Monday, December 30, 2019

The Relationship Between Parents And Children - 956 Words

According to Confucius, for a society to exist in peace and harmony, five great fundamental relationships have to be respected. These relationships are of father and son, ruler and subject, husband and wife, elder and younger and lastly but not least, parents and children. There were appropriate attitudes or the â€Å"Yi† that people were expected to adopt. For instance, fathers were advised to be kind to their sons and in return, the sons were supposed to be obedient and dutiful to their fathers. Likewise, rulers were expected to be kind and generous to their subjects while subjects were supposed to show total loyalty to their rulers. In marriage, a wife was expected to be obedient and submissive to his husband while the husband was supposed to love and be good to his wife. Elders, whether brothers or friends, were to be considerate towards their juniors, who in turn showed respect towards their elders. The most important relationship in which almost the Chinese culture is ba sed on is the relationship between parents and children. Confucius believed that a smoothly functioning family; made up of respectful children to parents, ancestors and relatives were a model for the Chinese society as a whole. In effect, the nation was like a gigantic family. Just as the son was expected to be loyal to his father, so a citizen was expected to be loyal to the emperor. If the families were in harmony, society and government would also function properly. For Confucius, they believed that manShow MoreRelatedRelationships Between Parents And Children1584 Words   |  7 PagesRelationships between parents and children has a big impact on the children’s life, and how they tend to grow up. Digging by Seamus Heaney talks about how fathers are teaching their sons about life, which is all about working. 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In particular, these cautionary tales convey to the audience the consequences of too many advancements: severed relationships within families, a lack of responsibility, and a new, irreversibleRead MoreThe Relationships Between Parents and Children in Greek and Roman Myths1422 Words   |  6 Pagespresent archetypes involving the relationships between parents and children, Greek and Roman myths show us that at one point in time, incest was considered socially acceptable. Many Greek and Roman myths contain twisted relationships between parents and children. These twisted relationships can be broken into three different categories: mothers and sons that have exceptionally strong bonds, parents that are threatened by their children, and the betrayal of pare nts or children. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of The Picture Of Dorian Gray - 1301 Words

Haley Morrow Mrs. Crook 12 AP English 15 Oct. 2015 Irony in The Picture of Dorian Gray More often than not, it is hard to face the consciousness of the inevitable. Everyone feels the distress of realizing that time is fleeting and they will soon grow old and wrinkly, no longer their youthful self. The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, illustrates this human condition specifically through the main character Dorian Gray. Mr. Gray captures the artistic imagination of artist Basil Howard, who constantly paints portraits of Dorian. Basil usually depicts Dorian as an ancient Greek hero or a mythological creature, but when he completes his first portrait of Dorian for who he truly is he is disappointed because he feels as though this painting reveals too much about his subject. Dorian on the other hand goes to the extreme when he sees this portrait. Worrisome, Dorian believes that one day the portrait will remind him of his former beautiful and young self. Out of anguish, he curses the portrait, ultimately selling his soul to spare himself of the burdens of age and infa my, allowing him to stay forever young. In his novella, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde uses irony to exemplify an anomaly between the aging process of Dorian Gray in contrast with that of the portrait of himself, particularly in a society that prizes beauty and youth. Dorian’s first big act of cruelty begins when he inconsiderately calls of his engagement with Sibyl Vane, a beautiful actress. SibylShow MoreRelatedThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1892 Words   |  8 Pagesnovel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, with a reflection on Art, the Artist, and the utility of both. After watchful investigation, he finishes up: All art is quite useless. In other words, genuine Art takes no part in embellishing the social or moral constructs of the society, nor should it. Art ought to be lovely and give pleasure to its spectator. The masterpiece of an artist is very absurd and abstract no matter how clear it appears to the eyes. In the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde triesRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Character Analysis830 Words   |  4 Pagesthe way the characters themselves interact with both their own thoughts and the world around them. In the works chosen, the appearances of the characters to be analyzed fall on opposite ends of the spectrum of aestheticism. Dorian Gray, from Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray possesses an â€Å"...extraordinary personal beauty (Wilde 1),† one that controls other character’s reception of him, as well as affecting his own inner thoughts, for he knows that he seen as beautiful. On the opposite side ofRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1282 Words   |  6 PagesTo create a moral balance in the brain, one must have a good amount of self-regulation with the occasional act of self-indulgence. However, in â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray† by Oscar Wilde, both Dorian’s desires and virtues are out of balance and in conflict with themselves. Dorian’s obsession with maintaining his youth and beauty prevents him from seeing right from wrong, especially when it comes to his own morality. By committing illegal acts, having evil intentions while influencing both loversRead MoreAnalysis Of Picture Of Dorian Gray 804 Words   |  4 Pa gesAssignment Ivan Albright Picture of Dorian Gray 1943/44 Oil on canvas 215.9 x 106.7 cm (85 x 42 in.) The painting is a self-portrait of the fictional character Dorian gray. The painting was used in the film where the character had asked a portrait of him as a handsome man. Dorian gray trades in his soul for him to remain forever young and handsome. Gray lives a life where he does things that are morally corrupt. Gray continues not to age but the painting starts to change showing grays moral corruption.Read MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1087 Words   |  5 Pagesmore opposing forces, is continually plagued by them and eventually gives in to one or the other. In Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, the main character Dorian faces two conflicting forces in the symbolic form of two of his dearest friends, which ties in with the stories most prevalent theme of good vs. evil. At the very beginning of the novel, readers meet Dorian as a very young man who has been untouched by any kind of evil or wrongdoing. He is completely innocent and ignorant to allRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1257 Words   |  6 PagesIn the Victorian prose, The Portrait of Dorian Gray explores the idea of duality. The divided self within the character of Dorian Gray begins with his misunderstanding of his self-image, because of the influence of a portrait. Dorian’s fate and transformation connect to the painting, which leads to his downfall. The painting contains Dorians moral decline as changes to the picture affects his life. Through the portrait, he gains an image of himself as an independent individual compared to his previousRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1623 Words   |  7 Pages Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray shows us the triumph of a corrupting influence over a virtuous one. In the novel, Lord Henry’s influence over Dorian overpowers Basil’s and leads to Dorian’s eventual demise. In analyzing Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, the theme of good versus evil reflects off of Lord Henry’s and Basil’s interactions with Dorian and Dorian’s internal struggles, thus exemplifying that a person with weak virtues will falter in the face of hedonistic temptationRead MoreEssay on Analysis of the Women in The Picture of Dorian Gray1149 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis of the Women in The Picture of Dorian Gray   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sibyl falls head over heels in love with Dorian Gray, willing to commit her life to him after only two weeks. Lady Henry hardly knows her husband, to whom she has been married for some time. Because neither woman is in a stable and comfortable situation, both eventually take drastic measures to move on. Therefore, in The Picture of Dorian Gray, both Sibyl Vane and Lady Henry are weak, flighty, and naive.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The weakness ofRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Aestheticism Analysis935 Words   |  4 Pagesof aestheticism, a nineteenth-century arts movement that had a significant impact on the writings of Oscar Wilde; in particular, his enrapturing novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is an insightful narration that expresses many of the central elements of this aesthetic philosophy. Centered on the life of an attractive young man named Dorian Gray, the novel details how through the influence of others, he becomes morally depraved, and sells his soul in exchange for eternal youth. The main instigatorRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Aestheticism Analysis1585 Words   |  7 Pagesmaking a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless.† This is a stark claim made by Oscar Wilde in the preface to his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (3). Along with the rest o f Wilde’s preface, this sentence rebukes literary realism in favor of aestheticism. This is unsurprising to anyone who is familiar with the playwright’s other plays and lectures; Wilde was an avid opponent of realism

