Thursday, September 5, 2019

Facebook Addiction Disorder

Facebook Addiction Disorder Facebook Addiction Disorder The social networking site ‘Facebook was officially launched in the year 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg together with his friends Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Facebook, launched by the worlds youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, has over 300 million users worldwide, half of whom log on to the site every day. He made it as a private site for their high school only. Facebook is currently the number one social networking site, thrashing one-time social network leader MySpace. A program a guy (Mark Zuckerburg) created in his dorm room for a project has had a phenomenal growth with more than 300 million active users of which 50% log on in any given day and has over 70 language translations. With the aid of some friends, the initial aim was to help students keep in touch over the internet and get to know each other better. Within 24 hours, 1,200 Harvard students had signed up and soon after that the network was quickly extended to other colleges and universities. The site has created a platform for over one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries and every month, over 70% of Facebook users engage or connected with many applications as close to 20,000 websites, devices and applications have implemented Facebook Connect since December 2008. Communicating has never been easier and Facebook has become the top social networking site that helps people keep in touch. A duplicate of the Harvard University version of ‘Facemash, ‘Facebook is privately owned by Facebook Inc. Initially meant only for university, companies and high school networking in the year 2006 was available for everyone older than 13 years of age, holding a valid email id. It starts with people reconnecting with friends from the past. Then start adding friends from work and then maybe even their friends. Facebook, launched by the worlds youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, has over 300 million users worldwide, half of whom log on to the site every day. Furthermore, about 2 billion photos and 14 million videos are uploaded on various Facebook pages a month and about 6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook a day, worldwide. According to Willis Wee, founder of the social media, this is twice as much time that people spend on Google.The global socia l networking website allows users to post and share content (like photos, links, videos, and notes), play casual games and applications, and interact with friends and family through messaging and chat. . Further, about 2 billion photos and 14 million videos are uploaded on various Facebook pages a month and about 6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook a day, worldwide. This is twice as much time that people spend on Google.[1] The global social networking website allows users to post and share content (like photos, links, videos, and notes), play casual games and applications, and interact with friends and family through messaging and chat. Facebook has become a great way to find old friends, schedule events, play games and even send virtual gifts. But if somebody doing more living online than off, it might be time to reassess. Millions of individuals worldwide are signing up for friendship through a screen. Half of young people aged eight to 17 have their own profile on a social networking site. With more than 200 million active service users throughout the world, Facebook can be visited at This social networking site enables users to join one or more networks t o connect with the members of the same group. While earning so much profits from advertising, this network is available for its members at zero cost. Facebooks banner advertising is served by Microsoft Corporation. Some may argue that since these have become just as much as part of daily life as water coolers and word processing programs, these cannot be said as addictive so much as just another daily life tool in the world of the 21st Century. However, just as infatuation with the relation and immediacy of email and web surfing led to a society concern about Internet Addiction or addictive Internet use, the phenomenon of social networking has left the arena of personal and group networking to a very public and constant arena which allows for strong reinforcement of exhibition. Facebook truly is the power of social networking sites, and it would take time to displace it from its present position. When you first heard about Facebook you probably wondered what the big deal was. Then after dealing with more peer pressure than you have probably encountered since you were a teenager, you finally decided to sign up. Now you find you cant go more than 2 hours without checking for updates. There are some clues that showing Facebook has ruled the habitual activity. First is your everyday conversations with friends are peppered with references to Facebook. Second is Facebook is blocked in your office or campus so you bring your own laptop with your own broadband connection. Thirds is using Facebook Mobile. You surf Facebook even on your phone and when you feel the urge to use it, which is often. Fourth is you receive huge pleasure in showing off your old photos to everyone on your friends list, even