Monday, September 30, 2019

Loss Of Innocence Lord Of The Flies English Literature Essay

The book Godhead of the flies was published in 1954 by the Nobel-prize victor William Golding during the period of the cold war and the atomic age but the book situates during the World War II that has happened some twelvemonth before the publication aside from the fact that William Golding had participated during this war in the royal navy participating in the sinking of the German ship the Bismark and take parting in the invasion of Normandy doing more clear the manner he puts the characters and how they change into more barbarous existences aside for saying his thought of how the civilization the adult male creates fails demoing the influence of the context at that clip. The intent of this drawn-out essay from the novel â€Å" The Godhead of the flies † by William Golding is to demo to what indicate the loss of artlessness of the chief characters of this novel that alteration from good educated childs to savage people when they get in a virgin island making a batch of things that childs should non make, doing the loss of artlessness a progressive thing This subject was chosen because it is really of import how people even kids can alter into a wholly different sort of people particularly in one feature which is present in all childs and that is the innocence.In this novel the artlessness is one of the many features that alteration but in this instance it changes into a signifier of savageness that is non normal in kids that came from the metropolis but because of the fortunes it changes into that manner. Abou the subject â€Å" the loss of artlessness † I will speak about different points that will assist to understand it as how this kids were before lossing their artlessness, how they were when they loose it, the manner they lose it and the pros and cons of this Loos of artlessness This extend essay will be divided in two. In the first portion it will be seen the writer, historical context, the influences of Wiliam Golding and his manner of writting and in the 2nd portion a treatment of the loss of artlessness that is present in the novel. We could by and large acquire to recognize that the childs of the novel were force because of their surrounding to go barbarous people and loss their artlessness to remain alive in that deserted island by making a batch of things that a child would non usually do.Chapter IContextBiography of the writerThe writer William Holding was born in his grandma `s house in Cornwall were he spent many childhood vacation at that place. He grew up at his household place in Marlborough Grammar School ( 1905 to retirement ) . His male parent Alec Golding, was a socialist and a instructor with a strong committedness to scientific rationalism, William and his senior brother Joseph survey in the same school were their male parent taught. His female parent Mildred was a adult female that supported the moderate candidates for female right to vote. In 1930 William went to Oxford university as an undergraduate at Brasenosed College where he analyze natural scientific disciplines for two twelvemonth before traveling to English literature Golding took his B.A 2nd category in the summer of 1934, and subsequently that twelvemonth he wrote his first book named Poem, this book was published in London by Macmillan & A ; Co, through the aid of his Oxford friend, the anthroposophist Adam Bittleson.Golding during all his life was an devouring animate being rights militant Golding married Ann Brookfield on 30 September 1939 and they had two kids, their names were Judy and David. In 1985 Golding and his married woman moved to Tullimaar House at Perranaworthal, near Truro, Cornwall, where he died of bosom failure,8 old ages subsequently, on 19 June 1993. He was buried in the small town God's acre at South Wiltsshire ( this topographic point is near the Hampsire and Dorset state boundaries. He left the bill of exchange of a novel, the dual tong, set in ancient Delphi, which was published subsequently.InfluencesWorld war II changed believing about adult male ‘s indispensable nature, one of this adult male was him. Before the war people believed that adult male was basically charitable and society was frequently evil. However, the atrociousnesss of the war made it really hard to many people to believe any longer in the purportedly good and guiltless nature of human existences as the prevailing portion of people. You can see the influence of this displacement in believing in Golding ‘s plants. Some of Golding ‘s favourite childhood writers were E dgar Rice Burroughs with Tarzan of the Apes, Robert Ballatyne with Coral island and Jules Verne with Twenty thousand conferences under the sea[ 1 ] Each of these books portrays adult male as a fundamentally, normal good animal who struggles to avoid the immoralities of society. Golding yearned to be similar to the characters in the narratives and fabrications he read â€Å" They held me rapt, † Golding one time said of the books he read. â€Å" I dived with the Nautilus, was shot round the Moon, and crossed Darkest Africa in a balloon, descended to the centre of the Earth, drifted in the South Atlantic, deceasing of thirst†¦ . It ever sent me indoors for a drink-the fresh Waterss of the Amazon † .[ 2 ]When he was twelve Golding decided to be a author. He planned a twelve-volume work on trade brotherhoods but he could ne'er finish the tremendous program. As said before with his love for books and reading and his early efforts at authorship, Golding of studied literature in college. The book was non considered a success at first, it was non until the sixtiess, when it captured the attending of college and high school pupils that critics began to admit Golding ‘s endowment. Even now there are differing sentiments about the novel. Some believe Golding ‘s authorship is declamatory and didactic, that he does non let you to hold any sentiment but his. Other critics see him as the greatest English author of our clip. You will happen that portion of the merriment of his book lies in make up one's minding for yourself what you think. Golding has continued to compose in malice of the contention over his work. It would look that the unfavorable judgment, instead than scaring him, merely challenges him to go on composing. In the same manner, Golding challenges readers to believe about what he considers most of import: the true nature of human existences. The three novels that followed Lord of the Flies — The Inheritors, Pincher Martin, and Free Fall â₠¬â€ brought him more success, while the contention over his endowment, or deficiency of it, continued. Finally Golding stopped learning to compose full clip. In 1983 Golding was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.[ 3 ] When World War II began in 1939, Golding joined the Royal Navy. He saw action against German war vessels, he was in antisubmarine and flak operations, and in 1944 he was involved in the D-Day naval support for the landings on the beaches of Normandy. He continued to read the classics even as he acquired a repute for loving tense combat. And his war experiences changed his position about world ‘s indispensable nature. Because of the atrociousnesss he witnessed, Golding came to believe that there was a really dark and evil side to adult male.[ 4 ]â€Å" The war, † he said â€Å" was unlike any other fought in Europe. It taught us non contending, political relations or the follies of patriotism, but about the given nature of adult male. †[ 5 ]After the war Golding returned to learning in a male child ‘ school, which may explicate why the characters in Lord of the Flies seem so existent. Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon, and the other male childs are based on the faces and voices of kids Golding knew. Thus his reading of the classics, his war experience, and his new penetration into humanity laid the basis for his authorship. His first three novel were really much alike the novels he read and he name them as rubbish imitations, these novel have ne'er been published. His 4th novel was Lord of the flies, and when it was eventually accepted for publication in 1954, it had been turned down by a batch of publishing house around 20 of them In his authorship manner it can be seen that it is go outing and fast- moving with a batch of facets that is shown in it, one of them is the length of the sentences depending in the state of affairs, he use long sentences if he wants to travel easy, this sentences are intentionally use to decelerate the readerA?s gait so that the reader feels relax and to make non anticipate some of the things that are coming next in the narrative. This is done to do a esthesis of surprise in the reader. On the other side he uses short sentences to do the narrative impacting as he uses them when something of import and shocking is go oning in the the narrative in other words a minute of tenseness. There is besides the usage of symbols, this symbols, the bulk of them are objects that are in the nature each of them intending something of import as justness or force. Aside from this he is an writer that writes with a great control over sensitiveness as he writes the deceases of animate beings or people in really descriptive and ghastly manner as he was a individual that saw the horrors of war, he besides like to make the mirror technique as he like to contrast the thing that are shown with opposite words as dark and visible radiation, isolation and friendly relationship. Finally he like the usage of imagination to heighten the state of affairs to do it more clear to the reader of what is traveling on. Chapter 2: There are many apparent subjects in the book the Godhead of the flies by William Golding. One of the most apparent subjects trough the novel would be the loss of artlessness. It is shown as the narrative progresses that the artlessness of the kids is vanishing as the instruction they received is merely a manner to keep the existent kernel of adult male that is evil. Because of the deficiency of civilisation an instruction in the island where the kids are trapped the become violent, cruel and crude demoing the existent kernel of adult male that the writer likes to utilize in his novels. The loss of artlessness is apparent in most characters of The Lord of The Flies. But first of all this means that this characters at a timet hey were guiltless, this can be seen in the first chapters of the of the book when it is said that this kids, Ralph and the others, were good boies and girls, that they studied in a private school, they liked to play that they were portion of the high society intending that they had money, as portion of the high society in England they were kids that were teach with good manners for illustration, to imbibe a cup of coffe in the afternoon.All of this meant that they were really educated kids that will ever make the right thing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides that they would non ache anyone but, when the accident with the field occur that leads them to oppress within a virgin island this changed in a imperfect a ill-famed manner as the the clip passed by because this savageness was needed to last within the islands there were no easy things to acquire as in the civilisation were they merely had to inquire for the things to they parents as most kids an in contrast in the island thy were by themselves seeking to last so they had to run carnal to eat doing a immense contrast in the behaviour they had in the civilisation and the behaviour they had to hold in the island, as the kids that were portraded swimming in the laguna in Chapter 3 that when crushed in the island they merely wanted to be deliverance that turned The painted barbarians in Chapter 12 who have hunted, tortured, and killed animate beings and human existences and that now they do non desire to be rescued anymore.The autor, William Golding, as a adult male that hated war is seeking to demo with this that civilisation can non cancel the evil nature of the human being that it is shown in the worst minutes of the life of the adult male and that this civilisation can merely conceal and command this evil side that all adult male have. The procedure of innocnece debasement can be seen in the spar between Jack and Ralph appears to be invariably stirring. It occurs in the beggary of the novel with the election of Ralph as head all the manner to the hunting of hogs. It seems that all Jack wants to make is Hunt and kill even before they have any shelter to protect them from the elements. For illustration in chapter 3 it was said by Jack, â€Å" We want meat † ( pg 54 ) . Jack says this on more than one juncture. It is besides apparent that the male childs are going more and more barbarian. For illustration in chapter eight during the successful Hunt of a hog Jack says, â€Å" Pick up the hog. † , â€Å" This caput is for the animal † mentioning to the sows head ( pg 137 ) . The caput of the hog was impaled upon a lance through the land as an offering for the animal. Towards the terminal of the novel it has become axiomatic that the artlessness of the male child has been wholly lost. It at one point had gotten so bad that alternatively of runing for nutrient for the necessity of nutrient, human existences were killed. For illustration, in chapter 11 a immature male child named Roger, a sadist, rolled a bowlder down a hill during a feud and killed piglet. Another illustration of loss of artlessness can be provided in chapter 10 where Simon goes to state the male childs of the â€Å" existent † animal while the male childs are in a chant shriek, â€Å" Kill the animal! Cut his pharynx! Spill His Blood! . † Simon is stabbed with a lance and dies. Society is a cardinal component lacking in The Lord Of The Flies doing the new fickle behaviour among the male childs. The male childs in Godhead of the flies were unable to retain the much-needed artlessness to continue peace amongst the male childs. The ideal supervising and stableness of the â€Å" grown-up † universe that was missing caused the instability among the male childs and the prototype of the ruin of artlessness of world at its most crude province with a immense contrast of what the kids were earlier and what they are now, as when Ralph is foremost introduced, he is moving like a kid, sprinkling in the H2O, mocking Piggy, and express joying. He tells Piggy that he is certain that his male parent, a naval commanding officer, will deliver him, a strong belief that the reader understands as the desirous thought of a small male child. Ralph repeats his belief in their deliverance throughout the novel, switching his hope that his ain male parent will detect them to the far more realistic premiss that a passing ship will be attracted by the signal fire on the island. By the terminal of the novel, he has lost hope in the male childs ‘ deliverance wholly. The patterned advance of Ralph ‘s character from idealism to pessimistic pragmatism expresses the extent to which life on the island has eradicated his childhood. Besides you can see that there is a batch of symbolism that represents the loss of artlessness as in the island is coded in the early chapters as a sort of Eden, with idyllic scenery, fresh fruit, and glorious conditions. Yet, as in the Biblical Eden, the enticement toward corruptness is present: the younger male childs fear a â€Å" snake-thing. † The â€Å" snake-thing † is the earliest embodiment of the â€Å" animal † that, finally, will arouse paranoia and division among the group. It besides explicitly recalls the serpent from the Garden of Eden, the incarnation of Satan who causes Adam and Eve ‘s autumn from grace. The male childs ‘ increasing belief in the animal indicates their gradual loss of artlessness, a descent that culminates in calamity. We may besides observe that the landscape of the island itself shifts from an edenic infinite to a beastly one, as marked by Ralph ‘s observation of the ocean tide as an impenetrable wall, and by the storm that follows Simon ‘s slaying. Altought the deficiency of moral during thier actions is a bad thing, this has pros and cons the pros is that this help them to last in the island since there is no topographic point to be a educated and a formal adult male becouse if you are this manner there you will acquire killed an eat by a wild animate being or by other things so in a manner here applies the â€Å" endurance of the fittest † as a chief jurisprudence to last, the advantage of the deficiency of moral in that topographic point is that they will non experience guilty for the violent deaths of animate beings or people since you need to eat but on the same side the cons of this is that they will lose all societal accomplishments, and civilizad ways they have learn trought their lives, in instance they are rescued and convey back to the metropolis this will non allow them to hold a normal live at that place as they adapted all to the island.So in manner this deficiency of moral helps them but at the sametime it puts them on danger. Decision: In decision the loss of artlessness is an apparent subject trought the novel â€Å" the Godhead of the flies † of William Golding that is shown throught this characters in an progressive manner as the deficiency of moral that brings down the artlessness makes them make atrocious things as cannibalism and other things that are worst as the clip passes, but aside organize the fact that this brings their moral down, this have advantages that helps them to last in this helter-skelter state of affairs full of danger. With this the writer William Golding tries to demo that no affair who you are or what your instruction you have recieved because when people are in a hard minute of their lives, their evil side appears losing all the civiliziced manner of acting as this portion is ever present in all human people despite their social-economic category, this thought of the human society that the writer has is the consequence of his experiences of war as he presenced killing and other atrocious things throught this phase of his life altering his manner of seeing things into a pessimistic position of people as he likely did in war things that he is non proud of because this state of affairs makes people alter his manner of thought and do things that they would non usually do. This subject could convey new investgiation in the possible hereafter, in the same book, about â€Å" the savageness V civilisation † , this subject is related in a great manner about the loss of artlessness since it is about the struggle beteween the urges that exist in all human existences one of them the inherent aptitude to populate in a peacefull manner by following regulations and the other being to move in a violent and animalistic manner to last and to derive domination over other people.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Education Dialogue Essay Essay