Friday, December 13, 2019

Indian Textile Industry Free Essays

string(47) " face competition in the international market\." Indian Textile IndustryStructure, Problems and Solutions Subject: Term Paper of Organization Management Under Guidance of Dr. Vinayshil Gautam Written By Jaimeen Rana Entry# 2012SMF6890 1 INDEX a) Introduction 3 b) History 3 c) Structure of Indian Textile Industry 3 d) Communication and Effectiveness 4 e) Problems faced by Textile Industry in India 5 f) Steps taken by government till now 7 g) Strategies for growth 8 h) Conclusion 9 i) References 10 2 a) Introduction Indian Textile and Apparel Industry is second largest manufacturer in the world with an estimated export value of US$ 34 billion and domestic consumption of US$ 57 billion. It stands at number two position in generating huge employment for both educated and uneducated labor in India. We will write a custom essay sample on Indian Textile Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Over 350 lakh people are employed in this industry in India. 14% of total industrial production is done by this sector. 4% of India’s GDP is obtained by this sector. It contributes 17% to the India’s total export earnings. Top companies in Textile industry in India: Bombay Dyeing Fabindia JCT Limited Welspun India ltd Lakshmi Mills Mysore Silk Factory Arvind Mills Raymonds Reliance Textiles Grasim Industries ) History India’s textile industry evolved and developed at a very early stage and its manufacturing technology was one of the best ones. India’s manually operated textile machines were among the best in the world, and served as a model for production of the first textile machines in newly industrialized countries like England. Marco Polo’s records show that Indian textiles used to be exported to many Asian countries. Textiles have also comprised a significant portion of the Portuguese trade with India. These included embroidered bedspreads, wall hangings and quits of embroidered wild silk on a cotton or jute ground. A big success of Indian textile industry led to the foundation of the London East India Company in 1600, followed by Dutch and French companies. By 1670, there was serious demand for their governments to ban the import of these cottons from India. The legacy of the Indian textile industry stemmed from its wealth in natural resources cotton, jute and silk. The technology used was superior and the skills of the weavers gave the finished product a most beautiful and ethnic look. ) Structure of Indian Textile Industry The structure of this industry is very complex with the modern, automated and highly mechanized mill sector on one side and hand spinning and hand weaving (handloom sector) on the other side. The small scale power loom sector, which is decentralized, lies in between of the two. 3 Indian Textile Industry is divided into major 3 segments: 1) Cotton Textiles 2) S ynthetic Textiles 3) Others (wool, jute, silk etc) Till today cotton textiles are on top with 73% share in total Indian textiles. Coexistence of old technologies of hand working (spinning, weaving, and knitting) with the advanced automatic spindles and loom makes the structure of cotton textile industry very complex. Indian textile industry consists of small scale, non integrated spinning, weaving, knitting, fabric finishing and clothing enterprises, which is not the case in other countries. This unique structure is because of government policies that have promoted labor intensive small scale operations and discriminated against big scale organizations. d) Communication and effectiveness: The study regarding this was conducted within city of Coimbatore, which is considered â€Å"Manchester of South India†. Six textile organizations (3 small and 3 large) were selected within the city. The objective of the study was to examine the difference between small and large organizations in terms of structure, communication and effectiveness. The difference based on structure, communication and effectiveness between large and small organizations show that the two organizations differ significantly with respect to all dimensions except participation in decision making. Large organizations are more centralized, formalized and employees experience highly routine tasks. With regard to communication pattern, small organizations have more open communication while in large organizations communication is more accurate. With regard to effectiveness, large organizations are more effective with regard to all dimensions except job involvement and job performance which are better in small organizations. The effect of structure and communication variables on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, organizational performance and adaptability are more pronounced in large organizations while moderate in small ones. Participation in decision making process has a strong positive effect on job satisfaction, commitment, organization performance and moderate positive effect on job performance. Task routineness and formalization have low positive effect on job involvement and performance in large firms. In small organizations, centralization has a moderate negative effect on job satisfaction. Centralization has a low negative, task routineness has a low positive and formalization has a moderate negative effect on group processes. The effect of communication openness is pronounced on job satisfaction and performance. The negative effect of communication accuracy is high on job involvement and group processes and moderate on organizational performance. 4 e) Problems faced by Textile Industry in India (1) Shortage of raw materials: Raw material determines 35 per cent of the total production cost. The country is short of cotton, particularly long- staple cotton which is imported from Pakistan, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Egypt, Tanzania, U. S. A. and Peru. It is pity that despite largest area under cotton (26 per cent of the world acreage) the country accounts for only 9 percent of the world output of cotton. Fluctuating prices and uncertainties in the availability of raw material cause low production. (2) Obsolete machinery: In India most of the cotton textile mills are working with old and obsolete machinery. According to one estimate in India over 60 per cent of the spindles are more than 25 years old. The automatic looms account for only 18 per cent of the total number of looms in the country against the world average of 62 per cent and 100 per cent in the United States. Obsolete machinery leads to low output and poor quality of goods as a result of which Indian textile goods are not able to face competition in the international market. You read "Indian Textile Industry" in category "Essay examples" (3) Power shortage-Textile mills are facing acute shortage of power. Supplies of coal are difficult to obtain and frequent cuts in electricity and load shedding affect the industry badly. This leads to loss of man hours, low production and loss in the mills. (4) Low productivity of labour: Low productivity is another major problem of cotton textile industry. On an verage an Indian factory worker only handles 380 spindles and 2 looms as compared to 1,500-2,000 spindles and 30 looms in Japan. If the productivity of an American worker is taken as 100, the corresponding figure for U. K. is 51 and for India only 13. Also industrial relations are not very good in the country. Strikes, layoffs, retrenchments are the common features of many cotton mills in the co untry. (5) Competition in foreign market: The Indian cotton textile goods are facing stiff competition in foreign markets from Taiwan, South Korea and Japan whose goods are cheaper and better in quality. It is really paradoxical that in a country where wages are low and cotton is internally available, production costs should be so high. While certain traditional buyers of Indian textile goods like Myanmar, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Aden etc. are facing severe balance of trade problem some European countries like France, Germany, U. K. and Austria etc. have imposed quota limitations over the Indian textile imports. Acute world recession has badly affected the export prospects. (6) Competition from the decentralized sector: An important factor for the rowing sickness of the mill sector is the growth of the decentralized sector. Being a small-scale sector, the Government allowed excise concessions and other privileges. These accompanied with low wages have led to low cost of production in the decentralized sector. 5 As a result of which the share of mill sector is decreasing, while the share of decentralized sector is increasing. So much so that the share of mill sector in the pro duction of cotton fabrics has gone down from 7. 9 per cent in 1994-95 (cf. power looms 69% and handlooms 21. 6%) to 4. 4per cent in 1999-2000 (cf. ower looms 76. 3% and handlooms 19. 3%). (7) Government controls and heavy excise duties: the cotton textile industry has greatly suffered due to wrong and faulty policies of the Government. In the past the Government has sought control of price, distribution of yarn, pattern of production, etc. At one time the price of the cloth was fixed by the Government below the cost of production. Similarly under the yarn distribution scheme of 1972, the Government made it obligatory on all mills to supply 50 per cent of the production of yarn to the decentralized sector at reduced rates. The high import duty on imported cotton, upward revision of the price of the indigenous cotton and heavy excise duty on cotton cloths are other detrimental factors. Another problem of the mill sector is related to the production of controlled cloths wherein mills are incurring huge loss. (8) Sick mills-In India about 130 cotton mills are sick and incurring constant losses. The Government has set up the National Textile Corporation (NTC) to run these sick mills. Although the government has invested huge money to rehabilitate and modernize these mills, but these mills are yet to become profitable. The NTC is facing dual problems of the obsolete machine, y and excess labour in these mills. According to a working group of the Planning Commission the industry needs Rs. 180. 55 crores for rehabilitation and Rs. 630 crores for the modernization of sick mills. The cotton textile industry of the country is thus facing both short-term and longterm problems. Former includes problems of high prices, shortage of raw materials, liquidity problems due to poor sales and accumulation of huge stocks due to poor demand in the market. The long term problems of the industry include the slow pace of modernization, outdated technology resulting into low productivity, high cost of production, low profitability and increasing sickness of mills. Other small problems are inadequate training facilities in textile sector, fragmented garment industry, structural weaknesses in weaving and processing, rigid labor laws, infrastructural bottlenecks in terms of power, utility, road transport etc 6 f) Steps taken by government till now The Government has undertaken a series of progressive measures like introduction of Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC), Technology Up gradation (sp) fund Scheme (TUFS), Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP), reduction in customs duty on import of state-of-the-art machinery, Debt Restructuring Scheme, setting up of Apparel Training and Design Centers (ATDCs), 100% Foreign Direct Investment in the textile sector under automatic route, setting up of National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) etc, for upgrading and strengthening the textile sector in India. From time to time, in consultation with all stakeholders, Government modifies these schemes so as to achieve better results through improved delivery of programs/schemes. These progressive measures have helped the textile sector to achieve improved growth in production; enhanced productivity and a larger share of textile export market in the world. (1) Technology Upgrading Fund Scheme To facilitate technological upgrading in the sector, the Government launched TUFS with effect from 1 April 1999 for five years initially, and which is extended up to 2011/12. The scheme provides for reimbursement of 5 per cent interest paid on term loans for technological upgrading of textile machinery. In this way, the Government has assisted the Indian textile companies by ensuring that they are not over-burdened by the high interest rate prevailing in the country. (2) Integrated textile parks scheme In order to a world-class infrastructure for textile units as well as facilitate the need for them to meet international social and environmental standards, this scheme envisages the creation of textile parks in the public-private partnership mode. Currently, 30 parks are in various stages of implementation, and 50 more are planned for the next five years. (3) Fiscal rationalization In the 2006 budget, the excise duty on all manmade fibers and yarns was reduced from 16 per cent to 8 per cent. The 2007 budget carried it forward by reducing the customs duty on polyester fibers and yarns from 10 per cent to 7. 5 per cent. The customs duty on polyester raw materials such as DMT, PTA and MEG were also reduced from 10 per cent to 7. 5 per cent. These measures are expected to make manmade fibers and yarn cheaper and thus increase the competitiveness of fabric and apparel manufacturers. 4) Technology Mission on Cotton In February 2000, the Government launched the Technology Mission on Cotton with the objective of addressing the issues of raising productivity, improving quality and reduction of contamination in cotton. Indeed, cotton 7 production in the past three years has increased substantially and contamination has been reduced, as assessed by independent agencies. (5) Other steps taken to increase competitiveness Earlier, only small-scale manufacturers were allowed to make woven RMG, knitted and hosiery products. While the initial aim was to boost employment opportunities and promote entrepreneurship at the smaller enterprise levels, in practice it rendered the small manufacturers uncompetitive globally. By 2003/04, the sector had been totally freed. In addition, FDI up to 100 per cent through the automatic route has now been allowed. So that textile industry will have higher amount of foreign investment. And new technology machinery can be used in India by foreign players which can cause local players also to use the new technology. g) Strategies for growth 1) Improving labour laws: One of the main requirements for growth in the apparel subsector is the relaxation/amendment of the labour laws, to ensure an equal chance of success for the country’s exporters and manufacturers in the present global environment. Outdated labour laws have induced inflexibility in the clothing industry, leading both to fragmented operations in order to circumvent these laws and to lost export orders due to industry’s hesitation over expanding when there is an upsurge. Most of the countries competing with India have labour laws that are more flexible. For example, the Chinese apparel industry has highly flexible labour laws that allow for lay-offs during the non-peak season, hiring of contract labour, and a flexible hiring and firing system in SEZ-based units. The Mexican apparel industry allows layoffs during the slack business season. The industry in India is proposing the provision of flexibility to textile exporting units in hiring labour, subject to ensuring 100 days employment to cater to variations in demand. An increase in daily working hours from 9 hours a day to 12 hours a day, and in weekly working hours from 48 hours a week to 60 hours a week, is also being proposed. 2) Decreasing transaction costs: Various studies have established that the transaction costs faced by the Indian industry are very high, which adversely affects its competitiveness. A study undertaken by the EXIM Bank of India clearly showed that although transaction costs in India had declined because of declining procedural complexities, they were still substantially higher if compared with competitors. Transaction costs vary from sector to sector, and are very high in the textiles and garment subsector, ranging from 3 per cent to 10 per cent of export revenue in 2002. These costs, inter alia, are shown in table 2. 3) Improving the general infrastructural conditions: This improvement includes roads, transportation etc. , so that the costs of reaching the nearest port as well as turnaround time at the port are globally comparable, to ensure that Indian exporters are not placed at a disadvantage vis-a-vis global competitors. 8 h) Conclusion Indian textile industry is a huge source of employment for both skilled and unskilled labor of India so it is very important industry as per economic perspective. This industry faces many problems some of which have been overcome thanks to government policies. But, still some problems are yet to be solved. Different strategies have to be implemented for that purpose. Large sections of the textile value-chain still need to be fully modernized, while the export sector has yet to take full advantage of its existing production strength. There are many areas around the world and many product lines where India is very weakly represented. Thus, while the private sector will need to continue its heavy investment in this industry during the next several years, building on the recent positive trends, India also needs to integrate more fully into the global textile and apparel value chain in order to reap the full benefits from its strengths. Only a coordinated effort by all – the Government, industry and individual units – can enable India to achieve its apparently high and stretched targets of the 12th FiveYear Plan. 9 i) References 1) Sharma Milan, â€Å"Textile Industry of India and Pakistan†, A. P. H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2006 2) Research paper: Organizational structure, communication and effectiveness in Textile industry (January, 2000) Authors: T Chandramohan Reddy and S Gayathri Journal: Indian Journal of Industrial Relations http://www. jstor. org/stable/27767666 ) Article: Indian Textile Industry by Dr. P Chellasamy and N Sumathi http://www. fibre2fashion. com/industry-article/market-research-industry-reports/indian-textileindustry/indian-textile-industry1. asp 4) Article: Indian textile and clothing sector poised for a leap by J. N. Singh http://www. unescap. org/tid/publication/tipub2500_pt1chap6. pdf 5) Article: Indian Textile and apparel sector : An analysis of aspects rela ted to domestic supply and Demand by Badri Narayan G http://www. unescap. org/tid/publication/tipub2500_pt1chap5. pdf 10 How to cite Indian Textile Industry, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

