise joint ( & lt 72hours ) of hurt, shortage of at least 5 grades of dorsiflexion, topics are able to breachial weight bear on affected mortise joint, hurting, swelling and tenderness over sidelong facet of mortise joint. Exclusion criteria-Subjects holding ankle break, any history of old surgery or sprain on affected leg, any consumption of anti-inflammatory or anti-coagulants post hurt, subjects with vascular diseases.ETHICAL APPROVALThe honorable blessing will be taken from Ethical Board of MS Ramaiah Memorial Hospital on with the permission of other infirmaries near by its milieus. Subjects will be given a transcript of apprised apply with the inside informations of the survey and the confidentiality of patient s forces information and information obtained after the survey will be maintained. Subjects can retreat from survey at any given point of sentence.VENUE/LOCATION OF THE STUDYThe survey will be conducted in MS Ramaiah Memo rial Hospital Physiotherapy Department, Bangalore.A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRAIL STUDYAn experimental randomized controlled trail -single blinded survey will be conducted on 90 topics with acute ankle inversion sprain. The technique of the intercessions will be finalized during the survey and side-effects or any mistake in the intercession will be noted and rectified.RESEARCH METHOD AND experimental INTERVENTION90 samples will be recruited by convenience sampling. The samples will be assessed for acute ankle inversion sprain by X-Ray imaging done by the radiotherapist in radiology section of MS Ramaiah Memorial Hospital. The topics will be indiscriminately assigned to 3 groups by chit method.Each group will be assigned 30 topics. The research worker who will carry on the survey is a qualified physical therapist who specializes in manual therapy. After the allotment of the group the experimental group I will have Mulligan s front tooth to posterior talar semivowel along with active d orsiflexion of mortise joint which will be followed by RICE application. The mobilisation will be performed in weight bearing in which the therapist applies a postero-anterior force to distal leg through a intervention belt while stabilising the pes and scree ( Mulligan 1999 ) .The experimental group II will have Maitland s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel ( Grade II ) followed by RICE application. The mobilisation will be performed with capable lying irresistible and the mortise joint will be positioned over the border of pedestal with proximal manus of healer stabilising the distal shinbone and calf bone while the distal manus will mobilise the scree with posteriorly directed oscillation ( Maitland 1977 ) .Group III will have RICE intervention for upper limit of 2 hebdomads. Subjects in experimental group I and II will be treated every 2nd twenty-four hours for upper limit of 2 hebdomads. Therefore 6 Sessionss of intervention over 14 yearss will be done. Three sets of 10 r epeats will be applied with 1 minute amidst sets ( Exelby, 1996 ) in both mobilisation technique. Pain experienced during intervention will ensue in immediate surcease of technique and exclusion of the topic from survey.Result MEASURESDorsiflexion scope of gesture will be measured by Modified Lidcombe templet. The templet enabled standardised measuring of dorsiflexion scope of motion. The axis of rotary motion of mortise joint was aligned with adjustable axis of rotary motion of templet. The spring balance attached to the footplate step the force applied in the standardised way. A hydrogoniometer placed on the footplate measures the scope of dorsiflexion in grades. The templet have a high intrarater and interrater dependability of which 29 % were in exact understanding and 84.5 % were within 2 grades, ICC=0.94. Hydrogoniometer have high intraclass coefficients ( 0.84-0.99 ) which revealed high understanding between the raters ( Lex D.De Jong et Al 2007 )RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSISTh e dorsiflexion scope of motion measured will be in grades which represent a parametric information. The information collected pre and station of each 6 session in group I and group II will be analyzed by related t trial ( i.e. within the group ) and unrelated T trial will be done to compare between the group I and group II for dependent variable. One manner ANOVA will be used for analysis of informations from all the 3 groups along with Scheffe trial to happen the most effectual group for intervention of acute ankle inversion sprain. The degree of significance will be set at 0.5 the chance will be calculated based on the T value with grade of freedom tabular array. The assurance interval will be kept to 95 % .ANNEXUREPROJECT TIMELINEThe overall estimated clip required for the completion of the survey is 8months i.e. 1 month for ethical clearance, 4 months for the randomized controlled trail, informations aggregation and information analysis, 1 month for represent up and showing co nsequences and 2 months for printing consequences.Undertakings12345678Ethical clearance+Randomized controlled trail & A amend informations aggregation tools+Data aggregation+++Datas analysis++Writing up & A showing consequences+Printing consequences++BudgetThe overall appraisal of the work out is Rs30, 000 which includesX-RAY imaging Rs20, 000 ( 90 topics )Modified Lidcombe Template and hydrogoniometer Rs5000Stationary Rs1000Transportation system and refreshments Rs4000INFORMED CONSENTIntroductionThis is an informed assent given to a topic who calles to take part in research survey.Please red the informed consent carefully or you can inquire anyone of your relation who you trust can necessitate this informed consent for you in your linguistic communication by interpreting it.Please experience free to inquire any inquiries you have more or less this informed consent or research survey in your head.Please sign the consent build merely after you have no uncertainties about the research survey or consent signifier. Make non subscribe the consent signifier under any sort of force per unit area.Title of explore ProjectImmediate effects of Mulligan s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel with motion technique versus Maitland s anterior-to-posterior talar semivowel for hurting free dorsiflexion in acute ankle inversion sprain.Research workerSUMIT KIMOTHIM. Sc in Clinical Physiotherapy.Purpose Of StudyAcute mortise joint sprain has high per centum re-injury. Mulligan s mobilisation with motion technique helps in bettering dorsiflexion scope of gesture by rectification of positional disfunction of articulation. This survey is to happen the consequence of Mulligan s mobilisation with motion technique and compare it with effects of Maitland s classs of mobilisation in intervention of acute ankle inversion sprain.Description of StudyAfter being diagnosed with acute ankle inversion sprain you will be sent to the physical therapy section in physical therapy sect ion. The research worker will explicate you about the intervention technique and the survey and an informed consent will be given to you based on your determination your engagement will be decided. If you wish to take part a intervention technique selected for the several group in which you will allocated will be performed on you and the appraisal will be taken earlier and after the intervention session. The continuance of intervention is 2 hebdomads and if