if it takes 12 hours for you to scan and upload them. Fifth is you think about your farm or your restaurant games even when youre at work or in a business meeting or campus. Youre more worr ied that your plants will wilt and your food will be spoiled. Sixth is your friends are amazed at your level of progress in Facebook games. Youre the Poker King, master farmer in Farmtown and gourmet queen in Restaurant City. Seventh is Google and Twitter come second in your life. Facebook has reached a point where its more important than work and go to campus. Eighth is youre doing like Miss Facebook Congeniality. You dont really know too well half of your friends in your network. Ninth is you go out of your way to add friends. You adding friend just because you have so many mutual friends which is there are possibility where you dont know who he or she is. Tenth is you update your Facebook status five times a day. Eleventh is you spend 20 minutes thinking of a funny status update. Twelfth is youre excited about your planning trip to Bali or wherever, but youre more excited to showing it all off on Facebook. Thirteenth is you are crazy over Facebook so much, youve even think that y ou was born to love those Facebook ads and apps. Fourteenth is the place where you met your boyfriend or girlfriend. Fifteenth is Facebook chat has replaced Yahoo Messenger and Google Talk in your list. Many people want some evidences about the persuasiveness of Facebook that happen in this globalization era. That is so simple actually, if you have a Facebook account, you already know about the real and imagined friends and online acquaintances, school buddies from the past, ex-spouses, military leaders, even the functionary of the state, all addicted and agree to the power of having a Facebook account presence. The amazing thing is that, like cell phones specially Blackberry, nobody seems to notice or realize the huge amount of time, money and energy whether it is at work, at home, and now while on the move, people are most likely adhere to Facebook. It has become a trend among people. Commercial television features closing credits inviting viewers to follow-up via Facebook or Twitter. Even computer hardware advertise their new small pocket PC product by Facebook or Twitter. More and more links on web pages invite sharing on Facebook or RSS feeds or Twitter, then they are all conne cted. Most people are get crazy over the games in Internet or games contest, or games on Facebook, which is can be addictive. We as college students are under the spell of a new modern culture hysteria: the Facebook. People can make new friends and keep in touch with their alumni or the student who just graduate from the high school. By putting some information on Facebook and wall-to-wall, many people get connected. Facebook started to connecting people from time to time. Many Facebook users recommended this â€Å"Facebook† to another people who were not intended to go to the same high school as Facebook made for. By then, Facebook started to be known as the most popular site that people usually visit every day. Many people from worldwide upload photos and videos to Facebook. Even Facebook beat the Yahoo popularity by enriching the application in it, such as chatting, online games, etc. The most shocking point is that Facebook can earn more than millions dollar a day by uploading pictures, videos and advertising from all over the world. Internet Addiction Disorder is becoming a real problem, the most common one is Facebook Addiction Disorder. This â€Å"Facebook Hysteria† may lead us to F.A.D (Facebook Addiction Disorder). Facebook Addiction Disorder describes it as a situation in which Facebook usage overtakes daily activities like waking up, getting dressed, using the telephone, or checking e-mail. Facebook Addiction Disorder could be classified under the more broad internet addiction disorder or internet overuse. It seems that, not surprisingly, mainstream media (like online and off) has become interested specifically in Facebook Addiction Disorder. There so many symptoms that could mean to a Facebook Addict, such as lose sleep over Facebook, spend more than an hour a day on Facebook, become obsessed with old friends reconnect with, ignore work in favor of Facebook, logging off causes anxiety, need for increasing amounts of time on Facebook to achieve satisfaction, important social activities are reduced and transferred it to Facebook, you check your Facebook page before having your first cup of coffee or even before going to the bathroom in the morning, stopping before you leave the house to inform everyone that you are about to leave the house, you are spending more time changing your status update than actually doing anything worth comment on, you are changing your profile picture every time you change your clothes to keep it recent, every time you take a picture you wonder if it is going to be Facebook worthy, you leave a party early because you cant wait to get all of the pictures you just took up on the computer and tagged , you plan all of your social activities on Facebook instead of using the phone, you get jealous of other peoples plans and feel left out even though you dont personally know them, you feel you might need therapy because someone you barely knew 20 years ago wont accept you as a friend, you purposely try to recruit people you do