My name is Annie Chapman Ace Essay Example For Students

My name is Annie Chapman: Ace Essay My name is Annie Chapman and I am sixteen years old. I started my life in 1983, in Los Angeles, actually in a suburb called Culver City. From the hospital I moved into a house on Lucerne Ave with my father Alan Berftman, my mother Mary Lee Chapman, and my older brother by four years, Ace. I spent just short of ten years in that same house. While I lived in Culver City I attended a Spanish emersion elementary school called El Rinclon. There I learned to speak Spanish as a second language. A month before my tenth birthday my parents decided to move to the small town of Little Stone. They took ownership of an old hotel called the Winnemucckah. So into the Winnemucckah we moved. I began third grade at the local school called Oten Valley after Christmas break. After living in the big city I was amazed at how small Little Stone was compared to Los Angeles. After three years of living in the hotel my parents got a divorce. My father then moved back to Los Angeles with an old Army-buddy. Once my father left, my mother, brother, and I moved into a house only a block from the hotel. I was going into I think 7th grade at this time, and Ace was going to Youngton High School as a sophomore. The summer before 8th grade I decided to become a Christian. This was the most important decision Ill ever make and I made it made it because I believe. While in Junior High I participated in a lot of sports such as basketball, volleyball, and snowboarding. It was in these areas that I really got to know the three girls who would someday become my very best friends-Christine Grossman, Emily Whitman, and Robin Otanza; they all played sports with me and were also in my classes. In 8th grade Robin started to go to Youngton as a freshman, but our friendship remained. Ace graduated in 1996 from Youngton School. He went on to Loyola Marymount College for three weeks after which he dropped out and joined the Marine Corps. I was proud of Ace the whole time and while he was in the Marines our relationship grew form fighting siblings to respected friends. When I was a freshman I truly grew to love my brother. All throughout my freshman and sophomore years I continued to snowboard but stopped playing team sports due to a disease in my knees. I really found a love in snowboarding which I still have. When I snowboard I feel free and without any boundaries. I started to snowboard more than the usual once every other week. I would find ways to go on the weekend too, and whenever someone would drive me. It has become a passion of mine. Throughout high school Ive managed to remain friends with Christine and Emily. I had every class with them and would do things with them everyday after school was out. I  love spending time with them; its one of my favorite pastimes. Theyve supported me in such things as the Lions Club Speech Contest and 4-H and whatever else I would try to do. They are now more like my sisters because I see them everyday. This year Im going to a different school then two of my best friends which so far is really weird. I miss seeing them in every class and at lunch. Today was only my first day of school and they were both sitting on my couch before they even had to get up so they could see me off to Lone Pine. I plan on keeping these two friendships the rest of my life. Along with close friends, I have a close-knit family. I see my father about twice a month at least and the same with my grandma, especially now with my grandpa gone. I love to spend time with my aunts and their families. We always have a blast. My brother and I have maintained our close friendship and even with him overseas we talk a lot more than some of my friends who have their brothers in the house. Hes a great guy. .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 , .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .postImageUrl , .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 , .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856:hover , .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856:visited , .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856:active { border:0!important; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856:active , .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856 .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc5ec0cb66e572e0669133bb7e2412856:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Monasticism In The Middle Ages Argumentative EssayIn my sixteen years Ive been able to have some very memorable experiences such as traveling. I love to travel and so does my family. I remember that whenever my brother or I would have to write a report on a certain state the next summer our family would take a vacation to that state. When I was younger my family traveled all over the United States. When I was a freshman I was lucky enough to spend three months in Budapest, Hungary. What a life changing experience that was! I loved it! While in Europe I was able to travel to six other countries besides Hungary. Mostly when I took a bus from Budapest to London. Something Im sure Ill never forget. So now as a sixteen year old in little Stone, I feel that Ive gotten more that my fair share of the many tastes of the world. So far I love my life and all the places Ive been and all the things Ive done. If I had the choice, I wouldnt change my life for anything in the world. In my life some things have really stunk, I felt like a total punk. When hope was out of sight, I had a brother who stepped in to fight. I could be in the dumps, really canned, he would always lend a helping hand. He could be really close or not, I could still call him on the spot. Not only was he there for the bad days, but for the good ones, always, I cant say weve always been on the same track, but my brothers always got my back. I could be in any sort of jam some as thick as tar, still he would never be that far. We used to fight all  the time when we were young, then, well then I pierced my tongue. Thats when he went away, hes never even come back for like a day. Its okay now I dont mind, because my brother I can always find. I love him more then a lot things, and its not only because were siblings. Where ever he is I still see his face, hes my one and only brother, I love you Ace.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

United Utilities Competitor Analysis Essay Example

United Utilities Competitor Analysis Paper Competitor Analysis United Utilities is a British Utility company which owns and operates the water network mainly in the North West of England. It serves around seven million people in England and is considered to be the largest water listed company in the UK. The reason our group considers United Utilities as a major competitor to Severn Trent PLC is the competitiveness of the utility companies in the UK. Although United Utilities does not compete with Severn Trent PLC directly as Severn Trent PLC mainly serves areas around the Midlands of England and also certain regions of Wales. They remain close competitors as both companies strive to expand their market shares in their individual area where they mainly provide water. Both company also remain competitive in other non regulated services in different utility sectors such as waste water management, gas network and electricity sector. By assessing the share price movements between Severn Trent Plc and United Utilities which is shown in the plotted diagram, the movements shows the similarities of both companies throughout the study period. The first clear example would be the sudden increment of share price in between the November and December 2009 period. In this period, both companies share price increased almost at the same date and by the same amount. This is due to the released of sound set of interim financial results by both companies. Both companies recorded an increase of profit before tax which increased by 6% and 9. 8% for United Utilities and Severn Trent Plc respectively. After this period both companies did not show any significant changes in share prices and both companies share price movement remain closely similar till the starting period of February 2010 when both share a similar drop in share prices. We will write a custom essay sample on United Utilities Competitor Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on United Utilities Competitor Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on United Utilities Competitor Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This drop was not a result of any economic event but was due to the adverse weather occurring around UK which caused an increased in leakages and damages to both companies which in turn raises huge financial cost for the Utility industry. Other than these couple of events, both companies share price movement is almost identical. Reference Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia- Severn Trent http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Severn_Trent [Assessed 20/02/10] Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia- United Utilities http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/United_Utilities Assessed 20/02/10] United Utilities- About United Utilities-Where we operate-UK http://www. unitedutilities. com/UK. htm [Assessed 20/02/10] United Utilities- Investors Relations- Financial News- 2009 http://www. unitedutilities. com/financialnews-2009. htm [Assessed 20/02/10] Severn Trent- Investor Centre- Investor tools- Share Price Chart http://www. severn-trent. com/server. php? show=nav. 54 [Assessed 20/02/10] Severn Trent- Investor Centre- Announcements- 2009/2010 http://www. severn-trent. com/server. php? show=nav. 38 [Assessed 20/02/10]