there is any alterations, you will be informed prior.Possible Hazards or torsionThe intervention technique itself has no side-effects or complication and it will be performed by a qualified physical therapist in Manual Therapy.Treatment AlternativeIf the therapy is non effectual to you, you will be provided with an alternate intervention with free of cost.Fiscal DeductionsAll the disbursals sing the research work including the probe, transit, nutrient disbursals and intervention will be free of cost.Potential BenefitsThe survey may be good to society and persons of similar status.You can profit by bettering you status with aid of this intervention. particular dateEngagement in this research survey is voluntary. If the participant wants to retreat he/she can retreat at any given point of clip.CONSENT FORMI have read the predating information, or it has been read to me. I have had the chance to inquire inquiries about it and any inquiries that I have asked have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to take part as a participant in this research and understand that I have the right to retreat from the research at any clip without in any manner impacting my medical attention.Name of the participant _____________________Signature of participant _____________________ battle _____________________Day/month/year ___________________If nonreaderA literate informant mustiness subscribe ( if possible, this individual should be selected by the participant and should hold no connexion to the research squad ) .I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent signifier to the possible participant, and the person has had the chance to inquire inquiries. I confirm that the person has given consent freely.Name of informant ___________________ ANDThumb print of participantSignature of informant ___________________Date ______________Day/month/year ______________I have accurately read or witnessed the accurate reading of the consent signifier to the possible participant, and the person has had the chance to inquire inquiries. I confirm that the person has given consent freely.Print Name of Researcher _________________Signature of Researcher ___________________Date __________Day/month/year ____________A transcript of this Informed Consent Form has been provided to participant ____________ ( initialed by the researcher/assistant )For more information signatureSumit KimothiM. Sc in clinical physical therapy,MS Ramaiah Memorial Hospital,Bangalore.9916261101ASSESSMENT CHARTNameAgeSexual activitySite of DisorderMode of TreatmentMeasurementParameters before TreatmentAfter TreatmentDorsiflexion scope of gestureSignature of ClinicianSignature of Chief Physiotherapist

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Essay

In the healthiest of environments, people advance from relationship to engaged status because two people put on mutually acknowledged each other, have common judgments, and act with the other persons concerns in mind. A relationship, be it for marriage, friends or business, requires a domain of actions and an assessment that your partner is deserving trust because they act with the intention to take c be and not betray sh bed concerns. One of those elements is the interpersonal discourse between the people in the relationship. When parley effectively, there is a behavioral coordination that results from the coupling between two people in such(prenominal) a way that the relationship can limit the freewheel of day-to-day life, and move with effective communication practices that will address fundamental concerns.The bedrock of effective interpersonal communication is to first know who you are. Review and understanding of your egotism-concept, self-image, self-esteem, and recor d will allow for greater spaces for possibility to understand the same elements of your partner. Interpersonal communication involves both verbal and nonverbal communication and both of these communication types can be expressed in a variety of distinct ways.One aspect to clearly understand is that communication is complex because it involves two or more people to be in a dance of coordinated action that will take care of concerns and/or fulfill the narrative of the future. converse is also continuous to be most effective in the domain of interpersonal communication there is a requirement of recurrence, recursionand reciprocation. Communication is also energetic in that the action requires the embodiment of practices that allow you to transform between public, private and behavioral queues with your remarkable other.Equally important to remember is the misconception that communication cannot transform interpretation. Languaging is a linguistic coordination of linguistic coordina tions, a domain of descriptions of descriptions that refer back to themselves for meaning. Our classroom text asserts that we cannot exactly repeat something we have said in the past. Even if our talking to are the same the tome of voice and other characteristics such as posturing and tone will differ- and the listener will also have a assorted impression (sole, K. 2011). Communication is also irreversible in that we cannot take back our words once spoken. This is why it is very important to be conscious of what you are saying in second bases of anger when you might say something that you may later regret.The h outgrowthonious combination of two different points of view can certainly be viewed as a barrier to effective interpersonal communication because balance between the two is not always achieved. Common communication problems in relationships are assessed as 1) Silence or refusal to speak 2) giving into the other person at a cost of self or the relationship (also cognize a s placating) and 3) psychological requests or reports which is essentially the announcement of a feeling, emotion, or state of being without any commitment to act from the assessment produced an/or speaking without figure for the truth to fulfill a concealed agenda.Lets face it the silent treatment is more often than not a way of inflicting disturb on the other person, or to get them as raging or disappointed as you are. Either way, there are no good outcomes executable for effectiveness to be achieved. Giving in to your significant others demands can defuse a negative situation, however, over the long term you can loose who your self is and the foundation of the relationship can begin to become eroded. Visions of virtues, what is a good life, beliefs, and what is important for being taken care of can be lost subconsciously without you even knowing it when you give into placating.The last of the three barriers mentioned is psychological warfare. This could be sabotage born out of feelings of resignation, despair, boredom, resentment, distrust, confusion, being overwhelmed, and skepticism. It is important to try and be a third party observer of your moods because they color your outlook about your relationship and the world over extended menstruations of time. Moments of perturbation should be discussed with your partner in the moment or soon after so that bottled up aggression does not have the opportunity to morph into something much worse in the future such as playing games.As reviewed in chapter three of our classroom text, what you perceive in the world depends on what you pay attention to (Sole, K. 2011). With acceptance of this assertion and past it is easier to understand how you organize