not even know to up your friends count, you pretend that you are doing some really exciting things so others will find you interesting enough to want to be your friend too, Facebooks bookmark takes long time to scroll from top to bottom or 8 of 10 people in your friends list you dont know who they are, start introducing our self by following see you in Facebook when start to meet new person. Facebook addiction is a problem center is starting to see more of, especially in combination with Internet and gaming addictions. Researchers have reported on some of the research and theory relating to Facebook Addiction Disorder or as known as F.A.D, and have silently observed what appears to be a commercially-pleased wave of cell-phone addiction as distinct from social networking addiction[2]. Actually, there are so many addiction disorders in Internet. First is Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD). Second is Youtube Addiction Disorder (YAD). Third is Google Search Addiction Disorder (GSAD). Fourth is Widget Addiction Disorder (WAD). Fifth is Twitter Addiction Disorder (TAD). Sixth is Blackberry Addiction Disorder (BAD). Seventh is Mac Addiction Disorder (MAD). But Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) appears to be the most adhered and self-reinforcing of all scenarios, reinforcing through shared experience, shared creativity, and the ability to be the complete and total leading of the ones Facebook home page. For some the of the applications seem to be totally compelling for hours on end, for others Facebook is used more like email to keep in touch with a group. It could be sometimes serious, sometimes playful, sometimes simply only sharing whole things in mind. But the fact of how adhering Facebook has become culturally is one which is easy to be missed, because everybodys doi ng it or so it seems. The irony of who is most certainly addicted, as included to homework, relationship, or work avoidance even without such a seductive companion as Facebook, is that nobody may be left to observe or treat this huge behavioral phenomenon, as everybody is too focused on walls and apps and networks and finding old new friends. Facebook can unite people from all over the world. Many people using Facebook to seeking the old friend, making new friends, even to post advertising. Many people are used to visit Facebook website every day, every hour, and every minutes. There will always be new post in our new homepage. People are getting lots of fun by this, that it will be able to make them forget about the things that they used to do. This â€Å"Facebook Addict† has been defected many people all around the world, especially in Indonesia. Facebook can bring benefit from us, but it can also bring bad effect for us if we cant control our self. â€Å"I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it. And the glow from that fire can truly light the world. (Inaugural Address, by John F. Kennedy (1961)) The Facebook has become extremely addictive. Many people were addicted to Facebook. They usually forget the things that they used to do before they visit Facebook homepage. There are so many addictive users that should have be warned, like employees, housewives, and children. They should have limitation to visit Facebook homepage. They have their own responsibility when it comes for them to do their duty. Those that may seriously labelled and treat Facebook Addicton Disorder as a behavioral addiction will clearly need to use context in determining if a behavior has become certainly harmful to overall social, work, or interpersonal compatibility. This is one of my friends testimonials about Facebook. She said that she signed onto Facebook in 2006, and when she began, she thought it was just another silly site that she would eventually stop visiting. Perhaps she would forget her password or just not need it at all. Well, she was wrong. As we all know you can get poked which many people have different explanations for it, get listed as a friend, view others profiles or update your own, upload pictures, give a detailed explanation on how and what criteria for you to meet your friends, the list goes on and on and on. Anyone who stops at the Campus Computer Center during lunchtime is definitely and absolutely to see at least two people on the first or lower level on the Facebook. This can be frustrating to those who really need to do things like check their e-mail or bank account. Recently, as discussed in a television show, â€Å"Apa Kabar Indonesia Pagi†, F.A.D or Facebook Addiction Disorder is becoming more infected. It spreads among youth generation and elders as well. The guest speaker of the show says that its not just the hours spent on Facebook that really matters. The games, features and everything in it also. Facebook offers a variety of topic on its groups, its games and its members. As we join, we get in contact with any of this, some good and some bad and we do get some stimulation from this. Those younger than 18 are the ones affected most. They had a hard time differentiating reality from game world, so that thinking of what they do there can be done for real. As the show says, supervision is highly needed for these youngsters and if old enough, pays attention to games life. At times, we live our own life without noticing that our time is being consumed by social networks alone. Many