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Crucible; Fear and Suspicion essays

The Crucible; Fear and Suspicion essays In the story of the Crucible, by Arthur Miller, he tells of Colonial times and some of the issues the colonists faced. His main focus, however, dealt with the mental and emotional flaws of the early American people. Throughout the story we see how fear and suspicion can take over a person, and cause them to act unusually and rashly. It is this concept that the author focused on when righting the play, the frailty and instability of the human mind. In the beginning of the play, we are quickly shown the issue at hand. The young girls and Tituba have been seen performing some sort of ritual. Reverend Parris catches them in the act, and immediately his mind is full of fear. Fear that if the people knew his daughter, one of the young girls, was part of this sinful act, he might be punished as well. The girls are also afraid, because if they are found out they too might face harsh punishment. It is this fear that causes Abigail to threaten Betty to stay quiet, saying I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you . . .. I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down! She is the first to show the evil effect fear can have on a person. The others began to show these signs as well, as they began there false accusations and cause even more chaos among the people. Suspicion then sets in and takes control of the citizens, which is what caused the many deaths and hangings of the Salem Witch Trails. Suspicion blocks all trust among the citizens, and they act irrationally, beginning the large amount of accusations made and deaths that occurred. The entire colony then falls into a state of chaos, everyone afraid of one another, each person suspecting the other of working for the Devil. The chaos continues, and it isnt until the end when Reverend Hale states, It is mistaken law that leads you to sacrifice. Life, woman, life is God's most precious gift...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Area of Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Area of Finance - Essay Example It encloses within itself a host of other sub entities which take care of the money markets, the investors, shareholders, bonds, capital markets, venture investments, stakeholders, financial regulations, credit ratings and debts, bullish and bearish trends, etc. Now what a financial manager could do is to understand the basics related with all these sub entities and then choose a particular area where he thinks he would be best suited to have an understanding of that very sub entity. At the same time, he must make an endeavor to learn about the other entities so that he comes to terms with the whole financial ball game and does not feel left behind whilst the comparison is raised of him with his financial fellows. In the end, it is important to state here that a person belonging to the finance fraternity must try his hand at anything which is financially related and try his best to gain an understanding of the different financial terms before proceeding any further. Finance is a vast sea of information and knowledge, which needs a lot of research and patience to have sheer understanding

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Logistics and supply chain mgnt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Logistics and supply chain mgnt - Essay Example extraction of raw material to the sale of the finished product to the ultimate customer, whilst taking into account organizational, technological and human factors in a integrated supply chain. The customer most times keeps limited inventory of the products he/she uses, as many of these products are perishable and prefers to purchase them frequently as and when required. As most of their demands are due to requirement at their end, purchase decisions may be influenced by the availability of product in the racks and this were the supply chain management comes into the picture. So, the vitality of the supply chain management for the running of the organization cannot be whisked away. The potential of integrated supply chain is considerable. For example, a global study conducted by the supply chain council demonstrated the potential for cost reduction between 3 and 6 percent of turnover (supply chain council). From the earlier centuries itself, production of goods useful for the humans is an ongoing process and organizations are organized to continue the ongoing process into complete and successful process. And, for the process to be a complete and successful one, the important link in the chain of the organization, which ‘joined’ all the process, is Supply Chain Management. And there are reasons why its utility is of recent origin and why is it important to the 21st Century philosophy of Logistics. SCM (Supply Chain Management) is considered a recent concept because in 1982 only, Keith Oliver of the strategy-consulting firm, Booz Allen Hamilton, first coined it. Keith Oliver through the course of an argument with the manager named Mr. Van t’Hoff coined the word â€Å"supply chain management†. And while coauthoring an article for financial times, he introduced the term to the world. The term ‘supply chain management† (SCM) could have easily disappeared into the history of business jargon. Instead, SCM rapidly passed into the public domain — a sure

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Role of America and the Great War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Role of America and the Great War - Essay Example The additional territories would provide the nations with additional raw materials thereby contribute to their wealth. However, the scramble for colonization led to conflicts among the nations as was evident between the Germans and the Britons in East Africa and the French and the Britons in West Africa among others. The growing conflicts enhanced the growing suspicion that the European nations had about each other thereby leading to the war. Militarism was yet another significant factor that led to the outbreak of the war. Militarism referred to the desire for the various European countries to arm themselves with lethal weapons of mass destruction. The European countries led by Germany entered an arms’ race at the beginning of the 20th century. Germany increased its funding for arms, and the country experienced the greatest increase in the soldierly build up. The same was the case in Britain, France and Russia. In both Russia and Germany, the military began to enjoy the great influence of the prevailing public opinion thanks to the rise of authoritarian leaders who were eager for war. With the rapid growth of the military in numerous countries, the countries began agitating for war with the view to testing their military might a feature that led to war since the countries were aggressive and domineered towards each other. The rise of nationalism further enhanced the agitation and aggressive interaction among countries at the beginning of the 20th century thereby contributing to the breakout of the First World War. Nationalism just as the name suggests refers to a political ideology that enhances people to develop a strong attachment to their nations. As the countries militarized and developed their economies, so did patriotism and a sense of belonging developed in citizens of various European countries. The rise of nationalism led to the rise of a number of young people who were willing to join their domestic armies to fight for their countries. The culmination of nationalism that led to the war was the push by the Slavic people living in Herzegovina and Bosnia to quit Austria-Hungary and join Serbia.  Ã‚  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Objective Of Kentucky Fried Chicken Engineering Essay