There are many people in today’s society that believe going to school is essential in order to live a rewarding life. What people don’t understand is the fact that there are many different aspects of education and some are more important than others. Although practical knowledge is important to learn, there is a big difference between schooling and educating. There are many elements of education that stimulate growth and are necessary in order to fulfill ones learning potential. The purpose of education is to help humans grow and mature intellectually. Education should foster creativity and the students should be able to develop their potential by believing they are capable individuals. Education should also let the student’s curiosity and interests direct their studies. It is important that the learning environment is positive and will help the students develop their set of morals and characteristics such as respect, loyalty, and kindness. Boredom is the common condition of most students in any type of school. This could be because the teachers are boring which makes it nearly impossible for the students to be interested in what is being taught. The boredom may also be caused by the lack of imagination and creativeness in the classroom. It is important that education fosters creativity and lets the students express themselves individually. â€Å"The aim.., is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.† (Gatto, p.3) People would agree with Gatto in the sense that schools generally put down originality and confine students to standardized education. Many schools group students together based on test scores and proficiency levels and students start looking like robots as they go day to day in the same routine. In elementary school, I expressed my creativity in so many ways; finger painting, writing stories, coloring. It was difficult when I got into middle school and began taking classes that were strict in a sense that all I did was sit there, write notes, and regurgitate my new knowledge the best I could. It’s safe to say when I entered high school; I realized how much of my creative self I’d lost. I got so accustomed to taking notes, reading textbooks, and taking tests on scantron paper. I took a creative writing  class my freshman year in high school. When I entered the class, I didn’t think I would be able to write creatively because I had just spent the last three years writing hypothesis and formal essays. Thankfully, there was a spark in my brain that lit and developed a passion for creative writing. Throughout the year, I wrote poems, short stories, prose pieces, I even attempted writing a chapter book. I discovered a creative side of myself that had been shaded out in middle school. The next year, I took Creative Writing 2 as an elective. I created poetry pieces that I was very proud of and I decided to enter one into a statewide writing competition. The poem was titled Magnolia and it won me second place. I had finally found something that expressed who I am, I loved writing and I was good at it. I was afraid that school would make me feel jaded and unable to express the things I feel and the thoughts I think. Albert Einstein once said, â€Å"Everybody is a genus. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.† This quote has been in the back of my mind throughout my years of schooling. Everyone is different; everyone has different skills, knowledge, and abilities. It is important that students understand that just because they may not excel in math or science courses, they may be outstanding in something else. â€Å"Schools are meant to tag the unfit—with poor grades, remedial placement, and other punishments—clearly enough that their peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them from the reproductive sweepstakes.† (Gatto, p.4) Standardized tests do a magnificent job of making students feel stupid or inferior to other students who score higher on their aptitude tests. Schools and tests should not make people think less of themselves because of poor scores. Throughout high school, I did well in my classes. I got my homework done on time, I quizzed fine, but when it came time to take tests; I froze and forgot all knowledge previously put in my head. Although I may not be a very good test-taker, I believe I have an important set of skills that cannot and will not be defined by scores and grades. The learning process begins on day one of life. Growing up means learning about yourself, your surroundings, and how to put the two together. In the early years of education, children develop their character and discover their set of moral values. I think it is so important that in any learning environment there is respect and kindness being encouraged. People learn at a young age how they are going to interact with others. It is necessary that young people learn how to be kind hearted and understanding. Education should give students, a sense of right and wrong, good and bad. It should teach people the importance of respect, trust, and compassion. Character traits are developed in the early years of education so it is crucial that the learning environment encourages positive character and makes it possible for the student to expand a strong sense of morals. The world is a tough place but it is important to teach young people how significant it is to have compassion for other people. Today’s education system is a controversial issue because there is so much to be taught and some topics never get touched in public school. Education should let students develop themselves creatively, let the student’s curiosity and interests direct their studies, and it should help the students develop their character, morals, and teach the significance of compassion and respect. Education has many different aspects that should, all in all, stimulate growth and fulfill one’s learning potential by letting them discover and express themselves. Standardized education can be toxic because it groups students together and does not leave room for creativity and open-mindedness. Education should inspire students to be individuals with positive mindsets and outlooks on life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Maths Trick Chapter 1