people in the world also complaining and frustrated over Facebook. Here is one story from my friend in High School. The Facebook has become extremely addictive. During mid term, she took an intensive eight hour Japanese course, and before the last day of the course she and her friends were told to get ready to do a debate the next day, without being told specific information on which side we would be debating. Having been told beforehand that the debate would be accounted and worth for 20 percent of their grades, everyone worked hardly the night before to be equipped and ready to debate any possible side of the upcoming debate. The next day, they were given their own sides and were given time until 1:00 p.m in the afternoon to work in the computer lab to do more research to strengthen their positions. They were so panic, especially having less than three hours to prepare for something that accounts more and worth for their grades than anything else. Being in this position, peopl e think everyone would get up to stretch out or have a drink of water before starting. Guess where all the majority of the class went after signing on to their computer accounts? They would say 90 percent went on the Facebook and 5 percent were on AOL Instant Messenger. The worst is that they were on Facebook for at least 20 minutes and they began doing research just to find themselves on the Facebook. It is ridiculous when seeing these people that busy on their Facebook rather than thinking and practicing about their 20 percent accounted grade debate. Many students (and adults) are now seeing Facebook more as an addiction than a networking tool, and psychologists are starting to agree. Students, who have recently observed of taking breaks from homework to take quizzes on what many kinds of other element like lover, animal, serial killer, doctor or rock star one most similar, have already integrated everything from Facebook to texting to I-phones, Blackberry, SMS, and PDA into normal daily life. But there is seems to be a new experience among oldsters and seniors who seem to enjoy the same treats which were intended for college students and then adapted by high school students as well. As with all people are essentially addictive to online activities, people constantly change in their involvement, some periodically checking in to stay in touch, others checking once or twice a day, as an addition information or notifications to phone and e-mail checking, and some are seem to spending quite big portions of time in activities which mi ght be called creative, self-expressing, competitive, or purely social. Certainly, different age groups especially teenagers or students focus on different important activities. Students often sharing their miseries about assignments or gossip about peers, as well as creative videos and self-revealing photos or quiz results. Some students checking in occasionally or only when notified of incoming messages to inbox or wall, but still others are variously posting multiple messages every day relating to habitual daily life activities, or quiz results, or feeling states on Facebook of the moment. One of the ironies is that the smart people who might otherwise be working with people professionally to treat addictions, social isolation, and many more, seem to be anyone else among the most active Facebookers. Employees who work in office often using Facebook during working hours. It is not forbidden for the employees to do so, but they should have a big responsibility also to make a priority for their job. They often out of focus when doing their job. They were so focus on their Facebook that they forget about their duty. The government policy now forbid the existence of Facebook users during working hours. Facebook addiction is costing businesses  £123m each day. Facebook addicts are costing firms at least  £132 million every day in lost productivity. Researchers say the Facebook hysteria is already costing employers  £30.8billion per year and the site is expected to grow ever more popular.[3] Company has revealed the results of a new survey to examine the potential produ ctivity for businesses that allow their employees to access Facebook during office hours. The result shows that almost 50 percent people who work in the office, visit Facebook twice a day during working hours. Each time they visit their Facebook account, it takes them more than 3 hours busy on their Facebook rather than their job. The government have mentioned recently that workers should be given time to use social networking websites such as Facebook in their office. Local companies have banned workers from accessing the site during working hours. Employers fear Facebook is damaging workers productivity. Admittedly, some of the professionals in office hours used to spend their time working on their online games, or knowing who is the best at Bejeweled Blitz and these are often mental health professionals who assumedly spend at least some time off of Facebook, and might be able to absent for a day or two without permission. The most shocking point is that even professionals cannot maintain their working hours, I do speak with adult professionals who say they cannot imagine a period of one whole day or less without checking ones social world via Facebook. One told me it would be like life stopped. Facebook has enabled addicts seem to