Objective Of Kentucky Fried Chicken Engineering Essay Objective of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) have two objectives are stated objective and implied objective. First objectives in the stated objective are product development. In this objective the KFC do the increase variety on menu, introduce desert menu and introduce buffet to restaurants. Second objectives from the stated objective is introduction on the Neighborhood Program with menu items target African Americans in major cities with the items of greens, macaroni and cheese, peach cobbler and red beans and rise. Besides that, menu items targeting Hispanics in major cities with the items of fried plantains, flan and tress leeches. Others objectives is implementation on non-traditional units including the shopping mall food courts, universities, hospitals, airports, stadiums, amusement parks, office building and mobile units. After that, in this objectives want to increase profitability of KFC through the reduced overhead costs, increased efficiencies, improved customer service, cleaner restaurants, faster and friendlier service and continued high quality products. Also have to resolve franchise problems in the United States. In implied objectives have four objectives. First objective is expansion of international operations to provide the increased percentage of overall sales growth and increased percentages of profit growth. Also want to increased expansion of franchises into Mexico. The next objective is expansion of franchise operation beyond Central America, continued promotion of healthier image through removal of the world fried from the name and to improve menu selection of rotisserie. Industry analysis is important to unusual for a firm in a troubled industry to perform well. The economic structure of an industry is not an accident. It is complexities are the result of long term social trends and economic forces. But its effects to the business manager are immediate because it determines the competitive rules and strategies to use. Five forces that are widely use to assess the structure of any industry. The five forces are the bargaining power of supplier, bargaining power of the buyers, threat of new entrants, threat of substitute and rivalry among competitors. The strength of the five forces determines the profit potential in an industry by influencing the price, costs and required investment of business it is the element of return on investment. Stronger forces are associated with a more challenging business environment. In the first forces is bargaining power of suppliers thats means any business requires inputs such as labor, parts, raw, materials and services. The cost of inputs can have a significant effect to companys profitability. Whether the strength of suppliers represent a weak or string force thing on the amount or bargaining can exert and ultimately on how can influence the terms and conditions of transaction in their favor. Besides thats, to reducing the bargaining power of suppliers are reduce inventory costs by providing just in time delivers, enhance the value of goods and services supplied use of information about customer needs and preferences and speed the adoption of new technologies. Second forces is bargaining power of buyers thats the power of buyers describe the effect that the customers have on the profitability of the business. The transaction between the seller and the buyer creates value for both parties. Buyers have more power when the industry has many small companies supplying the product and buyers are few and large. After that the customers have access to and are able to evaluate market information. To reducing the bargaining power of buyers are increasing their loyalty to the business through partnerships or loyalty programs, selling directly to customers, or increasing the inherent or perceived value of a product by adding features or banding. The next forces of the industry are threat of new entrants thats means the new entrants is the possibility that new firms will enter the industry. New entrants bring a desire to gain market share and often have significant resources. Analyzing the threat of new entrants involves examining the barriers to entry and the expected reactions of existing firms to new competitors. These barriers protect the companies already in business by being a hurdle to those trying to enter the market. Entry barriers are unique for each industry and situation, and a change over time. The threat of new entrants is greatest when the processes are not protected by regulations or patents and competitors may be scared away when the learning curve is steep, competitors will be attracted to an industry where the production process is easily learned. The threat of substitutes is forces of industry. Be aware that substitute products can come in many shape and size, and do not always come from traditional competitors. Products from one business can be replaced by products from another. Substitute products are those that can fulfill a similar need to the one product fills. Substitutes are a greater threat when the products does not offer any real benefit compared to other products. After that, it is easy for customers to switch. Means thats a grocer can easily switch from paper to plastic bags for its customers, but bottler may have to reconfigure its equipment and retains its workers if it switches from aluminum cans to plastic bottles. To reducing the threat of substitutes is using tactics such as staying closely in tune with customer preference and differentiating the product by branding. The last forces are rivalry among competitors. Competition is the foundation of the free enterprise system yet with small business even a little competition goes a long way. Because company in an industry is mutually dependent, actions by one company usually invite competitive retaliation. Rivalry among competitors is often the strongest of the five competitive forces, but can vary widely among industries. If the competitive force is weak, companies may be able to raise prices, provide fewer products for the price, and earn more profits. The most intense rivalries occur when one firm or a small number of firms have incentive to try and become the market leader or when the market is growing slowly or shrinking. To reducing the threat of rivals is employing a variety of tactics. To minimize price competition, distinguish the products from the competitors by innovating or improving features. WHAT IS KFC KFC Corporation founded and also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky. KFC has been a brand and operating segment, called a concept, of Yum! Brands since 1997 when that company was spun off from PepsiCo as Tricon Global Restaurants Inc. The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952, through the idea of KFCs fried chicken actually goes back to 1930. The company adopted the abbreviated form of its name in 1991. Starting in April 2007, the company began using its original name, Kentucky Fried Chicken, fir its signage, packaging and advertisement in the United State as part of a new corporate rebranding program, newer and remodeled restaurants will have the new logo and name while older stores will continue to use the 1980s signage. Since its inception, KFC has evolved through several different organizational changes. These changes were brought about due to the changes of ownership that followed since Colonel Sanders first sold KFC in 1964. In 1964, KFC was sold a small group of inventors that eventually took it public. Heublein, Inc, purchased KFC in 1971 and was highly involved in the day to day operations. R.J. Reynolds then acquired Heublein in 1982. R.J. took a more laid back approach and allowed business as usual at KFC. Finally, in 1986, KFC was acquired by PepsiCo, which was trying to grow is quick serve restaurant segment. PepsiCo presently runs Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC. The PepsiCo management style and corporate culture was significantly different from that of KFC. By the end of 1994, KFC was operating 4 258 restaurants in 68 foreign countries. KFC is the largest chicken restaurant and the third largest quick service chain in the world. Due to market saturation in the United States, international expansion will be critical to increased profitability and growth. The companies of KFC have more than 36 000 locations around the world. The company is ranked number 239 on the Fortune 500 list, with revenues in excess on $11 billion in 2008. Every day, more than 12 million customers are served at KFC restaurants in 109 countries and territories around the world. The companies of KFC more than 15 000 units around the world. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. A SWOT analysis must first with defining a desired end state or objective. A SWOT analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. Strategic Planning, including SWOT and SCAN analysis, has been the subject of much research. After that, in SWOT analysis have the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The strengths are attributes of the person or company that are helpful to achieving the objectives. The weaknesses are attributes of the person or company that are harmful to achieving the objectives. After that, the opportunities means external conditions that are helpful to achieving the objectives and the last is threats means that external conditions which could do damage to the objectives. In the strength have the lack of secondary trading such as sukuk flexibility of the Syariah, Syariah Supervision, advantages of religious preposition, less use of money for speculative purpose, divine sources, Islamic rating agencies, morale and commitment to serve, huge amount of saving, innovative aspect, location wise and geographically, transparency, justice and fairness, according standards, quality of service, legal and regulatory framework and information system. After that, the weaknesses have are lack of standardization, reverse engineering of conventional product, there are differences in theory and practice, lack of Islamic gedging mechanism, no fixed obligations, unresolved fiqh issue, small percentage of profit loss sharing product, lack of qualified personnel, time or season factors, disadvantages of proposition, divergence of Shariah opinion and lack of Shariah compliant investment avenue. The opportunities have the technological advances, Islamic is a complete solution, the growth of socially responsible