and interpret what you perceive, and the framework of your emotions take place. Always remember that emotions are specific ungrounded assessments that live in our bodies for only a short period of time as feelings and thoughts. The perception of your partner m ay differ from your own in fact, it most likely does because you both have had two different journeys throughout life from birth to the present moment.It is important to remember that emotions are the result of perturbations of our nervous system and provide automatic and ungrounded assessments about the world because as reviewed earlier, our respective(prenominal) worlds are made up of only what we are paying attention to. Some emotions are inherited genetically and some are learned. Emotions though, only ordinate us how we feel not the truth. With this in mind we can begin to understand then to be careful to know the difference between stating a truth to our partner and making an assertion. With interpersonal relationships it is important to be aware of our emotions and how they affect the people around us, including our significant others.Non-verbal communication is specify as communication of a message without words, which means that it encompasses a wide range of vocal and v isual signs and behaviors (Sole, K. 2011). Throughout your relationship you willexpress yourself not only with your voice or with a pen, but also with eyes, facial expressions and body posturing. When listening to your significant other it is recommended to be aware of your body long suit the technical term for this is called kinesics. For example, sometimes there is no greater expression of affection for someone than the embrace of a hug or putting your arm around them (Burgoon, Buller, Woodall, 1996).As time goes on most partners begin to pick up on what the other is thinking without even speaking through non-verbal communication habits. For example, my fiance figured out that whenever I rub my eye with my index finger by putting pressure in corner of eye, I am in a mood of frustration or anger and I never realized I did that till she pointed it out to meEmotional Intelligence, also known as EI, is a reference to the capacity that someone has to understand, communicate, and manag e emotions and further the ability to understand and respond to the feelings of others (Sole, K. 2011). This is an especially powerful element to successful relationships because it expands the different possibilities for thinking and actions that a couple can take throughout a lifetime together. EI is a reference that someone has a background of listening taking place where future possibilities are being listened to, even while declarations for thinking or acting have taken, or are taking place.Take the dissimilar moods of yourself and your significant other for example. The understanding of moods can help in managing conflicts with one another. Moods color a persons point of view about life for periods of time and have body postures associated with it. If you see your significant other standing with their arms crossed and eyebrows bent while eyes are starring at you like daggers, then you may not need them to say that they are frustrated because you can interpret that with your level of emotional intelligence.A submission from my own meandering consume on like is to recognize the difference between the things you can, and the things you cannot change in life. Do your best to let go of negative thoughts and change negative interpretations. If your significant other is not able to spend a lot of time with you because of the amount of time you work for example, then or else of getting down on it be thankful that you get to end the day with him or her, and that they are ambitious instead of lazy. Another broad suggestion that does not encompass a specific situation would be to stay away from I statements. Our text for the class uses a great example for this. Instead of you make me so angry sometimes TRY I am so angry with you sometimes. It shows that you are taking ownership for your own emotions and are describing a behavior instead of simply acting on it without thinking the situation through.CLOSINGThe bedrock of effective interpersonal communication is to first know who you are. Review and understanding of your self-concept, self-image, self-esteem, and personality will allow for greater spaces for possibility to understand the same elements of your partner.ReferencesBower, B. (2010, November). Shared talking styles herald new and lasting romance. U.S. News & World Report, 1. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM worldwide on July 22, 2011. Document ID2223940991 NARA SCHOENBERG. (2011, February 6). Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in marriages. Houston Chronicle,p. 7. Retrieved July 28, 2011, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID 2260839481). Nathan Miczo, Chris Segrin, & Lisa E Allspach. (2001). Relationship between nonverbal sensitivity, encoding, and relational satisfaction. Communication Reports, 14(1), 39-48. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID 72022836). Preston, P. (2005). Nonverbal communication Do you reallynsay what you mean? Journal of Healthcare Management, 50(2), 83-6. Retrieve d from ABI/INFORM Global. Document ID 814698921 Sole, K. (2011). Making connections Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc. (https//

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Law enforcement and women Essay

There has always been a stereotype separating men and women. Such as, women are not efficient enough to halt a theorize in law enforcement and men are. Many people do not agree with this stereotype or have a divers(prenominal) opinion towards it which do-nothing cause a disagreement between genders.The majority of people who disagree with women being in law enforcement are men. Morgan Summerfield, a yahoo contributor says, lawfulness enforcement has traditionally been a male dominated field and as such may have been slower than differents to bring females into its ranks. Men do not accept women in law enforcement because the commit women are the ricketyer sex (1) and belong at home with their children or attending to their family or house duties. Summerfield also says, Male domination in law enforcement and the idea that force and strength are required, reinforces the belief that women are unable both physically and mentally to do the job. Travis county, Texas, Sheriff Mar go Fraiser disagrees. Fraiser says, Weve been learning our unhurt lives how to deal with things without having to resort to physical strength and physical violence.I think the thing we most bring in is the ability to handle situations without ever having to site hands on. Sure, women might be the weaker sex (Summerfield 1) when it comes to physical activity but that does not mean we can not be the stronger sex (Summerfield 1) in other aspects of law enforcement. Just as there are people who disagree with women in law Martinez 2 enforcement there are also people who believe women are capable of being good candidates for a role in law enforcement.Morgan Summerfield from yahoo contributor is one who sees both sides to this stereotype even though she disagrees in some ways she also agrees.Summerfield says, Women and law enforcement do mix, in fact they are a necessary, if sometimes missing, ingredient. In support the Christopher tutelage agrees with Summerfield. The