be busy on the availability of apps, whether self-oriented quizzes or game-playing or being at the center or core of nonstop social opportunity. Like the Internet generally, Facebook has it all, but in a convenient package all in one master home page. Many people have so influenced that Facebook is a part of normal life. We can still hearing people saying â€Å"I woke up in the morning and check out my Facebook†. That habbit has overtaken the peoples usually do like waking up, getting dressed, and finding or checking the cell phone which is that it has become as much as part of the invisible decoration of normal daily life as using the telephone or checking email. For better and worse, like many Internet tools, this can be both an opportunity and challenge, and for many employees it is easy to strike a perfect truancy at work. For many people especially those who not already invested and addicted in maintaining personal homepages, blogs, photo-sharing collections, IM networks, Facebook offers the perfect menu of opportunity. It may be similar to the proverbs like the kid in the candy store who cannot turn away from every temptation in sight, for hours of time supposedly spent on work, homework, housework, or relationship wo rk, who may have a problem. It is when one person cannot leave the continuous activation or reinforcement of a daily or hourly or constantly activity that one may assess it has become a problem. For others, its a wonderful activity like Facebook-ing available whenever one person is in the mood for hanging out with friends online or checking in without the need to do so on a constant and urgent basis. The situation can lead them to depositions from the office, they can lose their job if this is keep happening. It is so pathetic to see those people who we thought they were working behind their computer but the fact is that they were busy with their Facebook. Many companies are now aware that Facebook brings with it a series of security concerns, particularly the risk of employees revealing sensitive or confidential information to the wider world. When combined with the threat of an accompanying productivity decline, they may well decide that social-networking at work is simply more trouble than its worth. In modern life, the appeal of social networking sites to children is easy to understand. As many parents now consider playing outside too dangerous, a child confined to the home can find at the keyboard the kind of freedom of interaction. Facebook can be ruined our time management also. Children are the must-concerned case nowadays. They visit their Facebook homepage every day that it will reduce their time to study. Facebook stands as a revolutionary way for friends to stay in touch, regardless and no matter what of the age. It also stands as being highly addictive to adults and children alike, according to psychologists. If we think children is spending too much time on Facebook to the exclusion of their real life, we may be wondering what we could do to prevent it. It can also lead somebody to be a procrastinator by putting off doing things which it can damage our time management skills. It can bring bad effect not only for the result of the work, but also for the future of the employee itself. The majority of people in the world have Facebook accounts, and if the Facebook progresses and adds cool features like be able to add video to our profiles or, iTunes collaborated, most of us will need a break just to function normally. Along with television, instant messaging, and the daily jokes, people could conclude that the Facebook is the biggest far procrastination tool against college students. Many newsletters have been warned many people by reporting case by case that caused by â€Å"Facebook Addict†. Domesticity is also affected by Facebook Addiction. Spouse separation is a common thing that happens in this life, but it is not common until that separation is caused by Facebook. Facebook status which can be updated anytime and based on that persons mood can also ruin relationship between this spouse. It is surely that everybody is all aware by now, Facebook, when it is used recklessly, can get you into trouble. Firings, break-ups and general crime are no strangers to the social networking site. But Facebook trouble can be much more horrifying than all that. Take a look behind the break and catch a glimpse of Facebooks dark criminal. Facebook has so many users from all over the world. Each users have their own password to protect their privacy on their account. We cant look at someones homepage without knowing their password. We cant even look at their message without logging in to their protected homepage. Sending any personal info or incriminating pictures to someone on Facebook is a huge mistake for many reasons. One of the worst possible outcomes is getting blackmailed for money, sex, or, well, anything these sickness of dream up. It is happening whether theyre using a fake profile or not, its a horrible idea. Read up on the story of an 18-year-old who blackmailed 31 male classmates after he posed as a girl and asked for nude pictures. Thats give us lesson enough to not blackmailed. Cyber crime can be happened anytime in Facebook without knowing who has done it. Privacy policy is strongly implemented in Facebook except we know how to hack it. Many cyber crimes happen in Facebook