investing, faith based customer, large potential ahead in retail, corporate and investment banking, potential relating to sukuk, better customer relations, serving for all potential specific sectors, potential in fund management and provide innovative product. The last is threats have the global financial crisis, economic uncertainty in global market, market demand, shortage of recourses, lack of sustainable financial backing, intense competition from the conventional institutions, paucity of 100% Syariah compliant solution, liquidity and monetary management, a lot legislation is required, lack of awareness and understanding of Islamic financial product and sophisticated conventional financial system. CALCULATION KFC NAB ALL ORDINARIES DATE ADJ CLOSE RETURN ks-k bars (ks-k bars)2 1 1/6/2003 3.5 2 1/13/2003 3.6 -0.012234456 -0.011218519 0.0001258552 3 1/20/2003 3.78 -0.021189299 -0.020173361 0.0004069645 4 1/27/2003 3.62 0.018783229 0.019799167 0.0003920070 5 2/5/2003 3.52 0.012165907 0.013181845 0.0001737610 6 2/10/2003 3.46 0.007466565 0.008482502 0.0000719528 7 2/17/2003 3.12 0.044921505 0.045937442 0.0021102486 8 2/24/2003 3.5 -0.04991345 -0.048897513 0.0023909667 9 3/3/2003 3.5 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 10 3/10/2003 3.46 0.004991946 0.006007883 0.0000360947 11 3/17/2003 3.4 0.007597182 0.008613119 0.0000741858 12 3/24/2003 3.46 -0.007597182 -0.006581244 0.0000433128 13 3/31/2003 3.42 0.005049993 0.00606593 0.0000367955 14 4/7/2003 3.46 -0.005049993 -0.004034055 0.0000162736 15 4/14/2003 3.42 0.005049993 0.00606593 0.0000367955 16 4/21/2003 3.5 -0.010041938 -0.009026001 0.0000814687 17 4/28/2003 3.5 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 18 5/5/2003 3.5 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 19 5/12/2003 3.48 0.0024888 0.003504738 0.0000122832 20 5/19/2003 3.48 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 21 5/26/2003 3.48 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 22 6/2/2003 3.5 -0.0024888 -0.001472863 0.0000021693 23 6/9/2003 3.66 -0.019413041 -0.018397103 0.0003384534 24 6/16/2003 3.66 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 25 6/23/2003 3.6 0.007178585 0.008194522 0.0000671502 26 6/30/2003 3.56 0.004852503 0.005868441 0.0000344386 27 7/7/2003 3.8 -0.028333599 -0.027317661 0.0007462546 28 7/14/2003 3.76 0.004595752 0.005611689 0.0000314911 29 7/21/2003 3.86 -0.01139946 -0.010383522 0.0001078175 30 7/28/2003 3.94 -0.008908917 -0.007892979 0.0000622991 31 8/4/2003 4 -0.00656377 -0.005547832 0.0000307784 32 8/11/2003 3.98 0.002176919 0.003192857 0.0000101943 33 8/18/2003 4.38 -0.041591038 -0.040575101 0.0016463388 34 8/25/2003 4.48 -0.009803903 -0.008787966 0.0000772283 35 9/1/2003 4.44 0.003895044 0.004910982 0.0000241177 36 9/8/2003 4.46 -0.001951889 -0.000935951 0.0000008760 37 9/15/2003 4.2 0.026085568 0.027101506 0.0007344916 38 9/22/2003 4.28 -0.008194479 -0.007178541 0.0000515314 39 9/29/2003 4.22 0.006131318 0.007147256 0.0000510833 40 10/6/2003 4.26 -0.004097148 -0.00308121 0.0000094939 41 10/13/2003 4.46 -0.01992526 -0.018909322 0.0003575625 42 10/20/2003 4.64 -0.017183122 -0.016167184 0.0002613778 43 10/27/2003 4.84 -0.018327381 -0.017311443 0.0002996861 44 11/3/2003 4.8 0.003604124 0.004620062 0.0000213450 45 11/10/2003 4.5 0.028028724 0.029044661 0.0008435924 46 11/17/2003 4.44 0.005829544 0.006845481 0.0000468606 47 11/24/2003 4.36 0.007896481 0.008912419 0.0000794312 48 12/1/2003 4.3 0.006018034 0.007033971 0.0000494768 49 12/8/2003 4.26 0.004058856 0.005074794 0.0000257535 50 12/15/2003 4.28 -0.00203417 -0.001018232 0.0000010368 51 12/22/2003 4.26 0.00203417 0.003050108 0.0000093032 52 12/29/2003 4.24 0.002043743 0.00305968 0.0000093616 53 1/5/2004 4.3 -0.006102599 -0.005086661 0.0000258741 54 1/12/2004 4.62 -0.03117352 -0.030157582 0.0009094798 55 1/19/2004 4.66 -0.003743941 -0.002728003 0.0000074420 56 1/26/2004 4.6 0.005628085 0.006644023 0.0000441430 57 2/4/2004 4.62 -0.001884144 -0.000868206 0.0000007538 58 2/9/2004 4.38 0.023167865 0.024183803 0.0005848563 59 2/16/2004 4.36 0.001987621 0.003003559 0.0000090214 60 2/24/2004 4.48 -0.011791525 -0.010775587 0.0001161133 61 3/1/2004 4.42 0.005855745 0.006871682 0.0000472200 62 3/8/2004 4.44 -0.001960701 -0.000944763 0.0000008926 63 3/15/2004 4.3 0.013914515 0.014930452 0.0002229184 64 3/22/2004 4.3 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 65 3/29/2004 4.3 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 66 4/5/2004 4.5 -0.019744058 -0.01872812 0.0003507425 67 4/12/2004 4.68 -0.017033339 -0.016017402 0.0002565572 68 4/19/2004 4.6 0.007488021 0.008503959 0.0000723173 69 4/26/2004 3.78 0.085266032 0.08628197 0.0074445783 70 5/3/2004 3.74 0.004620198 0.005636135 0.0000317660 71 5/10/2004 3.72 0.002328662 0.0033446 0.0000111863 72 5/17/2004 3.56 0.019092942 0.02010888 0.0004043670 73 5/24/2004 3.74 -0.021421604 -0.020405667 0.0004163912 74 5/31/2004 3.7 0.004669878 0.005685816 0.0000323285 75 6/7/2004 3.68 0.002353905 0.003369843 0.0000113558 76 6/14/2004 3.58 0.011964792 0.01298073 0.0001684993 77 6/21/2004 3.44 0.017324584 0.018340522 0.0003363747 78 6/28/2004 3.24 0.026013432 0.02702937 0.0007305868 79 7/5/2004 3.18 0.00811789 0.009133828 0.0000834268 80 7/12/2004 3.32 -0.018710964 -0.017695026 0.0003131139 81 7/19/2004 3.3 0.002624144 0.003640082 0.0000132502 82 7/26/2004 3.2 0.013363962 0.014379899 0.0002067815 83 8/2/2004 3.22 -0.002705893 -0.001689956 0.0000028560 84 8/9/2004 3.2 0.002705893 0.003721831 0.0000138520 85 8/16/2004 3.12 0.010995384 0.012011322 0.0001442719 86 8/23/2004 3 0.017033339 0.018049277 0.0003257764 87 8/30/2004 3.14 -0.019808393 -0.018792456 0.0003531564 88 9/6/2004 3.14 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 89 9/13/2004 3.16 -0.002757435 -0.001741497 0.0000030328 90 9/20/2004 3.34 -0.024059384 -0.023043446 0.0005310004 91 9/27/2004 3.3 0.005232527 0.006248465 0.0000390433 92 10/4/2004 3.34 -0.005232527 -0.004216589 0.0000177796 93 10/11/2004 3.42 -0.010279639 -0.009263702 0.0000858162 94 10/18/2004 3.36 0.007686829 0.008702766 0.0000757381 95 10/25/2004 3.4 -0.00513964 -0.004123702 0.0000170049 96 11/1/2004 3.48 -0.010100327 -0.009084389 0.0000825261 97 11/8/2004 3.48 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 98 11/15/2004 3.54 -0.007424018 -0.00640808 0.0000410635 99 11/22/2004 3.5 0.004935218 0.005951155 0.0000354163 100 12/6/2004 3.5 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 101 12/13/2004 3.44 0.007509602 0.008525539 0.0000726848 102 12/20/2004 3.5 -0.007509602 -0.006493664 0.0000421677 103 12/27/2004 3.52 -0.002474619 -0.001458681 0.0000021278 104 1/3/2005 3.58 -0.007340363 -0.006324425 0.0000399984 105 1/10/2005 3.8 -0.02590057 -0.024884632 0.0006192449 106 1/17/2005 3.9 -0.01128101 -0.010265073 0.0001053717 107 1/24/2005 3.8 0.01128101 0.012296948 0.0001512149 108 1/31/2005 3.82 -0.002279766 -0.001263829 0.0000015973 109 2/7/2005 3.8 0.002279766 0.003295704 0.0000108617 110 2/14/2005 3.8 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 111 2/21/2005 3.84 -0.004547628 -0.00353169 0.0000124728 112 2/28/2005 3.88 -0.004500501 -0.003484564 0.0000121422 113 3/7/2005 3.86 0.002244421 0.003260359 0.0000106299 114 3/14/2005 3.82 0.004523942 0.005539879 0.0000306903 115 3/21/2005 3.8 0.002279766 0.003295704 0.0000108617 116 3/28/2005 3.8 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 117 4/4/2005 3.74 0.006911994 0.007927932 0.0000628521 118 4/11/2005 3.7 0.004669878 0.005685816 0.0000323285 119 4/18/2005 3.74 -0.004669878 -0.00365394 0.0000133513 120 4/25/2005 3.76 -0.002316243 -0.001300305 0.0000016908 121 5/3/2005 3.68 0.009340026 0.010355964 0.0001072460 122 5/9/2005 3.7 -0.002353905 -0.001337968 0.0000017902 123 5/16/2005 3.68 0.002353905 0.003369843 0.0000113558 124 5/24/2005 3.58 0.011964792 0.01298073 0.0001684993 125 5/30/2005 3.52 0.007340363 0.008356301 0.0000698278 126 6/6/2005 3.32 0.02540458 0.026420517 0.0006980437 127 6/13/2005 3.22 0.013282212 0.01429815 0.0002044371 128 6/20/2005 3.32 -0.013282212 -0.012266274 0.0001504615 129 6/27/2005 3.28 0.00526424 0.006280178 0.0000394406 130 7/4/2005 3.46 -0.023202255 -0.022186317 0.0004922327 131 7/11/2005 3.3 0.020562159 0.021578097 0.0004656143 132 7/18/2005 3.32 -0.002624144 -0.001608206 0.0000025863 133 7/25/2005 3.3 0.002624144 0.003640082 0.0000132502 134 8/1/2005 3.3 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 135 8/8/2005 3.62 -0.040194631 -0.039178693 0.0015349700 136 8/15/2005 3.6 0.00240607 0.003422007 0.0000117101 137 8/22/2005 3.6 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 138 8/29/2005 3.5 0.012234456 0.013250394 0.0001755729 139 9/5/2005 3.5 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 140 9/12/2005 3.46 0.004991946 0.006007883 0.0000360947 141 9/19/2005 3.64 -0.022025285 -0.021009347 0.0004413927 142 9/26/2005 3.6 0.004798883 0.005814821 0.0000338121 143 10/3/2005 3.62 -0.00240607 -0.001390132 0.0000019325 144 10/10/2005 3.72 -0.011834369 -0.010818432 0.0001170385 145 10/17/2005 3.72 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 146 10/24/2005 3.68 0.004695121 0.005711059 0.0000326162 147 10/31/2005 3.72 -0.004695121 -0.003679183 0.0000135364 148 11/7/2005 3.7 0.002341216 0.003357154 0.0000112705 149 11/14/2005 3.74 -0.004669878 -0.00365394 0.0000133513 150 11/21/2005 3.74 0 0.001015938 0.0000010321 151 11/28/2005 3.72 0.002328662 0.0033446 0.0000111863 152 12/5/2005 3.76 -0.004644905 -0.003628967 0.0000131694 153 12/12/2005 3.72 0.004644905 0.005660843 0.0000320451 154 12/19/2005 3.74 -0.002328662 -0.001312725 0.0000017232 155 12/26/2005 3.82 -0.009191761 -0.008175823 0.0000668441 156 1/3/2006 4.1 -0.030720494 -0.029704556 0.0008823607 157 1/9/2006 4.12 -0.002113359 -0.001097422 0.0000012043 158 1/16/2006 4.02 0.010671163 0.011687101 0.0001365883 159 1/23/2006 3.94 0.008729831 0.009745769 0.0000949800 160 2/6/2006 4.16 -0.023597109 -0.022581171 0.0005099093 161 2/13/2006 4.14 0.00209299 0.003108927 0.0000096654 162 2/20/2006 4.04 0.010618976 0.011634914 0.0001353712 163 2/27/2006 3.98 0.006498293 0.007514231 0.0000564637 164 3/6/2006 4.04 -0.006498293 -0.005482355 0.0000300562 165 3/13/2006 3.88 0.01754964 0.018565577 0.0003446807 166 3/20/2006 3.8 0.009048129 0.010064067 0.0001012854 167 3/27/2006 3.82 -0.002279766 -0.001263829 0.0000015973 168 4/3/2006 3.78 0.004571563 0.005587501 0.0000312202 169 4/10/2006 3.8 -0.002291797 -0.001275859 0.0000016278 170 4/17/2006 4.32 -0.05570015 -0.054684212 0.0029903631 171 4/24/2006 4.22 0.010171296 0.011187234 0.0001251542 172 5/2/2006 4.1 0.012528594 0.013544532<