Christopher commi ssion investigated the beating of Rodney G. King in 1991. In conclusion, they calculateed, That women officers did not employ excessive force as often as their male counterparts. Male and Female officers interviewed for the report said they thought women were better skilled at defusing confrontations with suspects through verbal communication. Due to the results of this investigation Mayor James K. Hahn agreed that women brought the department a good name. Hahn says, I think for too many years we were trying to fight the battle with one arm tied behind our back. We werent winning advantage of the tremendous number of qualified women who could make that contribution to the department. There are many people who agree with women in law enforcement who are discomfited in the lack of female presence in law enforcement.They want females for a reason and that is because women do contribute something to law enforcement that men can not. That is the common sense of understanding towards female victims. Atia Moazzema Shammi, from women feature scene says, The lack of female presence in the law enforcement machinery is of significance since the constabulary administration suggested recently that female police should investigate crimes of violence against women. In many cases, women victims are too shy to talk to the male policeman a fact that comes in the way of somewhat investigation.Even though there are people who believe women should not be allowed to have a job in law enforcement. They should mot rack that on what men believe about women. If women are strong enough and meet the requirements for the job they should have the right to have a career in law enforcement. If women are just as passionate as men are in law enforcement, what makes them different? Besides, the opinions of others. As Hilda Munoz, from the Los Angeles Times says, We want to have a few scarred knees were sacking to fall down few times. We have a right to get out like males fail. If male s can fail at something they are good at or enjoy doing women should also be able to have the chance to fail.Women in law enforcement is always going to be a stereotype that might not be able to change. Men are always going to believe women are too weak or are not physically or mentally prepared for a job in law enforcement. There is also going to be those who see the qualities that women have and only women can bring to a job in law enforcement. There is always going to be many different views, thoughts, and opinions on women in law enforcement.Works Cited1. Munoz, Hilda ON THE LAW Working to Get More Police Officers Women have made significant progress in several levels, but their numbers in law enforcement remain disproportionally low Home Edition. Los Angeles Times 30 May 2003 B2 . Print . 2. Shammi, Atia Moazzema Feminising Law Enforcement. Womens Feature Service 14 Jan 2002 (NP) . Print.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Playing monopoly Essay

Pretend to embrace a engineering and become the major source for that technology like buy out the competitors. Decl be it obsolete beca rehearse your veritable way is better. Wait long enough for a technique or idea to be forgotten by the majority of people or conscionable long enough that the majority of your followers are naive newbies. Bring out the old idea and present it as a new invention. For example, some(prenominal) things in Visual Studio . Net are presented as new ideas even though they have existed in RAD tools like Delphi for over a decade.Why this works? because the majority of new software geeks have no idea what Delphi is and didnt know that you could do everything exactly the way Microsoft claims you can in their new invention. It is very much clear about incidences that Microsoft has been unethical in its approaches. Rather that applying their own thoughts, most of the products they have released by copying ideas unethically from different competitors products. Rather than having the fair competition in the market Gates always tried to monopolize the market. Though all the monopoly has brought him profit scarcely ethically Microsoft didnt 2.Some of the characteristics of the market that created monopoly market that Microsofts operating dust enjoyed are as follows Incorporation of various Microsoft applications like Windows Digital Media thespian and net Explorer in 1995 with its operating system gave an advantage to the company as this monopoly worked out for them. Users exploitation Windows didnt postulate themselves to get into trouble of get a different browser and different Media Payer. Users were also non ready to pay extra money for get other companies applications, as all those applications were right away available with Microsofts operating system.Every company was releasing their applications and operating systems in the market and every time Microsoft was able to know their programs. Using those programs Microsoft creat ed monopoly in the market by releasing advanced version of competitors products. As when Navigator came in 1994, Microsoft launched Internet Explorer which was borrowed from Spyglass Inc. and made it similar to Navigator. It structured Internet Explorer with Windows. Media player was also incorporated in Windows. Sun Microsystemss Java was also licensed to Microsoft first and then Microsoft built its own Microsoft deep brown permitting Windows Users to be compatible with it.In the software industry users did not want to shift to new products or applications until proper training and workshops are organized. Microsofts utilize good PLAYING MONOPOLY MICROSOFT Javier Ian Gonzalez Lopez 1449556 9zi strategies for training users. With the Installation disk, a proper tour of Windows is provided to facilitate user.Attorney General Janet Reno filed an antitrust suit against Microsoft in the court of measure Thomas Jackson. Microsoft made the computer companies using Windows as their o perating system not to license, distribute or promote competitive software products of other companies. It plant Internet Explorer with Windows and thus demolished consumer freedom to go for any other Browser plus it also degraded windows performance.In the agreements with computer companies those using Windows, Microsoft wanted them to leave Internet Explorer as the default WebBrowser and didnt allow installation of any other browser. The judge was having fuck authority to take hard actions against Microsofts unethical business strategies. As per the case study it is evident that Microsoft has used various unethical business strategies to take a leak their business profitable. Microsoft copied the copyright of Apples OS/2 and developed its own operating system on the same line.Moreover they forced users to use its Internet Explorer and digital media player. They suppressed the platform independent functionality of Suns Java by releasing Microsofts Java and making it louse up pl atform language. In my view, government should not have sued Microsoft. Consumers were wholesome satisfied by Windows which was evident from the market share of its use. So signing of agreement involves flattery of computer companies and Microsoft and if computer companies have signed that agreement that means they werent having any problems and neither consumers upon implementing the agreement.So Microsoft just used a marketing strategy over here. Judge Jacksons direct was fair for the competitors as well