Lesson1 Lesson1 These lessons are based on Vedic Maths† principles and other maths tricks. These principles are general in nature and can be applied in many ways and very very useful in commercial arthematics. I hope all of you like these lessons and make your calculation more fast and save lot of time in daily calculations and examinations or any entrance test like CAT /IIT /BANK PO /ENGINEERING ENTRANCE TEST/PMT /MCA ENTRANCE TEST/MBA ENTRANCE TEST etc etc Method for multiplying numbers where the first figures are same and the last figures add to1 0 . 42 x 48 = Both numbers here start with 4 and the last igures (2 and 8) add up to 10. just multiply 4 by 5 (the next number up) to get 20 for the first part of the answer. And we multiply the last figures: 2 x 8 = 16 to get the last part of the answer Method for multiplying numbers where the first figures add up 10 and the last figures are same 44X64 Here first figures are 4 and 6 and their add up 10 and unit figures of both numb er are same Just multiplying the last figures 4Ãâ€"4=16 Put it at right hand side Again multiplying the first figures and add common degit(4Ãâ€"6 )+4=24+4=28 put it at left hand side Now we get required answer2816Similarly 36Ãâ€"76 , 6X6 =36 right hand side , (3Ãâ€"7)+6= 21+6=27 left hand side Required answer is 2736 NOTE If multiplication of last figures is less than 10 add zero before unit digit Ex 81Ãâ€"21 , 1Ãâ€"1=01,( 8Ãâ€"2)+1= 16+1=17 Required answer 1701 Method for multiplying numbers where the first number†s add up10 and and the second number's digits are same 46X55 Here first number's add up is 10 and second number â€Å"s digits are common i. e 5 Just multiplying last figures of both numbers 6Ãâ€"5 =30 put it at right hand side Again multiplying first figures of both numbers and add common digit of second number (4Ãâ€"5)+5 =20+5 =25 put it left hand sideRequired answer is 2530 ( If multiplication is in unit in first step add zero before it) file:///D|/Docu ments%20and%20Settings/sanjay/Desktop/maths%20tricks/lesson1ur20. htm (1 of 3)6/25/2003 4:00:19 PM Lesson1 Multiplying numbers just over 100. 108 x 109 = 11772 The answer is in two parts: 117 and 72, 117 is just 108 + 9 (or 109 + 8), and 72 is just 8 x 9. Similarly 107 x 106 = 11342 HOW USEFUL IS THIS CALCULATION! EXAMPLE 1 Compute the amount and the compound intrest on Rs 10000. 00 on 2. years at4%per annum. Now 4Ãâ€"4=16 and 4+4=8 put 10 it becomes Rs 10816. 00 How simple ! o calculation no extra time ! Practice Test 1 Solve mentally these questions Note down your calculation time by watch (Suggested time 90 seconds) 22 X 28 35 X 35 48 X 42 73 X 33 12 X 92 48 X 28 28 X 22 37 X 88 91 X 66 118 X105 109 X108 112 X106 91 X 99 33 X 37 55X55 Now check your answer with the help of a calculator Back Home Next file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/sanjay/Desktop/maths%20tricks/lesson1ur20. htm (2 of 3)6/25/2003 4:00:19 PM Lesson1 file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/sanjay/Desktop/maths% 20tricks/lesson1ur20. htm (3 of 3)6/25/2003 4:00:19 PM

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Effect of Employee Training and Development as a Human Resource Essay

The Effect of Employee Training and Development as a Human Resource Practice on Productivity - Essay Example Emphasis on the different theories and the merits and demerits of the theories will be discussed. Since the aim of the dissertation is to understand the effects of training and development on employee productivity it is essential that a case is taken into consideration. The study conducted in this dissertation uses data from a company – British American Tobacco Ltd. UK., to discuss and understand the effects of training and development on the employees and how the productivity of employees is affected by these human resource practices. The Human Resources departments of various companies and corporations who are actively working on improving the performance and productivity of employees or are preparing proposals to the management on implementing different training and development processes to improve the productivity of employees. The key issues that will be discussed in the dissertation are the effect of training and development programs on employee productivity. The merits and demerits of including the training programs for graduate employees will also be discussed. As the company spends a lot of its resources in training of employees it is essential that the results got from these programs are beneficial for the company. Also, a brief discussion about why training programs might not be useful in certain cases will also be discussed. Recommendations for the company will include steps the company can take to ensure positive results in the form of better productivity of employees will also be discussed. The companies website states a lot of different programs that BAT offers for new starters, this will also be discussed in detail to analyze the usefulness and appropriateness of the programs. Another issue that will be discussed is the effectiveness of the theories that have been derived over the past years. A detailed explanation of the different theories will be discussed and an analysis of the theories will be made.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Advantages of Nuclear Power and Comparison with the Fossil Fuels Assignment

Advantages of Nuclear Power and Comparison with the Fossil Fuels - Assignment Example Fossils are the remains of the dead organisms buried in earth’s crust. When such bodies undergo changes like anaerobic decomposition through millions of years, the products formed are hydrocarbon compounds like coal, petroleum, natural gas. Such products are storehouses of chemical energy, which is released when they undergo combustion reactions. As such they are called as fossil fuels (Josepha Sherman, 2004). 3. Nature has borne the cost of production of fossil fuels and humans have to bear only the cost of extraction and processing it. As such fossil fuels are cheaper than the non-conventional forms of fuels like nuclear fuel. 4. The fossil fuel in solid form, coal, is the most widely used fuel in power generation as it is found abundantly in nature. Similarly the liquid and gas forms like petrol, natural gas are easily transportable through pipelines. The depleting reserves of fossil fuels and the monopoly of certain oil-producing countries in controlling its prices have compelled mankind to look for alternative sources of energy. A few of them are hydroelectric power, nuclear power, wind energy, solar energy, and geothermal power. Hereunder we will discuss two of them viz. hydroelectric power and nuclear power. It is the electricity obtained by water falling under gravity from higher to lower level. Huge generators  convert the potential energy of water stored in dams while falling down. The potential energy of the water stored in dams is converted into electrical energy. The water rotates the turbines placed in between. The rotating turbines, in turn, rotate the generators connected to it, producing electricity. Nuclear power is created by causing fission of unstable nuclei 235U. Such nuclei are bombarded by neutrons which cause the fission of such nuclei along with the release of a tremendous amount of heat energy and also neutrons. These liberated neutrons in turn cause fission of more nuclei and a chain reaction are set into motion producing more heat  energy.  

Let Me Say It Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Let Me Say It - Essay Example Moreover, the family and the society is always engaging to bring out the best among family members (Kragen). It has been observed that the continuous communication maintain cohesion among nation and where there is breakdown of interpersonal communication there are tension that lead to conflict. Moreover, the process of communication is influenced by what one says (Interpersonal Communication and Personality). The respondent analyses the message he receives and respond to it appropriately (Kragen). ‘Interpersonal communication is irreversible’ (Kragen). Once people act or communicate to other people it is not possible to erase or reverse the process. For example when a person send out an email it is not possible to withdraw what has been sent. Moreover, it is impossible to forget peoples behaviors learned through communication exchanges. Furthermore, it is impossible to undo an act or unsee things already seen. The communication process in interpersonal communication cannot be restarted and presenting a new version of a story does not erase a previous good or bad episode. Therefore, what people communicate become a behavioral sequence of interpersonal communication

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

History of Occupational and Health Safety Essay - 1

History of Occupational and Health Safety - Essay Example Steel industry workers demand for more comprehensive occupational health and safety laws. Accordingly, industries start introducing protective clothing, meals, rest breaks, improved conditions in mines and protection against asbestos Committee inquires on the impact of technological change in Australia such as screen-based equipments like computers, and associated hazards like repetitive movement injuries, fatigue and impact on eyesight (Johnstone & Tooma, 2012). Occupational health and safety (Commonwealth employees) Act 1991 is enacted in order to protect the employees of the commonwealth authority from risks arising from employment. The employer must identify risks, control the risks or reduce the potential risks. Industry Commission issues the Work health and Safety proposals that offers greater incentives for employers to introduce better safer work environments and allow for flexibility through use of few legislations The commonwealth, Sate and territory governments and Australian Council of Trade Unions abide to commit to the 2002-2012 National OHS strategy that aims at attaining an harmonised regulatory framework (Johnstone & Tooma, 2012). Amendments of the Occupational health and safety Act 1991 is amended by the Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment Act 2004 to alter the procedure of workplace investigations and improvement notices (Johnstone & Tooma, 2012). Federal workplace minister canvasses the possibility of harmonised national systems of employee compensation. Employee groups also make submissions on concerns and support for the possible harmonisation of OHS. The Work, health and safety Act 2011 covers incident identification, WHS consultations, workplace entry provisions, regulations and legal proceedings (Johnstone & Tooma,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Enviromental concerns of overpopulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enviromental concerns of overpopulation - Essay Example Despite this, the technology has had negative effects on some aspects of the human existence. In the recent past, the population increase has been alarming. This has posed some challenges in the maintenance of our environment. This paper seeks to give an in-depth analysis of environmental concerns of overpopulation. Environmental concerns of overpopulation The population growth rate in the twenty first century has been alarming. This has resulted in the exploitation of natural resources, which has exposed the world to more danger. Despite this, most of the stakeholders in population issues have not been active enough to sensitize the threat posed to all persons across the globe. According to research conducted by global footprint network, the water necessary to provide the resources we currently use has declined. Taking into consideration the population at hand, and the food and water they consume, great risk is evidence. To be able to handle the problem effectively, the current tech nologies in recycling have helped a great deal. Despite this, if the population continuously increases, the technology may not be able to sustain future global needs. Currently, various cities around the globe are experiencing water shortages, which were not experienced in the past. On the other hand, technological advancements have resulted in machinery replacing persons in various industries. This creates unemployment, which becomes alarming due to the large population. Thus, population control and education is necessary so that no resources to be used in the future are exploited now posing future generations into trouble. It would be too late for us to respond when the disaster have befallen (Friedman 1). Human population has increased to alarming numbers resulting to overuse of the currently available resources. These exploitations have affected various aspects of life not only in human race but also in the animal kingdom. Global warming has resulted from alteration of the norma l environmental conditions of various regions posing danger to the existence of humankind. In the United States of America, well-informed and equipped institutions such as NASA should provide sufficient information without exaggeration on the current state of global warming. It is evident that the living conditions have been affected and according to Friedman, â€Å"The weather gets weird. The hots are expected to get hotter, the wets wetter, the dries drier and the most violent storms more numerous† (Friedman 1). Through too much pollution by the large number of the world’s population, more heat is trapped resulting into the alterations of the temperatures (Frazier 1). This affects the world in social, political, and economic aspects (Krugman 1). As a result, various institutions across the globe have been conduction numerous researches on renewable energy and increased efficiency. This has been brought forth by the reality that most human activities are catastrophic and irreversible. In most countries such as china, Russia and Iran among others, various transformations are being conducted in transport and energy sources to ensure that the damage caused by the enormous population on the environment is curtailed. This is because the world population may have increased by about a third translating to about 9.2 billion by 2050. Thus, lack of proper implementation of effective strategies, the world may become inhabitable in future (Diamond 5). In some cases, issues relating to overpopulation have encountered rejection from various persons who directly or indirectly benefit from natural resources exploitation activities. This contributes, to enormous pollution and exploitation of natural