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Epic of Gilgamesh Essays: Themes of Gilgamesh :: Epic Gilgamesh essays

Themes of the Epic of Gilgamesh  Ã‚   Many themes are incorporated into the story line of Gilgamesh. These include three very important concepts: death is inevitable, immortality is unachievable, and friendship is a necessity. One of the main themes in the epic is that death is inevitable, which is shown through Enkidu's death. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh becomes very worried, because he realizes for the first time that everyone is going to die at some point in time. The fact that Enkidu is a close friend makes it even more visible to Gilgamesh that everyone is mortal. Then, along with this realization, comes the theme of denial. Gilgamesh does not want to accept the fact that he will die.   He denies the truth, because he does not want to think about the truth or cope with the tragedy that has struck him. "And he-he does not lift his head. 'I touched his heart, it does not beat'" (Tablet VIII, Column II, 15-16). "'Me! Will I too not die like Enkidu? Sorrow was come into my belly. I fear death; I roam over the hills. I will seize the road; quickly I will go to the house of Utnapishtim, offspring of Ubaratutu. I approach the entrance of the mountain at night. Lions I see, and I am terrified. I lift my head to pray to the mood god Sin: For...a dream I go to the gods in prayer: ...preserve me!'" (Tablet IX, Column I, 3-12). The theme of death being inevitable leads to another theme, similar to the first. This is that immortality is unachievable, shown through similar examples as the first theme. Gilgamesh realizes that immortality is not obtainable after his quest for it. He discovers that the quest was pointless, because he will die regardless of the steps to prevent his death in the future. "'Never has a mortal man done that, Gilgamesh'"   (Tablet IX, Column III, 8). "'The fate of mankind overtook him... In fear of death I roam the wilderness...Me, shall I not lie down like him, never again to move?'" (Tablet X, Column II, 3, 8, 13-14). "'From the beginning, there is no permanence'"   (Tablet X, Column VI, 32).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Culture and Culturally Competent Counselors Essay

Being Culturally Competent Letitia Batton Walden University Being Culturally Competent Counselors should have a sense of compassion and respect for people who are culturally different. As a social worker, it is easy to make diagnosis based on verbal and non-verbal presentation of our clients. Hays (2008) stated there are many factors to assess which include race, class, family structure, culture, relationships, religion, and generational/cultural influences. Based on the case study of Mrs. Hudson her externalizing behaviors may stem from an underlying anxiety disorder. It seems that her attacks are not medical in nature that is why she was referred by her primary doctor. She just recently started having these attacks and they happen out of the home and when she has to interact with others. Her assessment reveals that she is presently considered middle class, attended church prior to attacks, family oriented, and educated. Some potential concerns could be her daughter’s illness and past issues with her father that never got closure. Haitian culture relies on spiritual healing more so than Americanized tradition and this may be a big step for Mrs. Hudson (Pierce & Elisme, 2001). Counselors must be trained and competent when implementing diagnosis with culturally diverse clients. (Sue, 2008). DSM-IV provides counselors a tool to evaluate client’s cultural context (Hays, 2008). This process helps counselor’s assess their client’s background, cultural explanation of their issues, client’s environment, relationships, and overall cultural assessment to diagnosis and treatment (APA, 2002). Researchers have argued that the DSM-IV does not accurately represent all minorities (APA, 2002). It is important that counselors understand the family structure in order to provide the most accurate assessment information possible. Unfortunately, counselors are not immune to stereotypes. Beliefs in stereotypes, whether conscious or not, may lead to incorrect diagnosis and misunderstandings between the clinician and the client (Hays, 2008). These beliefs may stem from television or news reports. If believed, they may cause counselor to incorrectly interpret the diagnosis. When this happens the client may become offended and end counseling. Counselors should have knowledge of their own general views, as well as specific knowledge about diverse client’s issues (Sue, 2008). Diversity in family structure should also be taken into consideration when formulating goals and assessing treatment success or failure (APA, 2002). Counselors also attempt to understand the cultural values of each client to gain feelings of trust. Some issues with culturally competent assessments is that it is not race specific and whether existing instruments measure the correct attributes, based on different cultures (Hays, 2008). Diversity plays a role in many aspects of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. Clarity in these three characteristics may allow counselors to better assist families from diverse backgrounds and that will bring about better treatment outcomes (APA, 2002). Counselors should have an attitude of cultural humility in knowing their limits of knowledge and skills in rendering diagnosis with certainty than reinforcing stereotypes and generalizations (Sue, 2008). While guidelines exist for conducting a culturally competent assessment, few of these guidelines provide the link between the information gathered, the initial decision making, and the development of the treatment plan (APA, 2008).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Removal of Indians essays

Removal of Indians essays In the early 1800's, the colonists in the United States were on the move, and the country was expanding westward. This left little land for the Native Americans to live on. By 1839, thirteen thousand Cherokees were driven into Indian Territory (later Oklahoma), in what became known as the Trail of Tears. There were principal arguments made for the removal of the Cherokee Indians. According to Discovering the American Past, I can see one man that delivered these principal arguments: Andrew Jackson. In this paper, I will discuss the principal arguments given by Jackson, for the removal of the Cherokee. Andrew Jackson once wrote that Cherokees have neither the intelligence, the industry, the moral habits, nor the desire of improvement... in their condition. This quote automatically led me to believe that Jackson was totally for the removal of the Indians. Jackson was the president during the time of the removal of the Cherokee. He made his first annual message to Congress on December 8, 1829. In this address, he gave some reasons for the Indian removal. According to Jackson, the whites had been trying to convert the Indians from their savage ways. Some of the Southern Indian tribes were trying to create an independent government, inside Georgia and Alabama. These states extended their laws over the Indians, which caused the latter to call upon the United States for protection. The Constitution states that no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State, without the consent of its legislature. Jackson said that if this holds to be true, then a foreign, independent government could definitely not establish itself there. Jackson believed that in moving the Indians, it would be beneficial for them to move to the Indian Territory. He stated that each tribe would have distinct control over the portion designated for their use. They could have their own...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Most Current Changes in GCSE English Syllabus to Keep in Mind

The Most Current Changes in GCSE English Syllabus to Keep in Mind The Most Current Changes in GCSE English Syllabus to Keep in Mind Wondering what the fuss around GCSE 2015 changes is all about? Sit comfortably and prepare to read an article as we’re going to explain all the new features for you. Why do you need to take the trouble at all? Well, if you are a student planning to pass GCSE English, pay attention because these changes will have a great effect on both exam process and grading (in case you worry about your results). 1.   New Grading System The most notable change is transfer from A-C marks to 1-9 points with 1 being the lowest, and 9 – the highest. Moreover, the Department of Education limited the number of people who can get the best card to 20% of those who receive 7 and higher. So, if you counted on the top score, you’ll have to press harder. What does it mean for you? Nobody can predict the exact results, but the teachers are worried that the students will get worse grades because of the variation (for example, you could do fine and receive a C while, right now, your â€Å"fine† will be also graded as â€Å"worse fine† (4) or â€Å"better fine† (5). 2.   Only New Texts for Reading Comprehension The easy life has ended. Now during the examination you will get only texts that you haven’t seen before because the purpose of the test is to evaluate you reading comprehension skills, not a good memory of info your teacher told you about the excerpt you previously had analysed. 3.   More and Longer Exams Enjoyed a one-time, two-hour test? Prepare to miss it as according to the new implementations there will be 2 exams, two-hour long each. But the silver lining is that you will get more time on reading and writing tasks ☠º 4.   No Counting of Speaking and Listening Speaking and listening were counted before into the overall grade. But after the changes they will be assessed separately without having any impact on the final result. Generally, students do better at speaking and listening than at other tests, thus, improving the grade. But now, in GCSE near the main score, there will be just â€Å"Pass†, â€Å"Merit† or â€Å"Distinction† (evaluation markers for speaking and listening) that won’t be taken into account. 5.   Taking Exams Only Once There won’t be any controlled assessments or courseworks during the preparation course. There will be only one evaluation session at the end that will fully rely on the exam results. Yeah, it implies that you will have to go above and beyond to do your best because you have only one chance (in an epic case scenario, in real life you can just start all over again and take another exam). See? These are major changes that have been totally worth your 5 minutes to read this article. In case you’re asking yourself why all this is happening, we have a theory that the Department of Education wants to raise the standards in order to make students more competitive on the internal as well as international job market. But we’ll see what comes out of it. Good luck!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business report of Barclays in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business report of Barclays in India - Essay Example Barclays Bank became a major player in the retail banking industry in India shortly before the economic crisis wherein credit policy was loose and tempting for consumers. This study details the strategies used by Barclays Bank with the purpose of investigating whether these strategies are sustainable or whether they need further enhancement or policy decisions for improvement. Methods used for analysis are evaluation of environmental analysis of factors affecting Barclays’ operation in India. Using the PEST and Porters 5 forces of competitive analysis, study is able to view external factors that act as barriers for the operation of the bank. Likewise, the study looked at the sustainability factors that are internal to the operations of the bank and is able to infer the strengths and weakness in its operations. Result of analysis could be used as benchmark information for future plans of the bank. Introduction Barclays bank targeted the under-served population of India in its e ntry to the retail banking system of the country. Barclays believe that the â€Å"unbanked† sector is a great potential for marketing its innovative banking products. Since this is a great challenge for Barclays Bank, it is worth investigating if this strategy has been sustainable. In this report, the strategic approaches taken by Barclays Bank to enter the retail banking system of India will be analyzed and criticized. The industry life cycle and the theory of Porters five forces will be used to better understand the industry context in which the bank operates. The value chain and the competitive position of the bank will also be examined in order to arrive at a decision on whether to carry on with the operations or what needs to be developed some more. 1. Analysis of the environment 1.1. Life cycle of the banking industry in India An industry life cycle has been defined as a period of time from the introduction of an industry to its decline and stagnation. Typically, an ind ustry life cycle is described in the illustration below: The industry life cycle is depicted as a period where the industry has a beginning, followed by the growth, maturity and final phase of decline. (Financial Dictionary) Relating this to the industry life cycle of the Indian banking industry, records show that the banking industry in India is already in existence for about 200 years, but it has been subjected to various reforms. Before the nationalization of its banks took place in July 1955, banks in India were held by the private sector that was characterized by weaknesses, lack of capitalization and systemic deficiencies. Banking system at that time ignored the credit requirements of the agricultural and other needy sectors. Growth in the Indian banking system started when the government nationalized the State Bank of India, followed by nationalization of SBI subsidiaries in 1955, 14 major banks in 1969 and nationalization of 7 other banks with deposits over 500 crores in 198 0 (India, Finance & Investment Guide). The third wave of changes in India occurred in 1991 when the government allowed entry of new foreign entities to join the banking industry. 1.2 PEST Analysis Political. The bank sector of India is governed by the Reserve Bank of India. It is the sole agency that issues banking licenses, devising guidelines and regulations, specifies lending rates, reserve and liquidity ratios to commercial banks (Banks in India) The