as for the software industry because Microsoft has really invoked the monopoly situation in the market. It was substantive to have fair competition in the market. As an operating system and applications are totally two different aspects and Microsoft should not club these two aspects. This order would have helped competitors and users to choose their favorite applications. From Microsofts point of view it was not the fair decision, as they never wish to separate their busines s into two domains.It was a marketing strategy adopted by Microsoft so that it can withstand with the PLAYING MONOPOLY MICROSOFT Javier Ian Gonzalez Lopez 1449556 9zi competition. According to them it also facilitated consumers for not spending their money in buying other corresponding software and also playing a risk of installing and uninstalling. According to the settlement between Microsoft and DOJ, Microsoft was asked to share its application programming larboard with other software rivals and to allow users to hide Internet Explorer icon from the screen.It was asked not to prevent other competitors programs to install on its operating system and not to retaliate against computer makers in releasing their products. This settlement was officially approved by Judge Kollar-Kotelly on November 1, 2003. The decision was really fair for the competitors as well as users. The decision has created free competitive market in the software industry. It allows users to use other availabl e applications and allow them to hide icons which they do not want to use. From competitors point of view market became much more open to release more products with advanced technologies.This move also helped people to think out of Microsofts box and helped to showcase their technical skills. As a result various new operating systems with better performance than Windows like Linux, Suse, Monopoly of Microsofts operating system has harmed everyone from users to computer producers. Dueto unavailability of fair market the users were bound to use Microsofts operating system and applications. They were unable to hide icons of the Microsofts applications from their operating system. From producers point of view, they were not free to launch Windows compatible applications due to unavailability of Windows application programming interface in the market. The competition became minimal in the market due to monopoly enjoyed by Microsoft. Due to monopoly in the market one single company Micro soft was holding maximum market share. It hampered the technical advancement and purpose in the market as well.Some of the following public policies could be used to deal with monopoly Government should issue some standards for a given technology/system/product which should be followed by everyone in the industry. Anti-monopoly law can be created to prevent monopoly to occur in the market. Some policies can be incorporated in the system to motivate and encourage newly launched companies to increase the innovation in the market. PLAYING MONOPOLY MICROSOFT Javier Ian Gonzalez Lopez 1449556 9zi Some policies should be made to share information among the companies whose applications are inter dependant.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Adultery †Duffy Essay

Duffy presents relationships in the poems criminal conversation and valentines in incompatible styluss. In adultery the title intimates betrayal and deceit. It explores the married womans feeling towards her husbands infidelity. Whereas in valentines, Duffy shows the unlike ways we love people and challenges the uncoiled message of love.Adultery is a fixity structure of 11 stanzas. This shows repetition and too restriction. It has a regular repetitive rhythm so as to avoid losing the impact and the theme of the poem which is betrayal. Duffy introduces her poem in an exciting and a mysterious way wear dark glasses in the rain. This shows that the person is cover his identity.Guilt. A sick, green tint makes the reader pause and think giving the articulate guilt a bigger effect. It shows the damage caused by the action of the betrayer. She leaves the discussion hands unwritten which makes it important due to the different things a person back tooth do with it. The second st anza creates an atmosphere of excitement and also shows a pinch of prostitution when Duffy uses the line money tucked in the palms.You are naked is also of significance because it not only implies infidelity but also the ledger naked could mean vulnerability. Duffy uses this to present the reader different ways to look at the partner.Duffy uses the news program bastard which is an offensive word. She could have just used the word bad person but instead she chose bastard because it is much more emotional and dramatic and shows the way the partner feels about the fornicator at that point in a more effective way. It shows the sourness and the anger which is also shown throughout the poem. This could also suggest that the adulterer was a male since woman ar usually not called bastards. The reason it could be a married couple is due to the use of the word man and wife cake later.Sweet darkness in the afternoon could suggest deception because people usually draw their curtains duri ng the afternoon so that others from outside cant see. However, sweet darkness is also an oxymoron because they are two opposites. Duffy could have used these words to show how the two lovers make something that is spooky (darkness) into a more raw atmosphere by having sex.The stanza increase the about sexual atmosphere by suing words such as gasping, radiant,yes. Duffy uses a simile in life which crumbles like a wedding cake to compare the adulterers life to a fictional life where the marriage would still crumble due to guilt. The tarnished take could be a fiction that suggests the adulterer has been with so many other lovers as well.Duffy suggests that men siret live up to their promises. When they do something wrong, they try to win the other half over by buying flowers which could mean that they are up to no approximate. The word darling expresses the bitterness and the sarcasm of the partner. It gives us an insight on how the partner feels.Duffy builds up tension towards the end of the poem. She uses words that have got implied meanings. Similarly, she uses this same technique for valentines as well although the theme of the poem is totally different and represents relationships in a different way.Valentines as the title suggests is about love and how it is expressed especially on Valentines Day. Duffy uses 1 line stanzas to give a more dramatic impact and also gives the key ideas. Duffy suggests that a red rose or a satin heart does not really carry the real meaning of love. The word not crates an effect which suggests that Duffy powerfully thought that the roses and hearts were just fake symbols of love.Instead, Duffy tries to have an onion plant as a symbol of love. Duffy compares her onion to a corn liquor wrapped in brown paper. The brown paper implies the outer skin of the onion. The moon is known for its romantic setting and its light could mean that true love provide the light of your life. In valentines, the poem uses imagery to deject a point across. The poem has got the onion as the extended metaphor with an implied meaning of true love. However, in adultery Duffy uses the words innocent onions to show that the adulterer implies that they have not done anything and that they are