Monday, September 23, 2019

CASE STUDY ON HAITIAN CULTURE Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ON HAITIAN CULTURE - Case Study Example However, Haitians are proud of their history and tradition but majority of them are undergoing rapid change as they integrate into the global community. Their culture still applies to those who even migrated to the United States. In summary, the paper attempts to look at cultural views of homosexuality in Haiti as well as identifying culturally congruent strategies to address in designing of HIV prevention in the Haiti community. In addition, it will briefly discuss reaction of Ronald parents regarding his HIV status. Expressions of homosexuality are not accepted by society outside of certain culture and religious rites such as Carnival among the Haitian community. Haitian Creole reflects common attitudes towards homosexuals. There are, however, significant variations in attitudes, based in large measure on religious conviction. Evangelical Protestant denominations, citing scriptural passages they interpret as prohibiting homosexuality, tend to be least tolerant, often excluding openly homosexual men and women from their congregations. The Catholic Church has a somewhat more subtle approach. They condemn homosexual practices, but tolerating the presence of homosexuals in religious ceremonies, and calling on the faithful, not to mistreat them (World Health Organization, 2010, pp. 5-21). The response from Ronald parents’, if they were religious, to his HIV status would have vacillated a moderate stand of finger-pointing and blame him. This is, as a result of, being tradition and religious. They would stick to the idea of sex being holy and having its rightful place in marriage, and of course only between a man and a woman. In defense of their stance, however, it can be argued that Ronald deviation from this ideal led to HIV infection (Desilva, Grey & Gonzalez, 2009, pp. 70-77). When designing counseling and prevention program for the Haitian community and its population, it is important to note that best practices in counseling would

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Positive Impact of Outsourcing in India Essay Example for Free

Positive Impact of Outsourcing in India Essay Outsourcing or Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to countries belonging to the developing classification is the present trend. The establishment of outsourcing as an essential component in the world economy is a result of explosive growth of internet, development of the information society, and globalization. The outsourcing of Information Technology (IT) emerged during the time of the start of every corner of the world being brought together by the internet and the national barriers of countries all over the globe were brought down by globalization(Ghimire, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In information technology industry, outsourcing to developing countries is the latest strategy of companies from developed countries mainly as a cost-cutting mechanism. Outsourcing now is not merely other firms handling operations and services of other companies but rather it has crossed the national borders. Parts of the IT aspects or the whole business functions are now executed and managed by different companies in developing countries like India, Brazil, China, Israel, and Philippines. These developing countries have companies which cater to the needs of big companies in developed countries. Outsourcing to other countries is thus the provision of services like those associated with information technology by companies of developing countries to sustain the needs of the companies which are in developed countries. The primary driving force of big companies in developing countries employing outsourcing in developing countries are: higher efficiency, better quality of services, and cheaper labor cost(Nag, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The growth of the information technology sector of India has been unparalleled since the liberation of the Indian Telecom sector in 1994. The progression of India as a global outsourcing provider is continuous since then. Today, this country is the primary outsourcing provider in the world, holding the 44% of global outsourcing market in back-office services and software. At the end of 2005 the revenues generated by the outsourcing in this country is 17.2 US dollars; and hired direct employment of 1.05 million people and hired indirect employees which sums up to 2.5 people. These indirectly hired employees are associated with the catering and transport business(Pradhan, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Positive and negative impacts to the people of India especially on the workers of the outsourcing provider companies are brought about by this new trend. The most significant impact of outsourcing in developing countries like India is on its economy and its employment rate. Numerous numbers of individuals are given the opportunity to work for a living through the outsourcing processes. The outsourcing of the information technology (IT) to India increased the employment rate with 100,000 people being hired annually. Though the salary of those people working in an outsourcing provider from a developing country is lower than those of their developed country counterparts, these salaries are already slightly higher in relation to the rates in their developing country(Nag, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The development of new infrastructures in developing countries like India is another affirmative impact of the business operations outsourcing. Aside from this, outsourcing also brought about the transmittance of ideas and technology to developing countries regarding various aspects of the business industry like manufacturing and agriculture. Guidance in communications from business-to-business and e-commerce applications; information provision regarding marketing and prices; and conveyance of knowledge on services processing operations are among the specific benefits acquired by developing countries through outsourcing(Nag, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The primary component of India’s outsourcing industry is the call centers which are providers of information and telecommunication technology-based off shoring services. The progression of the call center industry in India brought about changes in the culture and society of this nation. India which is a patriarchal society is now faced with the issue of social, cultural, and economic women empowerment because the call center industry prefers to hire women. These women call center agents acquired financial independence hence their outlook, career choice, and attitude changed from being subordinates of the patriarchal society into women capable of being independent and asserting themselves in their society and families. Despite women though being independent financially their social status in the society is not much changed because their work is considered inferiorly dignified due to the night working hours(Pradhan, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The call centers serve as avenue for the Indian call center agents to understand the culture, customs, and accent of the West through the costumers which they provide services. These Indian call center agents are also exposed to diverse culture of the people that they work with because foreigners also come to India and work as call center agents. The outsourcing thus also serves as a medium for the Indian people especially the youth who are working as call center agents to interact with foreigners of different languages and culture(Pradhan, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though outsourcing provides positive impacts to the people in India, it also goes along with its negative attributes. Some call center agents due to the pressures in their work and night working hours undergo panic attacks, stress, relationship troubles, depression, eating disorders, alcoholism, and relatively no social life. Mental, psychological, and health disorders are also observed in outsourcing companies due to the desire of the worker to cope with the challenges in their work. The workers of these outsourcing provider companies are subjected to racial and cultural discrimination by people of the developed countries which they service. The nature of the working hours of these outsourcing workers also brought about social division wherein the working class youth are alienated with their peers because they are not able to socialize with them(Pradhan, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Change like the development of India’s business industry through outsourcing despite having various benefits also comes with diverse disadvantages. The government which benefits from the revenues and taxes which are generated through the outsourcing industry needs to have programs to help the employees of this work force be able to cope up with the challenges they encounter. In general, outsourcing brought about boost in the economy of India and is strengthening the value of rupee against the US dollar. References Ghimire, B. (2005). IT Job Outsourcing. Ubiquity  Ã‚   Retrieved January 29, 2008, from Nag, B. (2004). BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING: IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS. Bulletin on Asia-Pacific Perspectives. Pradhan, J. P. a. V. A. (2005). Social and Cultural Impact of Outsourcing: Emerging Issues from Indian Call Centers. Harvard Asia Quarterly, from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Explanation of theme