Friday, November 1, 2019

Thoreau Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Thoreau - Essay Example mountain the value of thoughtfulness and the capacity to see, feel, and listen to every other species under the intrinsic occurrences of trouble and living. Based on this, eventually, thinking like a mountain is acknowledging the fact that nature possesses its own approach of finding a way to live and coexist with other creatures. To think like a mountain is to recognize the necessity for equilibrium in the sense that even if predation takes place in the wild, the accumulated chances of having escaped a predator cancel out with the odds of falling prey or not yielding sufficient natural resources which may lead to starvation or death. So, no matter for instance how brutish wolves could become according to the number of animal or human lives claimed from the population of the living, still the function or role of these beasts serves an indispensable contributing factor able to maintain ecological balance despite bearing potential risks at anytime. Certainly, every sincere environmentalist would be more than willing to behave in thought as such mountain does for the desired goal of conserving mother nature. Thus, an environment lover who acquires inclination to adapt to the insight of sustaining equilibrium for the advantage of the greater majority, regardless of considering which organisms may generate hazards, ascertains the core of nature and the kind of supplication that would rightfully fill in the needs thereof being perceived as a whole in a system of life whose parts complement and satisfy each other. Personally, I agree to thinking about life and nature in a similar manner. Knowing what a mountain is like, I could imagine myself in the position of a stationary witness to the flesh of evolution and each breathtaking event from which to comprehend how one form of life manages with a mode of survival or ability to communicate or interrelate with the rest of creation. Likewise, Henry David Thoreau would not in any way dispute such notion of ‘thinking like a

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advantages of Breastfeeding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Advantages of Breastfeeding - Research Paper Example The World Health Organization, health care unions, and government health organizations confirm the logical confirmation of the obvious advantage of human milk as well as the risks associated with artificial milk products. The WHO along with the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that mothers exclusively breastfeed their newborns al least for the initial six months, and carry on for at least two and a half years. Human milk gives best advantages for babies, together with premature, as well as sick infants. Human milk is only one of its kinds. Advanced nutrients as well as useful substances are present in human milk that cannot be replaced. â€Å"Breastfeeding offers best physical condition, nutritional, immunologic and developmental benefits to newborns as well as protection from postpartum complications and future disease for mothers† (Sears, p. 190). Breast milk is the most comprehensive type of nourishment for newborns. Experts have indicated, â€Å"It has just the exa ct amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein that is needed for a baby's growth and development† (American Academy of Pediatrics, p. 301). Most newborns find it convenient to digest breast milk as compared to formula-feed. As a result, breastfed babies grow precisely the way they are supposed to. They are likely to gain less extra weight and to be leaner. This may result in staying away from being overweight during the teenage years or even after that. Breast milk has antibodies in it to help defend newborns from germs and viruses. Latest researches on this topic revel that children who are not exclusively breastfed for at least six months are more expected to develop a wide range of contagious diseases together with ear infections, diarrhea, and respiratory illnesses (American Academy of Pediatrics, p. 301) and have additional hospitalizations. In addition, babies who are not breastfed have a 19 percent higher post neonatal newborn death rate in the United States. A number of studies imply that babies who are not breastfed have increasing rates of ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ (SIDS) (Newman, p. 320-23) during the initial year of life, and higher rates of â€Å"type 1 and type 2 diabetes, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, overweight and obesity, high cholesterol and asthma† (Newman, p. 323). For children, breastfeeding sustains best growth and defends against severe and chronic sickness. For mothers, breastfeeding assists with improvement from pregnancy as well as from childbirth and gives lifetime health benefits. For society, breastfeeding offers a variety of financial as well as environmental rewards. Breast milk is a remarkable substance that cannot be replaced by some artificial means. Matchless in its composition and function, breast milk has a perfect balance of nutrition that the newborn can digest without difficulty. It changes eventually, and even d the course of a day, to meet the varying requirements of the growing b aby. It has substances vital for best development of the infant’s intellect, with effects on both cognitive as well as visual function. It provides growth factors that ‘join to mature the infant gut’. It gives the newborn with immune factors made to fight allergens as well as diseases particular to the mother’s and newborn’s atmosphere (Hausman, p. 192). Advantages for Children In particular, experts have identified that breastfeeding provides benefits for children no other alternative of feeding can duplicate. The advantages of breastfeeding start from the initial moments following childbirth and last for a number of years once breastfeeding stops. In comparison

Monday, October 28, 2019

Female Drill Sergeant Essay Example for Free

Female Drill Sergeant Essay Drill sergeant (DS) refers to the term that is used in United States military by the army, marine corps and air force. Becoming a drill sergeant can be through volunteering or by selection. The minimum status for attaining this state can only be at the rank of staff sergeant. Once a selected candidate, he/she should attend the Drill Sergeant School where he/she undergoes training on various aspects of the drill sergeant position. The historical start up of drill sergeant was in 1962. This followed a directive by the secretary of the army to his secretary who was Stephen Ailes to prompt a survey conduct of the recruiting process of the army corps. This survey took some long time and included surveys from the Air Force, Marine and the Navy training techniques. Various faults were found in the recruitment process and thus led to the position of the drill sergeant. The basic distinguishing feature for the drill sergeants was their hats. (http://www. jackson. army. mil/DSS/headgear. htm) However, since its inception in 1962, the position was not held by a female until 1972 where female drill sergeants were pronounced recruited and even given different hats than those held by their male counterparts. The design of their hat was done by Mildered C. Bailey who was a brigadier general. Beige was the first female drill sergeant hat though it was later replaced with one of dark green in 1983. Between 1984 and 1985, a proposal was made for an official switch by the female drill sergeants in having the same hat to what was owned by the male drill sergeants. On the same point, a larger group of female drill sergeants who were at TRAining and DOctrine Command (TRADOC) unit leveraged great opposition to the proposal. It was reciprocated by the Army Chief of Staff that the female drill sergeants were to continue in wearing the same female drill sergeant hats that they used to wear. The female drill sergeant started in the late of 1971 when the continental army commandant received an official approval as permission from the army chief of staff to propagate inclusion of females in the drill sergeant state program. Starting in the February of 1972, the program saw promotion of six female non-commissioned officers in the program. They underwent thorough training after which they were given the mandate of their positions as female drill sergeants. In the United States, the female drill sergeant refers to a non-commissioned officer within the armed forces. She has the duty of participating in the initiation of the recruitment process of new recruits who enters the military. In the recruitment process the sergeant is supposed to follow the legal provisions and jurisdictions of the practices and customs of the military forces. The inclusion of the female drill sergeants in the army since 1971 was a significance factor that helped in shaping the nature of the army. Equality was signified after breaking the traditions that ignored females in the position of drill sergeants. (http://www. armystudyguide. com/content/Drill_Sergeant_Resources/drill_sergeant_information/female-campaign-hat. shtml) Like the male drill sergeants, a female drill sergeant is usually held responsible in the behavior, military education and warfare of the army recruits assigned to her. She is therefore supposed to provide full support during the initial period of the training process. They are paused with various responsibilities of ensuring physical training, weapons training and the military discipline. Their service delivery and the protocols to follow while at their service delivery is guided by the drill sergeant creed which they should follow. Generally, this is a guiding formula towards their capacities. The three levels of the army, that is the marine, air force and army have different sets of such a creed though their intention is made to serve and secure almost the same set of guidelines for the female drill sergeants. Conceptually, female drill sergeants at the three levels of the military army are also subject to different duties and different training requirements. Due to the different requirements of these military professional levels the training needs and the roles of the female drill sergeant has been different. However, the general role across the board for all levels for these female drill sergeants has been to monitor the training process of the new recruits and guiding of such training needs. (http://www. wood. army. mil/mncoa/dss/history. htm) Since the provision of female drill sergeants in 1971, the position of female drill sergeants have been legally constituted and especially with the growing demand for army professionals. However, the position has always been competitively bided and requires both physical and academic competencies. The number of the current female drill sergeants has been seen to increasingly expand and giving more opportunity for the female participation in the position. The currently changing social structures and need for human security has endorsed a credited place for the female drill sergeant. The current military environment has even mandated her with supervisory and command powers at her capacity for those she is training. Therefore, historical provision that allowed only male drill sergeants was disregarded in 1971 after visualizing the productive capacity that women could play in the military. Elsewhere, the growing demand of equal employment opportunity was significant for this change. Currently, female drill sergeants continue to enjoy equal opportunities like their male colleagues in their position. Reference History of Drill Sergeant. Retrieved on 25th August 2008 from http://www. wood. army. mil/mncoa/dss/history. htm Female Drill Sergeant Campaign Hat. Retrieved on 25th August 2008 from http://www. armystudyguide. com/content/Drill_Sergeant_Resources/drill_sergeant_information/female-campaign-hat. shtml Drill Sergeant School. Retrieved on 25th August 2008 from http://www. jackson. army. mil/DSS/headgear. htm