completely innocent even after all the cheating.Duffy implies that love isnt ever so going to be full of happiness. There are hardships as well which is the reason why she chose an onion. The onion can show the hardships through the tears when we peel an onion. Tears are part of true love. Duffy also suggests that by peeling an onion, the different layers of someones personality is also discovered. However, in adultery Duffy uses the word unpeels to suggest the sexual effect.Usually, photos are indicated for nostalgic moments of life. However, Duffy twists this idea by using photo of grief which implies that thither would be sorrow and depression in love. She is trying to say that these are the truths of love. She uses not a sly card o r a kissogram to imply that she was against normal gifts that did not really hold the true meaning of love. However, in adultery your flowers dumb and explicit on nobodys birthday can award that the person is up to no good. A flower which is a normal symbol of love is portray as betrayal and heartache.In valentines love is used as the key basic towards a good relationship. In adultery, the word love is used as an accusing comment by the partner to the adulterer. It suggests that the adulterer does not really know all about love since he is cheating. a ring throw away shows that the marriage would most probably end due to the deception. Similarly in valentines, Duffy mentions a wedding ring which is important since its a sign of love. On the other hand, Duffy could have used this to suggest that marriage is not the best option if there is no passion in a relationship.The word lethal is unusual to be in this poem. This however could mean that love is lethal in a way. Its a metaphor ical death of love that is break-ups. This word similarly is also mentioned in adultery for a different situation though. In adultery, Duffy builds up a situation on all the different ways the person cheats. She uses the word lethal to make sure that the reader doesnt feel soft with the deception and the betrayal. This word shows the dangerous consequence of adultery. However, in valentine the repetition of the word cling shows the way feelings can take a grip on people. On the other hand, in adultery the feelings certainly didnt make the relationship between the two people any stronger.In valentines, the poem uses imagery to get a point across. The poem has got the onion as the extended metaphor with and implied meaning of true love. Whereas, in adultery Duffy uses language technique of implied or hidden meanings to create a mood that builds on and and so changes it. She uses language effectively to present how the partner feels.The poem adultery could be personally linked to Duf fy. She expertness have had relationships where she was hurt or was betrayed by her lover. Whereas, in valentines she could have just wanted people to investigate and modernise their way of thinking instead of just sticking with the old boring meaningless ones.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America Case Study

Taran put at nickelodeon Latin America (A) pillowcase Study Background and Scope In 1979, Nickelodeon, a cable channel for kids 2-11 years old, was launched in the get together States. Nickelodeon provided a wide-range of programming which including live-action, comedy, drama, animation, music and sports and game shows. By 1995, Nickelodeon was the highest rated basic cable mesh and international expansion was very realistic and just getting started. To success abundanty transition internationally Nickelodeon go outed the channel to pee its own on-air identity and slogan for all(prenominal) endeavor.Nickelodeon used an International Swat police squad to launch the net drub into other countries and once established turned it over for local personnel to put to work. By 1998, Nickelodeon had already aggrandiseed and operating on 30 countries. However, back in 1993, Ms. Taran Swan, then director of Business Development for Nickelodeon, initially entertained the opportunity to expand in Latin America. Latin American TV did not cater to children. Due to the economic conditions programs were outdated and stagnant. This would be an opportunity for Nickelodeon to go into programs that gave kids a voice while still embracing their culture.The steps required to meet this goal would not be easy. Swan recognized the task at hand and the direct to prove her business course of study by securing minimum distribution (at least 2 million households). Swan believed in a speculative bets strategy and keeping the bottom line at the forefront of her thought process. This paper result save obstacles that Swan and her police squad had to deal with, not just in selling the channel, attracting advertisers but to a fault managing each other. Swans air and dedication allowed her to hand-pick her team to ensure deadlines were met and meeting expectations of the ne 2rk.Swan was known for her bruise and strategic business directives. In addition issues addressing persona l work/life balance, succession/transition plans result be explored. Finally, recommendations not only for Swan but for Nickelodeon as a company testament be presented to attempt to decline issues that arose while expanding Nickelodeon internationally in Latin America. Swan cosmos so involved in every step from conception to implementation would prove to be more(prenominal) challenging than she anticipated both in personal and professional management ways. Current SituationAt the end of the stand by year of operations at Nickelodeon Latin America (NLA), Swan prepared for a township Hall with MTV. She prepared a speech in which she wanted to promote the advancements that NLA had realized for the previous year. eld before the Town Hall, however, Swan was informed by her doctor that she was unable to continue traveling for work as her four month pregnancy showed signs of high seek. though Swan planned to leave afterward the Town Hall, she was hospitalized the day of the meeti ng. As she left to go back home, she considered the many challenges that still lay in advance of her.After leading the NLA travail from research to launch, in that respect remained additional tasks that motivationed to be completed before the bewilder could be turned over to local management. NLA was on the verge of two crucially important deals. The inaugural deal was with Argentinas largest provider, Cablevision/TCI, which would add 1. 5 million subscribers. A second deal would recall them access to the Brazilian marketplace through a Portuguese feed. These issues were exacerbated by currency volatility, marketing problems and publicise issues. Swan had a significant hand in resolving each of these issues.Now Swan is faced with a decision on what to do about continuing operations during her leave. Her experience showed that her team needed un several(predicate)iated mode but that they were able to communicate with her remotely. Thus, she considered how she may continue t o lead the project from her home. Another excerption she faced was put an interim manager who would be charged with leading the station forward. She upgrade considered installing multiple leaders for different functions. She understood that regardless of what decision she made, she would have to adapt her management style and skills.Situation Analysis Due to Swans medical situation, there are three critical activities that essential be managed effectively in her absence increasing publicizing sales, increasing classify sales, and the executing the Brazil-specific feed. advertizing sales was a key concern for NLA. They had missed their goal by 11% last year. Though the overall bottom-line goal was met, this lack of revenues did not make for a sustainable business model. In addition, the Latin American economy was very rocky, and Brazil was undergoing a currency devaluation.In order for the company to continue on its path to success, the sales team was going to need to land more advertising accounts, and take wages of the upcoming World Cup to drive much-needed revenues. Increasing affiliate sales was in like manner key. In particular, the deals with Cablevision/TCI in Argentina and Telemundo in the United States were very important. These deals would expand the viewership by 1. 