Explanation of theme Explanation of Theme The theme of this spring Carnegie Hall program is painful love. Whether unrequited, long distance, untimely ended, or secret, the types of love represented by the songs on this recital are painful to each of the narrators in a profound way. Program Notes Henry Purcell, an English Baroque composer, began his studies at a young age as a chorister in Westminster Abbey, later attending the Westminster School and receiving the position of organist at Westminster Abbey in 1676. He began composing at nine years old and in all, composed 65 strophic songs, 148 theatrical songs, and four main operas, including the famous Dido and Aeneas. By 1690 he was considered a full time composer for the theatrical stage. â€Å"Not all my torments,† the first song of the program, comes from Purcells Gresham Manuscript and is said to have been written around 1693. It is one of the early composers most melismatic pieces and only utilizes four lines of text from an anonymous source, describing a lovers despair at his unrequited love. The second song â€Å"What shall I do?† is derived from Purcells opera, Dioclesian, a tragicomedy in five acts written in 1622. The opera is based on the play The Prophetess by John Fletcher and Philip Massinger. Th e librettist, Thomas Betterton, an English actor born around 1635, had an extensive acting career and collaborated efficiently with Purcell on Dioclesian. â€Å"What shall I do?† appears in Act III of the opera, at which point the character asks what he can to do show Aurelia, his love, the way he feels about her without pushing her away. The final Purcell song is â€Å"Draw near, you lovers,† poetry by Thomas Stanley. Stanley, English author and translator, wrote â€Å"The Exquies† in 1647, from which the text of the song is derived. The narrator describes the pure sadness he feels about his experiences with love and that even in death he feels the turmoil of his misery. The next set of songs is by Italian bel canto composer Vincenzo Bellini. He was a child prodigy and began composing at six years old, later continuing his studies at the conservatory in Naples under Nicolo Zingarelli. Considered the â€Å"quintessential composer of bel canto opera,† he wrote 12 operas, of which La Sonnambula and Norma are considered his greatest. The four songs on this program are all considered composizioni/romanze da camera, which are songs written for the amateur singer and comparable to miniature arias, with little thought to the fusion of poetry and music. Dedicated to Countess Sofia Voina, â€Å"Il fervido desiderio† describes the narrators longing to see his lover. â€Å"Il fervido desiderio† is no. 1 of Bellinis Tre Ariette. â€Å"Vanne, o rosa fortunata,† number 2 of Sei Ariette, tells the story of someone who envies a rose because, unlike him, it can rest on the bosom of Nice, his true love. In â€Å"Vaga luna,† an arietta also from Bellinis Tre Ariette – number 3 – the speaker sings to the moon of the longing he feels for his far away lover and asks it to relay those feelings to her. The final song of the set is â€Å"Per pieta, bellidol mio,† number 5 from Sei Ariette, in which the speaker begs for his lover to not say he is ungrateful and acknowledges the pain he feels because of his love. The piece that begins the second half of the recital, â€Å"Ah! Mio cor† from Handels Alcina, is sung by the character Alcina. Although the character is a soprano role, the aria can be sung by mezzo sopranos as well. Alcina is a sorceress who seduces every knight that arrives on her island and casts a spell on the knight Ruggiero, who then falls in love with her. The aria appears in Act II, Scene 1, at which point Alcina finds out that Ruggiero has escaped from her and describes her pain and unhappiness. Alcina is based on Ludovic Ariostos Orlando furioso, an epic poem set around the time of Charlemagnes rule and is an opera seria consisting of a prologue and four acts. The composer, G.F. Handel, was German-born and at a young age, was already proficient on the pipe organ and harpsichord; he studied composition and the keyboard with Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow. Later moving to Italy and working for the Medici family in Florence, the prolific composer is best known for his numerou s operas, oratorios, and concerti. The â€Å"La Maja dolorosa† songs are derived from Enrique Granados Coleccion de tonadillas, written in 1910, poetry by Periquet. Granados was a Catalan born Spanish composer influenced strongly by the painter Francesco Goya and is well known for his tonadillas, which are short songs and scenes about everyday life that are written in the vernacular and not danced. These three â€Å"La Maja dolorosa† songs trace the terrible feelings a woman experiences after her lover has passed away.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Environmental Impacts Of Transportation Environmental Sciences Essay

The Environmental Impacts Of Transportation Environmental Sciences Essay Over the years, the development of road networks across the world has undoubtedly contributed significantly to the changing of the landscape. Clearly those involved in all aspects of the design and construction of roads will be very aware of the, often emotive, issues that surround this highly visible intrusion into the natural environment. According to Alo (2008) Central to any functional urban settlement is the level and extent of its transportation network. Road, rail and water systems constitute the modes of transport that have been fully exploited by major urban cities around the globe to facilitate the complete integration of the various segments of their economy thus stimulating development. Since these systems are not isolated, interaction between them and the environment often lead to not too beneficial consequences. Although, cities play key roles in the development processes, they are, in general, productive places that make more than a proportionate contribution to nation al economic growth. However, the very process of urban growth often brings with it deterioration in surrounding environmental conditions. As a locus for population growth, commercial and industrial activity, cities concentrate energy and resource use and waste generation to the point that both man-made and natural systems are overloaded and the capacities to manage these systems are overwhelmed. This situation is exacerbated with rapid urban population growth. (James, 2009) Urban systems and services (e.g., water supply, sanitation, public transport and roads) are increasingly congested due to population, commercial and industrial growth coupled with poor urban management. Natural resources (water, air, forests, minerals, land) vital to the cities economic development and to future generations are lost or misused through inappropriate urban policies. The radius of impact of cities on resources lying far beyond their boundaries is steadily increasing. Furthermore, urban areas are inu ndated in their own wastes and choked on their own emissions as a result of inadequate pollution control and waste management policies and practices. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (2005), the degradation of transportation networks due to poor maintenance, natural disasters, deterioration over time, in addition to unforeseen attacks, leads to estimates of $94 billion in the United States of needed repairs for roads alone. Moreover, in a new era of climate change, it is expected, as documented in numerous studies (cf. National Assessment Team (2001), US Department of Transportation (2002), Smith and Levasseur (2002), Zimmerman (2003), Arkell and Darch (2006), Schulz (2007)), that the degradation of critical infrastructure, including transportation networks, can be expected to increase. At the same time, emissions generated through transportation are some of the biggest contributors to climate change and global warming. In Nigeria, the most developed of systems is road transportation with the roads mainly prominent in the various state capitals and inter-state highways. Projects limited to road rehabilitation, maintenance, minor construction, as well as to traffic management and regulation unlike new road construction, generally involve lesser environmental concerns. The roads are often constructed with no provision whatsoever to address problems such as the runoff quality vehicle emissions and other probable consequences of the road users activities. (Alo, 2008) Thus it is not unusual to find highways of mainly flushed shoulder passing through residential hubs, industrial estates and farmlands and since roads and highway surfaces are impervious, they serve as temporary sinks for various types of pollutants which are washed off during rainfall as runoff them to the proximate environment. Pollution from non-point sources such as highway runoff has therefore continued to be a major source of concern f or environmental regulatory bodies and other stakeholders the world over as they contribute to the pollutant load of the receiving environment, in most cases the water bodies and farmlands. This according to James (2009), results to a gradual degradation of the receiving water quality and an eventual impairment of the beneficial uses of such receiving environment. It is against these backdrops that this research work strives to investigate and explore the assessment of the environmental impact of the degradation of transportation network infrastructure in the form of roads. The research study therefore focuses on selected parks in Ilorin East local government. 1.2 Statement of the problem Vehicles serve as a direct and an indirect source of pollutants on the highways through normal operation and wear and via the deposition of solid materials picked up from the inner roads onto the highway surfaces respectively. Consequently, increased traffic volume tends to lead to increase in the amount of pollutants around the highway environment. (Alo, 2008) Thus busy spots on the highway have been observed to be characterized by poor runoff qualities; pollutant enriched roadside soil and obnoxious atmosphere. The resulting environmental damages or costs threaten the continued productivity of cities and the health and quality of life of its citizens. Cities have become major environmental hot spots that urgently require special attention in regional and in all environmental planning and management at the metropolitan regional scale. The Nigerian situation is further exacerbated by the reality of increasing large-scale importation of old/fairly used vehicles for use on the Nigerian highways. An Urban centre such as Ilorin has a wide network of roads which mostly bridges it numerous canals and the lagoon. Thus the need to identify, quantify and mitigate potential pollutants as a result of the transportation activities on these roads and highways is most necessary. This is why a research like this becomes fundamentally imperative for the sake of inhabitants of Ilorin metropolitan cities. 1.3 Objectives of the study The overall purpose of this research work is to investigate the environmental impacts of transportation in Ilorin metropolitan city. The study therefore is undertaken with the following specific objectives; To examine the extent to which transportation system of activities can impact on the atmospheric condition. To identify factors resulting from urban transportation activities capable of environmental pollution and degradation in the area under study. To come up with meaningful recommendation on how to improve environmental health through Transportation Projects that are environmentally-friendly 1.4 Research Questions In a bid to achieve the above stated objectives this research work will be designed to provide answers to the following questions To what extent can transportation systems or activities significantly impact on the atmospheric condition of the studied environment? In environmental education, how educated are drivers, trader in the studied parks? Do location of motor parks has anything to do with noise pollution in the society? Are there facilities for good management of transportation in the studied park? In what significant way can we improve on our environmental health through and reduce hazards that come from transportation activities? 1.5 Research Hypotheses For the purpose of this proposed research work, the following research hypothesis (Null) are formulated for statistical testing H0; 1 There is no significant relationship between transportation and environmental health in Ilorin East. H0; 2 Transportation activities do not negatively affect the atmospheric conditions of the natural environment. H0; 3 There is no significant ways through which environmental hazards can be prevented in Ilorin metropolitan city. 1.6 Significance of the Study The benefit to be derived in determining the environmental impacts of transportation in our society are immeasurable. Its benefits in enhancing public health and reduction of environmental hazards will be monumental. An important justification for this proposed study is that it will help establish the link between transportation activities and the state of human environment in Ilorin, Kwara State. It will also show us the degree to which the former can affect the latter in Nigeria. Apart from these, a study like this will serve as a book of reference to students/scholars, commercial bus companies, transport workers, politicians and road managers, who might want to further study and understand environmental impact of transportation in Nigeria. Furthermore, conclusion reached in this proposed research work will serve as a crystal guide to Government, political policy makers, ministers for road and transportation and motor park chair persons in Nigeria to identify which elements of policy area need urgent modification and which is not. This proposed study is also justified on the ground that it will serve as a frontier of knowledge to upcoming researchers who are willing to carry out similar research work. 1.7 Scope of the Study The scope of this research work will limit to examining the environmental impacts of transportation in Ilorin, Kwara State. The study therefore focuses on Ilorin East Local government are of Kwara State. The choice of Ilorin East Local Government is attributable to the convenience it promises in the conduct of the field work and fact that the local government is a metropolitan city which tend to have more operating motor parks than others in Ilorin. These include; ABC motor park XYZ motor park 123 park, and KKK park The study will focus on this area because it is an academic endeavour that is time bound. 1.8 Definition of Terms In a bid to ensure clarity, simplicity as well as avoiding ambiguity in this research work, the following major terms used in this project work are briefly defined for easy understanding. Transportation Environment Degradation Pollution Public health Please try to define the above terms, please make your definition brief and concise, you can use dictionary meaning if you want but please make the definition relevant to two things: first, your field of study (i.e., public health), 2nd it has to be define in the manner in which they are used in this project. I hope you understand?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Constructivism :: essays research papers fc

