Monday, September 9, 2019

Arab Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arab Culture - Essay Example Along with religion even the culture travelled out wards from Arab lands. They left strong mark on almost all fields of human endeavour: architecture, literature, painting and even technology. Arab land is not only rich in oil, it is rich in iron ore, cobalt, lead, magnesium. What was the ancient culture of mankind Culture means a way of life and a way of thinking. Since primitive man was busy cultivating and managing livestock and hunting the first explored art forms were tool making: tools made with pebbles, Ubaid sherds and flints too have been recovered from archeological sites in Egypt and Arab nations. They were used to hunt, make dwellings, sculpting. Colours were made from tree extracts, flowers and vegetables and used for painting. Ancient Arabic literature is rich in lyric and poetry. The Quran, word of God, is one of the ancient written sacred book. Later Arabic literature has gifted the world with 1001 Arabian nights which is even now one of the best sold books world over. Story-telling was one of the major art form. All the three religions which branched out from the philosophy of One God brought discipline in the land: For if you didn't listen to command of God you are condemned. In the name of God magnificent monuments were built.

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