5 million volume in Latin America and millions more in the United States. In turn, this increased viewership would help increase advertising sales, and would also strengthen NLAs foothold within the region.It was also help to show the corporation that the NLA project was succeeding. This could lead to a larger budget and more dedicated resources from the corporation. Finally, getting the Brazil-specific feed up and rail was critical. Brazil has the largest population and the largest market in all of Latin America. Though NLA had secured carriage on major(ip) Brazilian networks, they still had to develop programming for the feed. This would require a significant amount of work a s the company would need to customize the programming for the Brazilian culture, as it differed from other Latin American countries.Creating a successful feed in Brazil would open up new advertising opportunities and new affiliate sales opportunities and would solidify NLA as a major brand in Latin America. Swan knew that she would need to manage all three of these critical activities from New York to make sure that NLA continued to progress. However, she was unsure how to do so. Recommendations Taran Swan has become pregnant at an important time in her companys progress, when there are still several challenges to complete. Among these embroil attracting profitable advertisers, closing a deal with Cablevision/TCI and broadcasting to Brazil.There is no simple way to achieve these goals, and they all fall under problems that need to be addressed over time with the proper management. There are options that Swan has as it relates to the management of Nickelodeon while she is by on pre gnancy. 1. Swan could hap the responsibility of managing the company to a single person. 2. Swan could have two or more people share her responsibilities. 3. Swan could manage her team remotely and possibly file another lower manager to handle the day-to-day tasks.If Swan decides to take option 1, she will need to carefully evaluate the candidates and select the best one, and get Viacoms approval. The best candidates that come to mind include Donna Friedman, Valerie McCarty and Stephen Grieder. All of these candidates joined within the first few months after Nickelodeons project to expand into Latin America began. Stephen Grieder has had the most experience with Nickelodeon out of the three, was familiar with the Latin American culture, and was set forth as a creative genius. Valerie McCarty was energetic and had good communication skills.Like Grieder, she was familiar with the Latin American culture. She also had taken charge of tasks, even when they werent completely her respon sibility. However, she was relatively new to the company. Donna Friedman was particularly known for her creativity. For example, she unquestionable the Grow Down campaign, and thought of making the Jornadas party which attracted thousands of people. Swan felt that Donna didnt yet have multidimensional strategic thinking needed to take on a more managerial habit at the moment, but that Donna could be taught these skills.Swan could decide to take option 2 and have the responsibilities shared by two or more people. This method seemed to work out when Swan divided the marketing roles among McCarty and Friedman. It might help reduce the amount of work each individual has to do. It could also help give the team more diverse views and skillsets. In the last option, Swan could operate the quickness remotely. Most of the people working in her team already have experience communicating and working with people from different countries. Swan has already been shown to be an effective leader, and doing it this way would result in the least amount of change.The team would not need to take a risk on an unproven leader. Our recommendation is that Swan operates the facility remotely, while having another second in command, or day to day manager. In the event Swan was unable to run the project for any reason, the person second in command would take over. This would allow Swan to continue to run the project for as long as she was able to, and potentially throughout the entire time she was needed. She should train another person to be in charge of the project, without putting the full responsibility onto them.This would lower the chance of conflicting orders or conflicting goals that could result from shared leadership and mitigate any potential damage that might occur if Swan were suddenly unable to run the plant. Alternatives / potentiality Problems Donna Friedman, Valerie McCarty and Stephen Grieder all seem like they could be great potential leaders on their own. However, they are not yet tested in such a position. Putting one of them in charge at such a crucial point in the company could jeopardize their progress, and puts a large risk on the company. If the responsibilities were shared, it could help mitigate that risk.However, it could result in misunderstandings, communication problems and overall confusion about the direction of the company if the managers did not always agree. The leaders would need to be careful that they maintained a reconciled and clear message. Additionally, it could result social loafing. Social loafing is the phenomenon where people tend to work less in collaborative efforts than in on their own because they expect the other person to fill in the work, and also because they will not get full credit for their work (Latane, Williams & Harkins, 1979).Lastly, there is the option for Swan to operate the company remotely. She is the safest leader, since she has already proven herself. Though the risk is that due to her pregna ncy, or a medical complication, she would be unable to manage the business remotely. Additionally, there might be times when it is difficult to contact her or convey all the needed information to her without her being there in person. This would leave the project without a leader. ConclusionWe learn that Taran Swan might have some team trust issues because of her uncertainty of who to leave in charge during her absence. Every relationship among team members depends on trust. Swan feels her situation has a high train of risk and she is unsure of the best option for her team to succeed while she is gone. Working remotely will allow Swan to have some control over the situation, but that stress might further her complications and prevent her from working all together.Swan needs to trust her team and give them the tools they need to development their team roles through team building exercises. If Swan communicates effectively to the team members and passes on all training information, s he should be able to manage the company remotely without caring too much stress during her medical absence. References McShane, S. & Von Glinow, M. 2011. organisational Behavior, New York, NY McGraw-Hill/Irwin Latane, B. , Williams, K. , & Harkins, S. (1979). Journal of personality and social psychology. Retrieved from http//psycnet. apa. org/journals/psp/37/6/822/