Students need to be able to learn how to become effective problem solvers. They should be able to identify problems, evaluate those problems and then decipher a way to transfer their learning to those problems in a way that will bring about a solution. If a student is able to perform in a problem solving situation a meaningful learning should then occur because he has constructed an interpretation of how things work using preexisting structured. This is the theory behind Constructivism. By creating a personal interpretation of external ideas and experiances, constructivism allows students the ability to understand how ideas can relate to each other and preexisting knowledge. A teacher must then recognize the importance of the cognative and social approaches for learning and teaching so that she may aid the students' development in constructivist learning. Both approaches are valuable because one will emphasize the role of cognative processes and the other will emphasize culture and social interaction in the role of meaningful learning. One, however, may wonder how to go about enforcing these approaches. One method is through scaffolding, providing a student with sufficient information to be able to complete a task on his own or, to present a gradual decrease in the amount of help availible allowing the student the capacity to work independantly. Situated learning will present the student with a set of learning tasks placed in realistic contexts. This will include the abilities to use knowledge in a functioning learning approach and acquiring inert knowledge based on the learning of isolated facts in limited conditions. Lastly, students should, through the use of multiple perspectives, be able to view problems and ideas. These ideas presented will then be able to shed light on the nature of problem solving. There are three most common types of problems, the first being well-structured problems. Well-structured problems are ones clearly stated with known solution procedures and evaluation standards; an example being a mathamatical process. Another type of problem are those that are ill-structured; they are stated vaguely, have unclear solution procedures, and vague standards of evalalution. The third type, issue problems, are ill-structured problems that will arrouse srtong feelings in the students. The first step in helping students become adaquate problems solvers is assuring they realize that a problem does exist. Once a problem is identifiedm students should be expected to understand the nature of the problem. The next logical step would then be for those students to compile all relevant information to their problem allowing them to formulate and carry out a solution. Lastly, the students would then be required to evaluate their solutions working out the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Michael Jordan :: Free Essays

Michael Jordan Michael Jordan is an American Professional Basketball Player . I picked Michael for my biography because I consider him to be the best basketball player in the NBA . Michael is recognized for his spectacular ball handling skills and for his outrageous dunks . He is also the leading scorer in the NBA , and a winner of three NBA most valuable player award in 1988,1991, and 1992 . Jordan was born in Brooklyn , New York , and raised in Wilmington , North Carolina . He accepted a basketball scholarship at the University of North Carolina and as a freshman he scored the winning shot in the 1982 NCAA championship game .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1984 Jordan led the U.S. basketball team to victory in the Olympics . After that he left college to play for the Chicago Bulls . Jordan was successful as a professional from his first season , Leading the NBA in the 1984-85 season in points scored . He also was named rookie of the year and started in the All Star game .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the 1986-87 season Jordan became the second player ever to score 3000 points in one season . In the following six seasons he led the NBA in scoring averaging more than 30 points per game . Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to their first NBA championship tittle in 1991, and did it again in 1992 and in 1993 . Jordan retired from basketball in 1994 to play baseball . He only played for about one year but he didn't have what it took to be a baseball player . He came back to play basketball in the middle of the 1995 season to lead the Bulls into the first round of the playoffs where they where beat .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jordan was the NBA's most valuable player for the 1987- 88 season and again for the 1990-91 and the 1991-92 season . This is the first time a NBA player won for two consecutive seasons .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Proud to Be an Indian Essay

India, a country with a culture having more than ten thousand years has enriched the global scientific, educational, economic and cultural scenario significantly. That is the reason why mark Twain has stated â€Å"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition.† Being born in such a great country, you have millions of reasons to feel proud as an Indian. Some of them are : 1 .Indian culture is the best in the world The very word culture started from the country India. When the people of today’s developed nations were wandering like nomadic, Indians built Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, the first ever planned city of the world. India is the home to four major religions of the world. The first epic of the world was written in India. Sanskrit, according to a major group of linguistics is considered as the mother of all European languages. Forbes magazine has rated Sanskrit as the most suitable language for software applications. 2. First university of the world was established in Takshila(in Modern Bihar) in the year 700BC. More than 60 subjects were taught here to near about 10,500 students who came from different parts of the world. 3. We have never invaded any country in the entire history of 5000 years. Rather, Buddha and Gandhi taught the world the power of non-violence and truth. Recently, American president Barak Obama has openly admitted that Gandhi is an ideal for him. 4. Till 1896, India was the only known source of diamond in the world. Tremendous wealth of India attracted several invaders and traders. Till the invasion of British East India Company, India was the richest country of the world. 5. Number system is the greatest contribution of India to science in general and mathematics in particular. Indian Mathematician Aryabhatta invented zero. Bhaskaracharya, in fifth century, calculated the time taken by earth to rotate around sun exactly. Budhayana calculated the value of pi. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus had their origin India during sixth century. 6. Ayurveda, the earliest school of medicine has its origin in India. Surgery was done for the first time India by Sushruta 2600 years back. 7. India taught the art of navigation to the world on River Sind 6000 years back. Proof to it is the derivation of the very word navigation from NAVGATIH (a Sanskrit word). 8. Just like Indian culture and lifestyle of India , Indian Food has also been influenced by various civilizations and Regional Cultures. Traditional Indian food is not only famous worldwide for its spicy and lip-smacking taste, but also popular for its importance in the direction of maintaining a healthy life style. Indian food is both delicious and good for health. It matches to the requirements and taste of both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Indians like hot, fresh and nutritious food in their daily diet. However, each part of India has its own unique cuisine and way of preparing recipes. In North India, Roti is proffered over rice. Use of cheese, curd, milk and vegetables in preparing different dishes is primarily marked in North-India. Tandoori is one of the most important dishes of North India which has a pan -Indian acceptance. Use of oil in preparing tandoori is minimal and only selected Indian spices are added while preparing any tandoori recipe. In south India, use of tamarind and pepper while preparing recipes is common. Here, people prefer to eat rice over Roti. Use of coconut oil in preparing dishes is marked in several south Indian states. Dosa is one of the most popular South Indian foods that have a pan-Indian appeal. In eastern part of India, people are generally fond of rice and fish. This is due to the availability of fish in abundance. Fish recipes of several types are vital aspects of East Indian food. In the western-part of India, spicy food is the first preference of people. Here also you can mark dominance of cheese while preparing dishes. Both rice and roti are popular in western India. 9. Family is the longest surviving institution of India irrespective of the ages, transformations, religious and political views compared to any other country and it shows how rich is our Indian culture. 10. I am proud to be Indian because of our country’s achievements in space and missile technology. India has launched a number of satellites in space for helping us in weather forecast, communications, medical research, and education. The missiles such as Agni, Prithvi strengthened our nation’s security and ensured a place in the elite group of the world’s powerful countries. Moreover, our scientists have lifted India’s pride by placing our Tri-colour on the moon and are now looking for landing in the planet Mars. 11. India is a country where people respect elders live in peace and harmony. India is the only country where there are people of different languages, religions and race, but all of them live together in harmony. There are 22 official languages a nd over 1600 dialects spoken. Nearly 650 different recognised tribes reside across the country. 12. India is the largest democracy in the world. It has a civilisation that is more than 5000 years old and boasts of multiple cultural origins. There is an emerging global, scientific and technological superpower. 13. It is a land of holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Cauvery,Mahanadi etc and beautiful mountains spread densely in north and eastern india and dense forests scattered all over india . We find many seas in the South of India. There is natural beauty in our country. 14. My country with its rich heritage and tradition I say is the most beautiful nation. We are also recognised for being the world’s second largest in population. But unity in diversity is the main reason for my pride in being an Indian. We have different languages, different cultures, food, clothes, and traditions and yet we stand united. Non violence, democracy, intelligence based on our high standards of education, our natural wealth, harmony, festivals, family, system, caring for the aged, service and sacrifice are some of the things that I am proud of our land. 15. Among the finest institutions this country has produced are the Indian Armed Forces. It is the world’s third largest standing army comprising over 1.1 million men in uniform. 16. I am proud also of the education provided by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Managements (IIMs) which can boast of standards equal to the best in the world at far less cost. Products of these institutions now head global organizations and play a major role in organizations like NASA. Indians are familiar as doctors and scientists in many developed countries. 17. We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America , even faring better than the whites and the natives. There are 3.22 millions of Indians in USA (1.5% of population). YET, 38% of doctors in USA are Indians. 12% scientists in USA are Indians. 36% of NASA scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians. 28% of IBM employees are Indians. 17% of INTEL scientists are Indians. 13% of XEROX employees are! Indians. 18. Chess and Hockey was invented in India. I have got tons of reasons to love my country, but the most important thing is I love my country and I need no reason for it. Jai Hind! I am proud to be an Indian !