as it has become the most popular website that people are common to visit it every day. Yet, privacy doesnt guarantee us to slip away from cyber crime. It can be also surely harmless to imitating a celeb online or create a fake profile for a movie character. But seriously, theres a definite line or limit that you shouldnt have crossed when pretending to be someone else and it can lead to several consequences for you. Social networking sites has been blamed for a lot of things, fair or unfair, but in my opinion, the worst offense has been their indirect involvement in suicides. Obviously, there are a lot of factors responsible in each case, but there is seem to be links between social networking and suicides. A man killed his wife just because of a posting that she made on the site. The m an has been jailed for life for stabing and sending his wife to death just because she changed her online profile to â€Å"single† days after he had moved out. It sounds really funny and impossible, but it is real and its happening. The news has reported that there is a man on wanted by Indonesian Police Force because he deceived people by his crime case. He was found in his guilty by updating his status on Facebook whereas people will notice that it is him. Facebook inbox can also fully loaded of junk mail. Many advertising or some unimportant mails were received in the inbox. Facebook also send us a notification in the e-mail inbox to inform us that notification. Some people consider it as a junk mail also. This is not so important to send it to e-mail inbox, as it can be seen when the users visit their homepage. Facebook is not only give bad effect for the users. Of course, there are so many benefit from Facebook. Advertising in Facebook is a common thing that occurred in every users homepage or profile. Facebook also provide some columns for advertising to advertise some products in the website. There are so many kinds of advertising in Facebook. It is always shown in the right side of the homepage. Facebook can also make a good media for advertising company to post their ads. It is saving money to post ads in Facebook. They have so many ways of advertising. Many people advertise their products by creating new account or group from users, so they can visit the ads profile every time they logging in. it doesnt cost a lot of money, they just have to spend money for the internet pulse. Facebook is a good strategy for advertising. Trillions of people in the world know Facebook, even they have made Facebook as their first homepage every time they log in. If the ads is already posted, the users from all over the world are automatically will see the ads. It is not only saving money, but also a good strategy for advertising media. By post advertising in Facebook, it can also saving time. It is an efficient and effective way to post an advertising. Many people get busy and complicated when it is time for them to advertise a product. They have to cooperate with some advertising media and company which can take lots of time and money by doing it. Advertising in Facebook doesnt need to do so, cause all we have to do is upload the ads and just pay the internet bills per kilo byte to post the ads. So, it is an efficient and effective way to maintain time management. If you are not already making use of Facebook as a method of marketing your business or niche marketing, then we are absolutely miss out on a great opportunity to reach out to hundreds and millions of active users. Today, Facebook has become one of the most popular online social networking websites, making it a quite untouched network for traffic and business. People spend a great amount of time online on the Facebook website looking to make new friends, interact and get connected with people, play games and interact within interest groups. When you make it possible for our advertising message to travel to these people through Facebook, we will absolutely see a big chance in the amount of website traffic that we attract with, and we will also see more members, more subscriptions, more sales and more inquiries as well. Here are three of the possible ways for us to advertise your business, product or service through Facebook social networking. First is Social Ads on Facebook. This is one of the most straight forward ways that we can promote yourself on Facebook. We can use social ads to target people based on a number of different functions including age group, gender and interest for example. By targeting our ads in this manner, we can increase our product interest, which is our click through rate. This will give us more visitors to our site and also an increase in the number of customers that we are able to attract. Make sure to throw a picture up in our ads because ads with images capture more attention and tend to attract more clicks as well. Second is Groups and Pages on Facebook. We can create groups and pages for our business, company or website on Facebook, and then we can get people to become a fan of our page or to join our group. Use the invite function for groups to get all of our friends to join, or tell our friends about our page so that they can become a fan. Both pages and groups are two excellent channels that we can use to gather more potential customers as well to build more brand awarene

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