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Espana – creative writing

It was the foremost time I had seen a large wound, well the first I had remembered, and the first I would never forget. We were on holiday, the complete holiday from my point of view. T here(predicate) were more or less twenty of us, varying in age, some from Birmingham, a friction match from America but the majority from London. We were going on a road trip, ultimately to Spain but fish filet on the way in Dijon, France. As incredible this holiday was starting to sound, the finest part to me was probably the particular that my parents were not here.I had come with my hyperactive 18 division old br opposite, my cousin who was a health check student, my two auntys, unity of whom had brought her grandson along, my beloved nephew. I dont think I basin remember a unmarried moment where I wasnt laughing, smiling or just enjoying the comp whatever of my family and the many friends we had make. The journey was astounding it became one of those trips that could never be able to forget. Stopping in Dijon for a couple of long time was amazing. It was the little things that do it unique, for instance my cousin, brother and I would take my nephew, Prem for walks in a stunning rose garden that was simply tranquil.He would want to be with us everywhere, reminding us of ourselves when we were younger and innocent, just he seemed to dupe five times as much energy as we did. Spain was an experience of wonder. From the people, the night life, foods, activities and that feeling I mat throughout the trip of sheer freedom. It seemed to be absolutely perfect, from the swimming pools to the beach nearby and the balconies that overlooked the correct city that just lit up at night. Being is such a magnificent place, it mechanically do me get to know the people I had come with to a great extent.Having this great confederation between us all, certainly do us experience Spain just that bit much. In fact, they had made an intense itinerary of things to do for the upc oming week cram packed with everything you could mayhap to in Spain. They had set places of great interest that sounded exceedingly pleasurable, but something else had caught my fascination and made be completely obsessed for the side by side(p) week. It was the swimming pool, including the attached slides, diving facilities, an island with a connecting bridge and a general contemporary look that made it seem as if it was a pool from the next century.Addicted, is the only word that could describe me and my rude(a) ire for simply swimming for hours on end, feeding this impudently obsession of mine. It was here where I fancyt how to do my first bum flip dive, here where I found out that my swimming shorts could actually fall away off if I was not careful, and here where I met my new friend Sarah. She had come to Spain every year for the past 6 years and being Flemish, communication was quite a task but it seemed worth(predicate) it. We had become inseparable, giving me some of my most treasured memories, one of which was our incessant trips to the swings.I had a new blissful life full of ecstasy, one I would not want to ever give up. I still remember everyday day and moment of the idyllic time I had there. I can distinctively recall upon one day in particular. One I rather forget. It was the three years before I had to leave the resort and that morning, we got up and went straight into the swimming pool. Living life to the greatest, we were enjoying everything we by chance could. Doing our usual routine Prem, Sarah and I were just taking pleasure in messing about(predicate) in the pool.Sarah seemed to have gone swimming so much from her various holidays she had learnt a few tricks. They were astonishing and she tried pedagogics them to me. Of course I wasnt the best at water gymnastics, but I tried hard and managed to learn some fragments Soon enough I had got a decent trick of diving into the pool doing a half summersault. Ecstatic about my new acco mplishment I forgot about Prem. He was at the back of my mind but to me he would just be playing around, kicking water while staying undirected from armbands.The next thing I remember was when I saw him, climb out of the pool, with some bother and strike a pose the way I did when I was just about to do my new diving trick. He shouted right across the pool to where I was and screamed, Hey, Shradha look at me . Thats when I froze. He definitely was not going to be able to make it and the edge of the pool was run along in a fashionable but extremely unpractical layer of sharp broken stones and sand interconnected together. In a matter of seconds I watched him jump, watched him scrape his shin deep as he depraved and watched him land in the water.At that point I swam as fast as I possibly could to him and jumped out of the pool, pulling him up as well. At this moment it hit me how no one we knew was here but had taken a trip to the beach, how I was left in charge of him and how I h ad been so irresponsible. As I examined his wound, I saw the deep gash in his leg between his genu and foot, and saw the blood trickling out. That was when a colossal wave of both guilt and worry hit me at once. Along with panic, it was a terrible combination. I was a mess of emotions that clouded my intellection and just made me confused, panicked and flustered.I was trying to comfort Prem and luckily Sarah ran into the hotel and called for help, which came quite fast. She had been the much more practical one, thinking ahead and trying to help the situation. I felt that I could not have been any more negligent and inattentive and that I was to blame for every tear that rushed down his face. The hotel staff came and got him in a relatively stable position but said that Prem should go get it cleaned up and fix properly. The hotel managed to contact my aunts and I didnt even know, as I was too wrapped up in other problems.In a matter of what felt like two minutes, my aunts came and saw Prems leg. Being a doctor, my aunt inspected his leg and succeeded to rustle up a variety of things from the Hotel Staff and Manager. By now I had hand Prem over, and watched as he was being dealt with. I was simply amazed at his courage and bravery. He had halt crying completely. Even when he was with me, I had not heard a complaint, moan or any sign of making things a hundred things worse than it was. I was learning so much from him, in such a short space of time.The whole incident seemed to have gone in a matter of minuets, but I had felt so many emotions flow through me. It was one of those days I would never forget, and from that day forward I understood so much more about my nephew. How he faced that day made me look at him from another light. For the next day, he complained about wanting to go swimming again. Also, when we got back to France, my cousin, brother and I would once again take my nephew, for walks in stunning rose and lilly gardens because he begged us to t ake him and never once did we refuse him.