Monday, September 16, 2019

Turn of the Screw

Claire Carlson English 3H February 7, 2013 Period 1 Spring Essay: Turn of the Screw Page I: The Governess and Miles Page II: The Governess and Mrs. Grose Page III: Corruption of Innocence Henry James’s Turn of the Screw is the eerie tale of a governess sent to care for two mischievous young children, Flora and Miles. Many people mistake it for a ghost story, but the story actually focuses more on the governess’s relationship with the children. Her thirst for acceptance gradually grows as the story progresses, and she becomes especially fascinated with Miles.Women have always been viewed as slightly inferior to men; they are depicted as weak and fragile creatures, only serving as a companion for man. They are manipulative and often use charm and looks as methods of persuasion. In Turn of the Screw, the governess ‘s attitude while around Miles is flirtatious and almost inappropriate; and she uses him to fill the void of the children’s beloved uncle whom she l usts for. The above example of the governess’s craving for Miles’s attention can be easily compared to the behavior exhibited by much of the female population today.Note that the woman is always seeking to please the man, and strives to satisfy and serve him. The attitude of women in the modern world is becoming more and more submissive; almost voluntarily. Miles’s reaction to the behavior of the unnamed governess is merely compliant, and in some instances of the novel he somewhat encourages her inappropriate behavior. Mrs. Grose, the simpleminded and somewhat slow housekeeper at the estate, represents a middle ground between the mischievous children and whimsical governess. The reader can easily conclude that the governess abuses Mrs.Grose’s quite malleable opinion of the children. In several instances, the governess consults Mrs. Grose and uses her as an outlet for her frustrations with the children. As the governess shares her ghostly encounters with Q uint and Miss Jessel, she convinces Mrs. Grose that her hysteria is justified. Since Mrs. Grose is not significantly talkative, it is difficult to form a conclusion about her opinion of the children and the governess. The reader has to infer that Mrs. Grose has spent quite some time at the estate, and has much experience with the children’s behavior. Mrs.Grose doesn’t necessarily agree or disagree with the statements and assertions made by the governess, she is merely a cache, storing the governess’s thoughts and responding with uncomprehending feedback. The children’s relationship with Mrs. Grose is somewhat distant and peculiar. They only consult her for affirmation and approval. In conclusion, Mrs. Grose is mainly an unresponsive character and is not a major influence on the circumstances of the story. Since the governess seldom approaches the children directly, we can infer that she would rather keep her knowledge of Quint and Jessel to herself.She of ten consults Mrs. Grose in order to gather as much as she can about the two. The governess is afraid that the children know too much, and fears that their knowledge of Quint and Jessel’s sexual relationship will affect them negatively. The fact that she is more concerned about the children knowing too much rather than protecting them from the possible harm that the ghosts can inflict, shows the reader that the governess incorporates her own fears and desires into the situation. In conclusion, Turn of the Screw is a much more complex and confusing story than meets the eye.The reader must question the behavior of the governess and the children in order to gather valuable information about the ghosts, and it seems as though in certain instances that Quint and Jessel are living through Flora and Miles. The governess is indeed a much more questionable character than the book portrays her to be. From my experience with both the book and a movie interpretation of the book, I have co ncluded that the governess is actually the main source of the hysteria and trauma at Bly.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

An Epic Evaluation of Apocalypse Now Essay

In 1979, Francis Ford Coppola unleashed a film that reshaped the view of the American Vietnam war. The film was heralded as an epic of modern film. However, is it truly an epic or is that term become a widely used word for great works of cinema? Does Apocalypse Now contain the epic criteria of religion, a journey, a vast setting, a sense of supernatural and other key factors? The journey in Apocalypse Now is Captain Benjamin Willard’s mission to assassinate Army Colonel Walter Kurtz. The former Green Beret has deserted his command and now leads a rogue army of commandos and Montagnard, the indigenous people of the central highlands of Vietnam(Human Rights Watch). This film is also a journey into the darkness of the human soul. As Willard travels up the river he spends most of his time reading the Army’s dossier on the rogue Kurtz who has been deemed insane after his use of â€Å"unsound methods. † Willard tries to understand the actions of Kurtz, and as the film progresses, Willard experiences more and more of the absurdities and immorality of war that lead him to understand the villainous Kurtz. His understanding comes with his own decent into near madness. After he senselessly kills a peasant woman on a sampan Willard states, â€Å"It was the way we had over here of living with ourselves. We’d cut them in half with a machine gun and give them a Band-Aid. It was a lie— and the more I saw of them the more I hated lies. † These words sound as though they were uttered by the insane Kurtz. The setting for Apocalypse Now is the fictional Nung River(Milks). Most of the film takes place on a Navy river patrol boat (PBR) with a four-man crew. The captain, Chief, a military man who follows protocol to a â€Å"T†and feels personally responsible for the fate of his crew. He blames Willard for the predicament that they find themselves in. Clean is a seventeen-year-old mechanic from the South Bronx. He is symbolic of the young men that fought in Vietnam that were ignorant to the ways of war and only waste time waiting to end their service careers. Chef, a saucier from New Orleans, who emphatically does not want to be in this strange land and Lance, a California surfer, make up the rest of the crew. Lance and Chef’s use of rugs and placement in the primitive jungle help them withdraw from the war around them as the film proceeds(Milks). This is symbolic of how many of the drafted youth felt in Vietnam. The film begins in the Greek tradition of en medias res. It opens with captain Willard in an alcohol induced depressive state in a hotel room in Saigon in 1968. He already completed one tour of duty in Vietnam only to return home and be miserable with the confines of civilization. He states, â€Å"I was discharged from the army four years ago. I went home, wasted some time, bought a Mustang Mach 1, drove it a week. Then I re-upped for another tour. No, everything I love is here. † He has been irrecoverably changed by the war. He feels that the jungle is the only place he belongs and he cannot wait to get back in action, â€Å"Every minute I stay in this room I get weaker. And every minute Charlie squats in the bush he gets stronger. † The film does not follow all the guidelines of an Epic in the Greek sense. In the beginning, Willard does not invoke the muses and the only religion is the Montagnards belief in Kurtz as a god. The film contains no epic lists and the film is not divided into twenty-four books. The only division in the film could be seen in the different episodes the crew faces traveling up river. The first is the rendevous with Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore, commander of the Air Ninth Calvary. Then, the tiger attack in the jungle, the U. S. supply depot complete with Playboy Playmates, the French rubber plantation, the small sampan, and the ancient temple where Kurtz resides. Each event adds to the mayhem of the journey and creates a darker mood for the film. The narrator and protagonist of the film is Captain Willard. However, he is not the epic hero because he does not meet the criteria. He is male, and he does have a task to complete, but that is about his only heroic characteristics. First, in terms of strength, he does not possess outstanding physical strength, nor is he mentally strong. As a character is quite passive, everything he does is influenced by someone, or something else. When he takes the mission he says, â€Å"What the hell else was I gonna do? † On the PBR, he withdraws himself from the actions of the crew, and spends most of his time studying the file on Kurtz, trying to get into the mind of his target. This only puts him in a more detached state. At Kurtz’s compound he is swayed by the teachings of Kurtz and makes the audience ponder if he will indeed carry out his mission, or join Kurtz’s group. Lance, as well as the last assassin sent to kill Kurtz, did just that. Willard confesses â€Å"It was the strangest thing — I don’t know that I can explain it. Two of my men dead and all I could think of was whether Kurtz was dead too. That’s all I wanted: to see Kurtz, to hear Kurtz. † Kurtz actually helps make that decision for him. Kurtz is weary of his life as a demigod and is expecting, and actually welcoming his death. You came up my river — in that small boat. So simple. I always thought the final justice would come from the sky, like we did. You are the final justice, aren’t you? † In one episode, on a sampan, a small fishing boat, Willard shows his true moral state. When Clean opens fire killing several civilians in a botched search of the boat, Chief decides to t ake the lone survivor, a peasant woman, to a military base for medical attention. Willard, thinking only of his mission, kills the woman so that she will not impede his journey to assassinate Kurtz. This event causes the rest of the crew to turn on him and cast a dark shadow over Willard. When Chef asks, â€Å"When you kill cong, don’t you feel something? † Willard responds, â€Å"Sure, recoil†¦ I feel the recoil of my rifle. † This statement alone solidifies the fact that Willard is not a fundamentally good soul. The supernatural is an important element in any Epic. In Apocalypse Now, the supernatural pertains more to a detachment from reality than to a ghost, miraculous events, or the common notion of the supernatural. In this sense, the film is rife with the supernatural. First Kilgore’s calvary, the surfing calvary charge into battle listening to the â€Å"Ride of the Valkyries. † Kilgore boasts, â€Å"We’ll come in low, out of the rising sun, and about a mile out, we’ll put on the music†¦ Yeah, I use Wagner – scares the hell out of the slopes! My boys love it! † The music and the surfing are completely out of place in the war-torn jungles of Vietnam. However, this is just the first stop on the tour of mass mayhem. Later in the film, the PBR comes across the remains of a rubber plantation. This is a plantation run by the de Marais family, a hold over from the French colonization of Indochina. In the middle of a war zone, a family is trying to hold onto a piece of property in a country in which they are not natives. Several of their family members have given their lives for that property and they believe they have just as much as a claim to it than anyone else. Even when a family member makes a symbolic gesture that makes a statement about America’s involvement in Vietnam and cracks an egg, which represents Indochina, lets the egg white run out and exclaims, â€Å"White goes, yellow stays! † The symbolism is poignantly blunt. It is surreal that they even attempt to keep their property. Also, they try to maintain their heritage in speaking French and having a tradition plantation life without interference from the outside world. The scene, including the burial of Clean is rife with symbolism and detachment from reality. The boat heads further up river and reaches an outpost where American forces are testing Einstein’s theory of insanity. Einstein once said, â€Å"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. †(Moncur) Each night the Viet Cong bomb a bridge and each day the G. I. s rebuild it. All of the soldiers at this base are either scared or confused, those that are not, are high on drugs. The colored flares and tracer rounds add to the effects of the psychedelic drugs and the whole theater of battle is in total chaos. Finally, Kurtz’s compound is the scene of total lack of reality. Rotting corpses hang from the tress, and heads litter the ancient temple. The scene is surreal. A burnt out photo journalist exclaims how great Kurtz is, seemingly oblivious to the mayhem around him. The man himself is a larger than life omnipotent character. He remains in the shadows for almost every scene and quotes poetry from T. S. Eliot. He is the all powerful in this land even though he is gone over the edge mentally, spiritually, and physically. He is supernatural. The film as a whole doesn’t fit the standards of an epic in the Greek tradition. However, it is an awesome tale of a man’s journey into the physical unknown of a strange land that forces him to search inside himself for some form of morality in the difficult circumstances of war. Willard is a stranger in a strange land, even to himself.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

It’s Not Child Labor, its Child Abuse Essay

Patrick Kearny, a nine and a half year old boy died in a horrible mine accident (Freedman 52). He’s not the only one. In the 20th Century, many children got physical deformities and were in accidents while they were working their tough, harsh jobs. Many young working children got diseases. Others got severe burns. Cuts and physical deformities were popular as well. Imagine that you are working at night, a tall big man screaming at you to not stop and you are just getting little pay. On top of that you just accidentally burned your legs. This was very popular. Burning occurred in coal mines and glass factories. In the mines, children were not protected very much. They barely wore gloves, so their hands were at risks. Accidents happened often. In 1911, Lewis Hine was photographing in a mine. He observed two young children accidentally falling onto burning hot coal and died, right there. â€Å"â€Å"While I was there, two breaker boys fell or were carried into the coal chute, where they were smothered to death,† Hine reported from a Pennsylvania Mine† (Freedman 48). Many children lied about their age when working like Patrick Kearny and Dennis McKee. He was a 15 year old boy who lost his life by falling into a chute at an Avondale Mine (Freedman 52). Also, 15 year old Arthur Albecker burned and injured both of his legs. So, not only do these young children work in a horrible environment, but accidents happen a lot in mines. Also, burning happened frequently in glass factories. â€Å"†¦minor accidents from burning are common. â€Å"Severe burns†¦are regular risks of the trade in glass-bottle making,† says Mrs. Florence Kelly.† (Spargo 2). These accidents happen because the jobs include use extremely hot glass. Also children, have to heat glass near flames. Not only did these small, poor, innocent children get burned, but many children got terrible diseases while working tough jobs. Spinners commonly experience disease. â€Å"The hot, steamy air was filled with dust and lint that covered the workers’ clothes and made it hard to breathe. Mill workers frequently developed tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases.† (Freedman 35). Those weren’t the only respiratory diseases children got. In 1902, several miners got miners’ asthma now known as pneumoconiosis (Derickson 4).That is a disease of the lungs caused by inhaling mineral or metallic dust over a long period of time. This comes about by a lot of exposure to mine dust while the workers are still children. (Derickson 4). Also, children got tuberculosis, rickets, and other diseases like the common hookworm disease. (Derickson 4). Hookworm disease, which is widespread among farmers, is a blood-sucking, nematode worm (found in textile plan ts) that goes through the skin, attaching itself to the intestinal walls with its hooked mouthparts. Rickets is a disease, especially of children, caused by a lack in vitamin D that makes the bones become soft and prone to bending and structural change. In addition, children popularly got rheumatism. It is a disease which joint or muscles pain. Also the common cold was frequent. This happens when being in two extreme temperatures. In glass factories, young boys are next to a scorching furnace to a freezing room where they cool off glass (Spargo 3). Young children had to work harsh jobs that aren’t safe at all. They may get diseases. It is simply immoral. Lastly, children got dreadful cuts and physical deformities. Cuts were common in farming. â€Å"In the fall, the mature beets were pulled from the ground and were â€Å"topped†. Topping required holding a beet against the knee and slicing off the top with a sixteen-inch knife that had a sharp prong at one end. Accidents happened all too often. â€Å"I hooked my knee with the beet knife,† a seven-year old boy told Hine, â€Å"but I just went on working.† (Freedman 67). So, very young kids of age, 5, 6, 7, handled one foot and a half long knives. You can guess that accidents happened often. Also, doffers got cut plenty. (Freedman, 35)A young boy tripped into a spinning machine. (Freedman 35) He accidentally tore out two of his fingers. (Freedman, 35) This was very common. Also, physical deformities happened. Reformers found that premature employment shortened normal physical development. (Derickson 4) So if young children worked, they became short, underage adults. (Derickson 4) They also found that children that worked had flat feet by standing and walking all day with improper footgear and a curved spine by bending while working for several hours. (Derickson 4) In conclusion, accidents and physical deformities happened very repeatedly in the early 20th century. Accidents like burning were twice as common in children as with adults. Diseases were popular too. Lastly, physical deformities affected these children for the rest of their already short lives. Spine-curving and flat feet were common. Risks of pesticide intoxication occurred too. The list is endless. So as you can see, child labor is unhealthy, unfair, unjust, and immoral. It should be called child abuse, as that’s what it is. Don’t you think that children deserve an education? Children deserve better than working in an unhealthy and hazardous place. Children deserve to live longer. Children deserve to be children. Works Cited Cleland, Hugh G. â€Å"Child Labor.† Encyclopedia Americana. 2008. Grolier Online. 19 Oct. 2008 Derickson, Alan. â€Å"Making Human Junk: Child Labor as a Health Issue in the Progressive Era† SIRS Knowledge Source, 1992.19 Oct. 2008 Freedman, Russell. Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor. New York; Houghton Mifflin Company.1994 Spargo, John. â€Å"The Bitter Cry of the Children (excerpt)† American History Online. 1906. Facts On File, Inc. 19 Oct 2008

Friday, September 13, 2019

Art and discipline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art and discipline - Essay Example Business management, therefore, ensures business profit continuity. Many artists are into business through their works. Artists’ works attract many people and this brings in the relationship between business and the arts. Gabriel Orozco is one of the well-known artists in the world. Gabriel was born in Mexico in 1962 (Bonami & Zegher, 1996). He studied arts in both Mexico and Spain. He uses the natural objects and landscape to make viewers imagine on the themes of the nature. Gabriel’s art relates to business management in some ways. For example, business management ensures real coordination of the business stakeholders for business continuity. On the same hand, artists ensure that art business continues by ensuring that the work they are making attract large number of people. Every artist must ensure that business strategy is well defined in order to attract large population. This will generate more profit to the artist. This is exactly what Gabriel is doing in his wor k. Gabriel affects in the world in many ways through his arts. He is different from the other artists in the way he expresses most of his arts. He has a secret in his way of doing things. He mainly uses found objects in his arts. He also uses photos taken from the streets to display his arts. He could photograph the left objects which have been left ass litter. He could go ahead d and present these objects as art. He took the litter from one of the Mexican coastal areas and arranged them in a rectangular manner. These objects included bottles, tennis balls, glasses, light bulbs and hats from construction workers. All these dumped objects made most parts of his arts. Gabriel never used studios and this made him unique and a role model for many young artists mainly in his motherland, Mexico. He worked only included the objects he got from wandering around (Bonami & Zegher, 1996). Gabriel was one of the few people who would learn from things that can be liked and those that one can hate. For

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analysis of an Individual Comic Strip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of an Individual Comic Strip - Essay Example The point Franklin is trying to get across is that America is divided and therefore ineffective against enemies unless the colonies unite together. The phrase, â€Å"Join, or Die† means that unless the colonies unite, they will be attacked and wiped out. It is a simple statement that is trying to point out that the only option for the Colonies is to unite. The individual segments of the snake are the American colonies. Franklin chose New England to be the head of the snake. New England, especially the city of Boston, would definitely be considered the â€Å"head of the snake† at this time. Many influential politicians lived in Boston including Sam and John Adams. Boston is also where many pre-revolution events occurred including the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. Franklin draws the head of the snake with its forked tongue sticking out. The snake is coiled and looks like it is ready to strike. The analogy of America to a coiled snake ready to strike is a very interesting one. But in considering what animal one would use to symbolize a divided America, a snake would be the logical answer. Snake’s have a lot of symbolism surrounding them. Often a snake represents wisdom and healing, even though many people associate snakes with evil.